Aaron p

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Everything posted by Aaron p

  1. @OBEler your batch of 5meo is probably just one of the disphoric confusing batches. Bro. Each batch I have tried has been different each time. I got 3 different batches. First batch was extremely weak, confusing. No power at all even though everyone was giving it amazing reviews?? It looked the part. Second batch was wayyyy more powerful, but extremely twisted hellish and disphoric. Third batch was amazing, pure, clear, clean, HEAVEN. I'm currently waiting for my dopamine levels to restabilize to remove any anxiety before I hit up a 27mg trip plugged. Then go for 30, possibly 35/40. I don't think I could do a breakthrough dose with the disphoric one though. That would be a biggggggg bigger hindrance to my progress
  2. @OBEler have you tried combining MDMA and 5meo to push past the fear? This is definitely something I might consider in the future. Of course research would need to be done to see if it's safe or not. But I know that when I combined DMT (which can be an extremely extremely scary substance) and MDMA, I had no fear at all. I'm aware I only did that once, but regarding overcoming fear, I reckon MDMA might have something to offer. Gotta watch the heart rate though
  3. Sorry I meant to say dissolving it in water
  4. I bought "35mg" of 5meo, it came and I weighed it on my brand new precision mg scales...it came to as 180mg so i was confused. I already tested the scales, it's highly unlikely that they're wrong... Then I weighed out 20mg according to the scales (it looked like a tiny amount, what I would have visually estimated to be more around 5mg or so (see picture). I plugged it and SUCCESS! FINALLY. Fuck sake haha. I can plug! Awesome. Studied plugging and administered carefully and accurately. Trip was weak (what I expected). Experienced slight nausea. Going to research antinausea methods and use that for tomorrow when I'll try a 40mg according to the scales. The dosage looked like 5mg and felt like 5mg, but the scales are super accurate... ...the only thing I can think of that might make sense of this is that there is *35mg's worth* of pure 5meo in the batch. Could it be the potency? Anyway, I don't care I'm just going to slowly increase my dosage until I experience God...or until..... God.. experiences God. I reckon I took 5mg... Logically though, I could also deduct that, because the "180mg" was listen as "35mg" I could say that it's possible that 50mg is actually 10mg (since 180÷3.5 is about 50). The trip today was certainly veryyyyy weak. I might just weigh out 50mg (10mg) then 75mg (15mg) then 100mg (20mg) [image removed]
  5. @Kalki Avatar is it better to get your shit together first or go for enlightenment first...well instantly i's recognise that it will be different for different people. i believe that someone who has a massive, dysfunctional shadow that is making their life a living hell then enlightenment is what that person should go for first. seeing as the shadow [in this instance] is what is stopping such person from "getting their shit together". by the way bro, it seems like your equating "enlightenment" with self neglect. the whole idea that an enlightened person needs to be a loner and have no friends or be poor, is simply religious dogma. with powerful techniques you do not need such self neglect. look at leo, hes literally a millionaire. this is what i'd recommend. when you finish your yoga and your self enquiry, and after you have a reality shattering 5meo trip, go out to a club, get drunk and fuck some bitches. then when you come home, do more yoga and self enquiry. there is lots of dogma here
  6. If a tree falls in the Forrest and there's nobody there to hear it fall, does it make a sound? The answer is no. Because the only thing in all of existence that makes sound, is ears. This is a very well known philosophical idea. One that I believe is true. The tree creates vibration, but the only point at which *sound* specifically comes into existence is when vibration is interpreted and ultimately *created* from an interpretation of vibration, in your hear drum. You are creating the sound. Everything is like this. Use this to contemplate. In a night time dream it feels like your walking around discovering things, but your actually creating them. To have "perception" is to literally create everything in real time. 5meo is powerful at revealing this. I have only grasped this conceptually so far, for the most part. Something I look forward to actualizing with the help of 5
  7. @seeking_brilliance buy me dinner first lol
  8. @cobalto interesting
  9. @sponge well the first batch of (really powerful, pure, blissful) 5meo was HCL, however it was also unfortunately very insoluble. So it wouldn't dissolve in the vinegar no matter what. And what was even more unfortunate was the fact that the second batch of [different] 5meo was soluble, but incredibly weak and not at all like regular 5meo. So I've ordered some of the stuff that was good before, except I've ordered freebase this time in the hope that it's more soluble than his hcl I like getting freebase and dissolving it in vinegar. Leo says that freebase is more potent than hcl I think. Hmm interesting, how long does it take to kick in?
  10. Found out why plugging wasn't working. Each batch of 5meo is different. Some is dog shit. Some is powerful but disphoric, some is insoluble (won't work for plugging). I've ordered a batch of high purity, powerful, blissful, soluble freebase 5meo. Each batch has been different so far
  11. As of late all of my attempts to administer 5meo any way other than vaping have not been successful. I tried injecting 10mg in each nostril of 5meo dissolved in vinegar...nothing. as a last ditch attempt to try administer it any other way I did 30mg 5meo freebase dissolved in vinegar up the butt. I thought, I may as well play with the variables incase it's one of those. So I chose a different seating angle, used a good bit more vinegar and injected it shallowly AND deeply (moved the syringe about during administration. Annndddddd............ Nothing ??? I may have to just settle with vaping this amazing substance. Does anyone else have this problem? (With regards to the trip duration, I was thinking...even though I'll be using a lot more product, I could do 2 vaped trips at a time to extend the trip duration to mimic that of a rectally administered trip...ofcourse being careful to re-dose after the first trip is over) Would there be a problem with the type of vinegar? Any last minute advice anyone would care to give?
