Aaron p

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Everything posted by Aaron p

  1. @Nahm isn't it that nobody is enlightened and that the key is to become nobody lol
  2. You'd wanna do at least an hour a day. I like self enquiry and concentration. Full kriya yoga is said to be good, and I can see that it's very powerful in it's practitioners, but I really find it difficult. Although you defo won't get enlightened if you don't use psycs. 5meo is ideal
  3. My intuition has been telling me to use chanting recently. I guess I find it interesting.
  4. @outlandish niceeeeee @OBEler hey man, don't forget Leo says there is a threshold where the ego struggles most...and that it's not at high doses but at low doses. I know that every time I do around 15mg (smoked) all I experience is pure Bliss heaven realms. But recently I smoked an estimated 7mg and I...kinda freaked out. I really like outlandish's post there about how he relaxed and doesn't jitter. I note I took from the 7mg trip was not to sit up and try to think and move around too much. I have a feeling that pushing through the "low dose" threshold area can actually reduce fear. Pushing through and leaning in ♥️ I've also found that different batches of 5meo can perform slightly differently. No doubt it can vary slightly in potency also. I've got another different batch of 5meo coming in soon...going to compare the two. I'm also going to try plugging with good pharmaceutical grade, soluble 5meo soon enough. Very excited
  5. @BipolarGrowth ..just do loads of consciousness stuff. 5meo, yoga, inquiry, contemplation ♥️
  6. @BipolarGrowth ...you depressed homes?
  7. @lmfao i find the same thing. I also find that my eyes start to twitch if I raise them upwards. However Ive found that it's far easier if I wear an eye mask (sleeping one). I just concentrate on sahasrara crown. I've recently found it extremely hard to meditate but know that I will eventually restore my full practise when I get some more 5meo. I've established a new vendor who I can get good 5meo from. And his stuff is really soluble so I'll also be able to plug ?
  8. It's not unheard of to find natural urges to shake when you smoke [or plug] some 5meo. Vibration. Put it like this, those guys can definitely control the shaking of their body's. I think it's just group think and imitation
  9. @Nahm yeah man, I guess it's just dependant upon how much you want to fix. We'll 5meo will be the means by which I will create the life I want
  10. What bro? @Nahm ill definitely be taking it again. I'll not be touching that weird "crystal isolate" stuff again. That was just really crap stuff. 5meo is going to be single most important part of my path, likely, for the next 5 years
  11. Lol... Oh...becoming Immortal is 100% realistic. Or at least realising that you were never a mortal being in the first place. But *TRULY* realising this...this is not just possible, it is to be expected! That is what happens when you awaken deeply. Perhaps the desire to become awakened and immortal is ego driven, but I don't think this is a problem. I theorise that the ego must be strengthened before it is destroyed. Or at least the *identification* with the ego is destroyed. I definitely have "becoming Immortal" as one of my top reasons for pursuing awakening myself like
  12. @Eren Eeager no you don't. You want your disorders removed and your mind healed. You want a mind that doesn't cause you anxiety and depression. You want to be normal, healed and happy. You need hardcore practices every day. Choose one or more from these I'd say: self enquiry, kriya yoga (concentration), mantra meditation. You'll also need hardcore contemplation going on. And most importantly, multiple hard hitting 5meo retreats with multiple breakthroughs and deep awakenings. Your disorders will not be removed by "bending backwards" haha sorry Also, the tightness in your chest isint what's causing your psychological disorders, you psychological disorders are most likely causing anxiety, which is most likely causing there to be tightness in your chest. I had my time dancing with serious anxiety stretched out over YEARS and YEARS, nobody understands how much it affects you. Constant torture. The biggest thing for me was the *choice*. Fight or flight. Try to escape it or make the choice to defeat it no matter the cost. Also you probably might not actually have multiple disorders you could just be psychotic (I was). Then from this can stem many different effects. PS: be aware that smoking weed increases anxiety. Any kind of regular drug use (legal or illegal) should be inspected. I wish you all the luck in the world bro♥️
  13. @JosephKnecht yes man, gotta watch the heart rate tho. It's safe enough I *think* (do your own research). But yes, DMT while on 120mg of high purity Dutch MDMA is WOW. I mean, it's basically regular DMT except the MDMA mixes and synergizes with the DMT and both amplify each other. Increasing euphoria, DMT breakthrough, ground breaking stuff my friend ♥️ I'd find it incredibly unlikely to have a bad trip whatsoever while on MD ? watch out tho, md is highly additictive
  14. MDMA+DMT = ? ohhhhh lordy lordy lol?
  15. @OBEler Haha stevo, what a fucking gangster? he's sober now, no bad drugs anymore. He also meditates now ????????????????? literally a fucking madman tho init ? @OBEler
  16. Lol, yeah because if the psychedelic is just imagination then why do I have to dose correctly. If everything is imagination, why have to use psychedelics at all? Why not just choose to become enlightened. What confuses me (at the stage I'm at, before I consume a fuck-load of 5meo lol) are the certain ramifications of there being no difference between mind and matter. Why can't Leo just choose to manifest something if all is imagination anyway. Or why couldn't he heal himself with his thoughts. Those are questions that have me scratching my head. However I still know because if my intuition being SOOOOOO strong, that leo is right. But these questions intrigue me...confuse me.....
  17. @OBEler Obeler my friendddd, hope your well ??♥️ I'm gonna save that link and use it if I successfully smoke 10mg of this new batch of 5meo I have coming in. If it's the real deal, and it's soluble, I'll be sure to plug according to this link. Saved the link there. I'm also a lazy motherfucker, so I'm gona just copy and paste all that text into this site https://www.naturalreaders.com/online/ which reads it to you out loud instead hahaha, so cool ? Could you send me that link to the special kind of needleless syringe, the one that leaves no residue in the chamber after administration thanks buddy
  18. Yessssss, I'm considering getting super accurate 0.001g scales. I've ordered...some..amount of 5meo from this vendor who seems legit. If...i mean, when ? the stuff comes ??, I might just go ahead and buy myself some brilliant scales. My 10mg scoop had so much shit inside it and started to go black. Also, how do I know it's really 10mg? Considering each batch of 5meo may have varying degrees of density etc. The degrees of variation are of course predictably miniscule (2mg/3mg) but consider, with a variation of +3mg per scoop, and 3 scoops (30mg) the dosage would actually be 39mg... Not good. Need accuracy ???