Aaron p

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Everything posted by Aaron p

  1. Aye and watch out...if your plugging method is wrong (unlikely but still possible) and your upping and upping the dose, and then one day you adjust your method and absorb a full 45mg dose, that would be insane. (Assuming the plugging method isint absorbing all of your product the way you currently do it)
  2. Oh sorry I them didn't understand the question haha
  3. Be aware that there are other Dynamics at play with 5meo and plugging. Here are some Dynamics and variables - you could have a weak/bad batch (compare batches) - your product might not be very soluble (doesn't dissolve easily) which would hinder plugging attempts. - you could be plugging with slightly incorrect technique, in a bad seated position for example. I had a weird batch of this stuff called crystal isolate ??? and I just assumed, hey, all 5meo must be similar...nope, that stuff was shit. Then when I *smoked* some hcl I blasted off.
  4. For me, in a powerful psyc trip, there is no difference between "beauty and wonder" and "pain and sadness." I am fully both
  5. @John Doe it's only 20 minutes bro, you'll come back. Smoke it if you want, 60 seconds the trip will last
  6. @Dazgwny dedicate yourself to obtaining a large amount of 5meo. Do everything in your power to obtain this substance and get a load of it ? psychedelics are the most important, and 5meo is the most important psyc. If you could imagine two possibilities of the future for yourself, one has 5meo, one does not. The one who does not have it, will NEVER awaken to the same degree as the version of your future self who has got 5meo. There are ways to do it legally. The path to awakening is like a marathon, 5meo is like an F1 racing car that you use instead of using your legs lolol ?
  7. I think it feels like your more pretending to suffer. Mooji said this one time, with a cinema screen is displaying an image of water, is the screen itself wet? Or when the movie is projecting fire, is the screen burned? ...
  8. HAHAHAHA, Leo's a smart motherfucker let me tell you that. Jesus. He just answered all of existence because he was bored HAHA
  9. @Space aye, I think smoking hcl would probably cause more nausea lol. I'll get some standard freebase. I've got a few cheap test orders on the way from a few 5meo vendors. If the little test package comes I'm gonna get a little amount of 5meo, test it, smoke it... And if it's good, get a shitton of it???
  10. Haha oh my fucking god, I thought I was done for...turns out my 5meo was dog shit lol (at least for me, for me smoking hcl works way better)...just had my first taste of real 5meo in a while, fuckin A' ...let's just say, can't wait till my next 5meo retreat lol. For whatever reason this crystal isolate stuff I was smoking wasn't working for me...I thought, hmm there's obviously something wrong with *me* but I had 15 mg of hcl from a different batch so I thought, fuck it, smoked her up...and WAW. (I also did a DMT trip right before hand that was incredible....like.........Mind shattering, Reality destroying, amazing haha). I'd experienced heaven before, and I went straight back with this 5meo trip. Lovely lovely lovely. Superrrrrrr happyyyyyy????? I thought I was gonna have to do this work without 5meo ? nope ? it works Has anyone ever encountered a problem with this before? I'm of course still aware that the batch of 5meo that I got might have just been crap, but I highly doubt it...the reviews from numerous other people were that it was an amazing batch. ...perhaps I just need to try smoking hcl more.... I have to say, I'm extremely happy...this is the best news for me ever...now I know that 5meo does infact work for me, and extremely fucking well lol. Can't wait to get some more hcl and smoke that bitch lol. (Picture kinda describes what I seen during trip lol) Now I'm excited for a real 5meo retreat ?
  11. @Space that...is fuckin class (<In northern Ireland thats a saying that's very common, it's like saying thats awesome). Man, the vibrations are brilliant...it makes you feel like your gonna vomit tho to haha haha? But the bliss is *sooooooooo* heavy, weighing down on me, my face, my arms...I can't move, or don't want to move. Bliss is the reality in that place. ? Pure. Amazing Man, I am so humbled by this whole experience, it's fucken awesome. I just can't wait to get more 5meo and progress towards enlightenment wayyyyyyyy faster ♥️
  12. Haha ... Actually literally nothing, fuck. Yoooo I need to order myself more 5meo haha. Jesus. I had a really challenging DMT trip 2 days ago, had sort of divine heavenly music playing in my ears and I smoked a big bit of DMT and WOOSH everything magnified and turned into ULTRA HD blue digital pixils/tiles and massive chunks of reality where just getting ripped out with this amazing spectacle to behold. I remember shouting after it was over "wow"..."WOW......"*.W.O.W.**** really loud. Unfortunately the majority of my trip I was locked in a room with my *being* being ripped and destroyed and obliterated for 10 minutes haha. I knew it would purify me lots. After, I thought "fuck it" and smoked up 15mg of 5meo hcl (the batch that was good) unfortunately that was all I had left so I'm gonna have to order more. At that point I was translated into realms of bliss where overwhelleming euphoria permeates perpetually through your entire body and reality. Heaven. Lol. I can't WAIT to get moreeeee ?
