Aaron p

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Everything posted by Aaron p

  1. @Heart of Space interesting mate^ @Dylan Page I would add to this...beware of any kind of consistent drug use especially ESPECIALLY marijuana...do you smoke weed?
  2. I've heard that the synchronizations exponentially accelerate until it literally produces miraculous outcomes
  3. ...nobody acknowledging the fact that awakening makes you immortal?
  4. Yo, if you have a big ass shadow it doesn't matter how nice you try to be...you'll manifest evil. You gotta do consciousness work. Meditation, contemplation, yoga, inquiry, psyc retreats
  5. I've noticed that I'm really starting to value people more ♥️♥️
  6. Spiritual journey is the hardest journey in the world, until you realise what the real spiritual journey looks like, then it becomes the easiest journey in the world...and just gets easier and easier haha. Laughably easy, like cheating haha
  7. There's a lot of bullshit in the realm of spiritual abilities...I'd personally just say, focus on waking up first. And after you become infinite, immortal, and awakened to a considerable degree, you'll have your spiritual abilities. They come as a by-product of being a God
  8. @Ellenier @Ellenier the first positive thing is the fact that you aren't one of these people who are like "ahhh yes I have found the no-needle, I am emptiness and I have found the emptiness therefore let me not search anymore." It's important to note that when that *actually* happens you will become instantly immortal. The Lord has been speaking to me recently about allowing him to meditate *for* me. There are always two different kinds of spirituality, human spirituality, and REAL spirituality and lots of variety of degrees and levels and mixtures of authenticity in between both. You should know that the self enquiry that you started with SHOULD NOT be the self enquiry that you practise after 5 or 10 years. It changes and you should allow it to change. The most important part is your heart behind it, keep your motives authentic and never give up. Allow yourself to realise that self enquiry is actually bullshit until it is transformed into the REAL kind of spiritual self enquiry. This ONLY happens in direct experience. Comes to a point where you let go of your practice to delve into REAL practice which comes about intuitively. This kind is more powerful and less difficult in my opinion. Letting go. Notice, "letting go" is not something you can *do* its like having sex with a girl...you can set up the situation over and over again, but only when the magic (love) is *actually* there can you make love. And you just have to wait on it and pursue it
  9. @vikisss1 i was gonna object to your post title but I seen that you are also saying that it doesn't always lower awareness but actually might even increase awareness. I mean, complex and difficult video games are what pushed my mind to think independently and in extreme measures of creativity. I cant really talk though because I don't know what awareness is haha, no clue whatsoever. It'll take more DMT trips. I think video games boost overall mind power though. However they can be bad, releasing dopamine alllllll the time and 12 year olds spending 4 hours every single day on Minecraft, C.S go and fortnight. It releases the same chemical that gambling releases, making it addictive.
  10. ... fulfilment of all mankind, understand everything, become immortal, live in a nirvanic reality of divinity and perpetual bliss. You literally go to heaven
  11. @WaveInTheOcean niceeeeeee I really liked that trip report. I wish I had some spiritual friends in rl who were legit and not fake spiritualists, some people I could smoke DMT in a loving setting with. I'll be mixing MDMA and DMT soon myself, I've got some MD ordered. Although mate, Molly lasts 3-6 hours, you should do like...4 or 5 breakthrough doses while your feeling the euphoria of md. That's what I'm gonna do, squeeze the juice out of it
  12. It's not too complicated just go with your instinct, allow your the details of your practice and visualization to be naturally tweaked, don't be too rigid. Rigidness isint good. Let your nature guide you, visualize strong pathways of energy. Lean into the feeling of it
  13. @OBEler aye mate, and ther always needs to be care taken when mixing compounds. I always make sure to research combo's well before attempting to take them
  14. I'm Irish, we drink all the time haha. Although I don't drink a mad amount
  15. @Nak Khid don't know, doesn't work very well. Strangely though, it worked well when I smoked hcl. I have 10mg that I'm gonna smoke of hcl, different batch. I'm very tempted to order a small amount of hcl 5meo if it proves to be more powerful as it was before. I went to a realm of bliss when I smoked hcl before. Heavy heavy bliss weighing on my face and arms, I couldn't lift my arms or open my mouth the bliss was so heavy. But when I smoked 40mg of that freebase 5meo I got from a Joe Rogan darknet vendor, I just wasn't impressed at all. I didn't see God. Not even close. Gonna try hcl
  16. @OBEler you mean mixing 5meo and NN? Ive heard of people doing that a breakthrough dose of both compounds in the same pipe...
  17. I think...if I'd have to define what I think wisdom is I would say, the ability to connect things psychologically with patience and impartiality. One can have great knowledge, great memory, and still not be wise. Would it be fair to say that someone becomes wise inevitably if he consistently has increasing knowledge. Or is love a more important factor. Love being the removal of boundaries (simplicity) the opposite of knowledge. That's better than saying "wisdom is nothing" haha. I don't know what that means. Although, it does seem like those who have less (closer to nothing) in their minds are generally wiser. Does that mean, though, that a rock is then wiser than leo?
  18. @Calmness I have both at the moment, it just sucks how visually warping they are. Very distracting. I want to master DMT. Ketamine is a very powerful one for me also, but it's a very addictive antidepressant. I'm thinking of getting some 4-Ho-MET, lighter, 40 minute trip when smoked, similar to shrooms apparently