  12. @cobalto its just chemistry. Each chemical that a person manufacters will be unique regarding exact percentage of each "sub-chemical" within the substance itself. So we all might be saying "5meo" but what one person has learned "5meo" to be, could be completely different to what you or I have experienced "5meo" to be. I know for sure that not all 5meo is the same, and the effects take do vary. This is an important note to consider.
  13. Ok so this is something I've found out that apparently nobody else realizes here...or at least nobody else talks about. Depending on how *your* batch of 5meo is made...the effects will vary. I theorise that 5meo can be extremely "disphoric", confusing and very disorienting when slightly impure. I've had two different batches of 5meo and I can tell intuitively which one is purer. If your not experiencing full body orgasms or something like that (pure Bliss and ultimate Euphoria) then your specific batch of 5meo may be impure. Try a different batch If I were to look into the past and give myself one piece of advice concerning finding my life purpose, I would say this, "what service or product would you provide for free for people?" This eliminates the monetary aspect and with deep authenticity you can find out with this question. For me, I would help people who have massive shadows, making their lives shit. Tell them about consciousness work as a means to reduce suffering measurably. What would you do for free...? Shadow shadow shadow. Get yourself some pure 5meo brother Shadow. How to remove shadow: kriyga yoga, meditation, inquiry, *pure* 5meo (bliss) as opposed to 5meo that isint amazingly pure. Shadow fucks up your life. Consciousness work fucks up your shadow. Just get better at beating your shadows ass to a pulp. @khalifa
  14. @khalifa bro can I ask you one question...do you experience a full body orgasm or anything like that when you consume 5meo?
  15. Well I've had experience with 2 different batches of "5-MeO" that we're what I would consider "powerful" enough to be considered 5meo. They feel similar but the second batch felt much more confusing, much more mind bendy and not as blissful. Luckily I have 500mg of the really awesome, blissful batch I had before, ordered. However this is concerning because many others will not have the chance to try different batches and may get a batch that is scarier than a pure form of 5meo and think that that is what normal 5meo feels like. Let's just say, I'd be much happier with a breakthrough dose from the batch that I've experienced first (the batch I've ordered more from now, waiting currently :p). Much much more comfortable. Different features and slightly different Dynamics with different batches
  16. Has anyone noticed that different batches of 5meo have noticably differing effects? I've had 3 different batches of 5meo and the differences have been absolutely instrumental. From experiencing literally nothing (with shit 5meo) to having slightly less "bliss" to having slightly more bliss on a different batch. I've got some ordered that I had before. Cracking stuff
  17. @khalifa you have to be careful with these things man. Don't inject that shit. I perceive that you have had problems with drugs in the past and that you aren't serious about awakening. Develop your mind bro, and weigh your dose of tested 5meo carefully with precision scales. Slowly up your dose with a calm mind, a clean room and an authentic devotion. DEVOTION
  18. Ino Yeah well like I said, if what the vendor said was "35mg" is being read as "180mh" by my scales then 50mg according to my scales will actually be 10mg. So I'm gonna try weighing 50mg. The trip will be just over 2 times stronger than the one I had yesterday, but yesterdays one was so weak. Also...with regards to nausea, I'm considering trying Gaviscon. It's just medicine, seems to work for "severe nasuea" so I think it'll be good Going to do a 75mg (15mg) trip tomorrow if all is well today. I'll watch out for those exponentially intensified effects. I think I do remember leo saying that plugging can potentiate the drug to
  19. It sounds to me like you have an undeveloped mind @khalifa Do you have any kind of strong spiritual practice? How many minutes a day do you meditate/enquire/contemplate? And did you weigh your dose carefully after slowly approaching an appropriate dosage?...
  20. Hmm..might try something like that...cup of tea
  21. @Eren Eeager Just dedicate yourself to the path of healing. Even if you made it in life and became a millionaire with abbs, 10 businesses and 30 Ferraris, if your mind is still fucked up then I will still be happier than you. Don't underestimate the healing that needs to take place. Really it's the only logical thing to do. Path of healing. I am on it, and within 10 years (probably 5 years) I will have rather effortlessly attained what billions of other people try to attain...pure happiness and bliss lol.
  22. If your asking me who I think has achieved "personlessness" I'd probably say at least leo haha
  23. @Nahm no mate I literally think that no-one is enlightened because God is no-one. Is that not right?
  24. Mate Im just extremely impatient with these 5meo orders atm. I've ordered 3 different batches to get the nicest batch but it's taking ages and then I'm gonna have to wait for ages again after I order more from the batch I want. Once I get my hands on a large amount of really awesome 5meo I'm gonna be aiming to build up to 20 day 5meo retreat slowly.