  13. These people tend to have massive inward psychological suffering...
  14. @Leo Gura hey dude... There's a link between autoimmune disorder and psychosis... definitely something there, my intuition is telling me
  15. @Member aw man, when I was on the grass...I had so much anxiety and I could barely trip. Wasn't good. Thankfully I'm off almost all drugs except psycs and cbd. Feeling way better
  16. @Leo Gura yeah I dont know what the fuck it was...I'm gonna order a handful of different batches of regular freebase and hcl to see and I'll report lol. I felt so terrible that I was gonna be the only one that 5meo didn't work for haha. Thank fuck
  17. @Leo Gura i got a batch of hcl 5meo and a different batch of crystal isolate (freebase i think) 5meo from a different vendor... The crystal isolate freebase was so weird and strange... definitely had psychedelic-like experience but very strange experiences indeed. Sometimes nothing happened. But this hcl version I got agessss ago, ive smoked it twice and both times I've noticed WAYYYYYYYY more power. I even theorise that plugging might work for me. I think The only reason plugging it didn't work for me before (the hcl that was powerful when smoked) was because of the resilient insolubility of the hcl 5meo I got (which was also another problem I seen others having). Another point to make...I notice that it's extremely common that (good) 5meo often makes the person have sensations of sickness and throwing up. With the second batch (crystal isolate) I had no sick feelings and had very little power in the trips...with the 10-15mg of the old hcl batch I had from before...it provided me with a significantly more powerful experience and feelings of sickness/wanting to throw up...which is good! My plan is to shop around online and get some small amounts of 5meo and test each...to get a reliable vendor. Or...who knows, that crystal isolate might have been fine...it could just be that hcl is more for me. I do not know. But I will know! I'm going to order multiple batches to gain a bearing on what I'm meant to be experiencing
  18. @OBEler im gonna try plugging with some more hcl of a different batch. Gonna smoke some of the hcl first to make sure it's the same as the stuff I smoked today then plug it
  19. When raising the eyes towards third eye I always have trouble but I just wear an eye mask to take care of eye twitching for example
  20. Focus on crown chakra consistently or sensation of thumb and index finger touching
  21. True bro^@Member But psycs do heal. Finding a way to use them is very powerful... probably *the* most powerful tool for healing we have. It's true that psycs can make you feel anxious and temporarily worsen your anxiety, but perhaps a low dose of shrooms (1 gram dried) or a low dose of lsd (look into trip killers also, they've been reportedly able to just stop trips in their tracks). Only thing is LSD lasts 12 fucken hours haha. At least with DMT if you have a bad trip you'll be back in 20 mins. Don't use DMT if your on anti-depressants...that's lethal I think lol. Don't you worry child, see heavens gotta plan for you??
  22. @Dylan Page hey man, just know this...that existential pain (greatest suffering in the world when I had it) makes for INCREDIBLE fuel for awakening... You should do what I did, dedicate yourself to the discovery/path. Do it legit. Even on this website, actual awakening is very very rare. Become one of the few to actually become immortal God♥️ do not believe you are God. Do not disbelieve you are God either. Practices practices practices. Kriya yoga, self enquiry, concentration, contemplation, investigation. You've clearly got something up with your mind...you could be psychotic. Truth is, I don't know why you have existential anxiety. But one thing I know...healing is available if your willing to do the practices. Most people here don't focus on the practices and don't take it seriously... And the only thing I have to say is, if your condition is making your life Impossible to live happily, then the only logical choice is to dedicate yourself to the path of healing. The actual version. Sacrafice your entire life and you will save your life ??? Matthew 16:25 (NLT, Bible) "If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it." Nobody will understand when you try to explain this to them by the way. They wont. Get yourself some psychedelics my friend, and use them with care and power. They are the real workers of magic. ♥️ Anxiety was massive for me, I know very much what it's like. Also, doctors won't help you. Practices (and psycs) will help u. Test your psycs before consumption. You do not know what awaits you post awakening. I'm not awake yet, but I know what is awaiting my intuitively. I feel it's bliss stalking me. Heaven. Nirvana. BLISS ????? everlasting life. Unending love. Entering the divine dimensions
  23. Be real, you don't have to pretend with this stuff... The power comes when you realise that this shit isint pretend. Focus on what is legit/real
  24. I have great doubt that your aren't in control of these "episodes", have you been using powerful psychedelics?.. DMT...? If not then don't talk about your ego freaking out hhahaha