Aaron p

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Everything posted by Aaron p

  1. There's different factors. How recently you've eaten, how much you've eaten, what youve eaten. I'm pretty sure you can build a tolerance for shroomies to...I think. Just try eating 3 or 4 I highly doubt you'll not trip eating 4 grams dried. Could be bad batches of shrooms. Just eat more
  2. Interesting... iI guess it's just a good job that I believe neither mooji nor leo
  3. I agree, that's why I like to basically assume I'm wrong or at least be aware that there is massive potential for self deception in me at all times.
  4. Is there any reason why enlightened people should be holy/good people? There's a lot of traditions where devotee's commit atrocities like rubbing dead body remains on their skin and wearing bones...just to draw a distinction between morality/religion and real awakening...displaying that morality does not equate or lead [very efficiently] to real enlightenment. Morality=/=Enlightenment
  5. @Leo Gura oh shit I did not realise thats what a harem is haha fuck sake. It's probably rumours. He released a video disputing it and basically saying how it was bullshit. Who knows could be true. But as far as I see it's just as bad as saying actualised.org is some kind of secret pedo thing cuz of the old logo. Which is obviously the biggest load of horse ass ever
  6. @Leo Gura quite frankly I think it's funny how teachers of consciousness and enlightenment teach against dogma and doctrine, but they themselves are not conscious of their own dogma against "drugs" (Psychedelics) which turns out to be the most powerful tool there is. I've got 2 grams of really fuckin nice 5meo on the way soon. I realllllyyyyy hope it comes. Personally, I have never ever...ever encountered someone with teachings that are as pure and meta as your teachings. I'm literally fucking addicted to your content. It's just too good to not listen to haha. It's like digging in to a delicious meal every time I read/listen ????
  7. @Lyubov it removes the you that suffers. Mooji said something cool; in a cinema, there are screens that play movies and films. The film reel can display fire on the canvas and yet the canvas is not burned. The film can display water and yet the canvas is not wet. With separation there is freedom from all suffering. Empty existence, pure consciousness is not disturbed by what it creates. And everything is ultimately itself anyway. So it's just perfection sitting there...forever...forever...forever...forever...forever...forever.forever.forever ????????
  8. The easiest way to avoid all delusion is to simply believe nothing and hold all notes loosely acknowledging their hypothetical nature. Then put 5meo in your ass lol
  9. Put 5meoDMT in your ass
  10. Put 5meoDMT in your ass
  11. @Drake72 the truth always brings disruption...like a field being plowed in preparation for new growth. The field must be tore up and ripped apart. In fact, controversy and disruption are signs of truth from what I've seen
  12. Enlightenment is the most magical experience of them all! And it must be chased after. Not looking for the needle is not the same as finding the no-needle
  13. Ketamine is something I've found to be very powerful for some reason It's also very addictive so be careful. ?
  14. Your roots are very shallow ♥️ what if he's right? I mean...someone has to be right....it would be quite weird for a successful millionaire like Leo to have such fruits and rewards and success...and still be wrong That would be very suspicious
  15. 5meo brings about permanent change doesn't it?
  16. Contemplating is so cool. Questioning things. Why am I typing this, why are you reading this. There's a reason for everything. It also cuts a lot of bullshit out. For example, the reason I did terrible in my high school exams was because teachers didn't advocate solo, critical contemplation and authentic understanding. I didn't contemplate *why* I was at school, or how it could benefit me. They didn't show me concentration exercises to help me focus. After I found Leo, I contemplated and realized that education is very important...and with concentration exercises helping my focus, I'm on my way to getting my degree in business studies
  17. @Space last time I plugged I did 25mg and felt very little. Which, in comparison to my [much stronger] 15mg plugged dose, reveals that the variables in absorption with plugging are considerable. Gonna try snorting. I have a feeling snorting might be easier to pull off
  18. Yo, is snorting freebase really unbearable? I'm gonna try it. I have a feeling that if you snort 25mg and just force yourself to endure the pain it'll not matter after a few seconds
  19. @Death_ leo recommends 21 years old in one of his vids. There seems to be different levels of consciousness that transpire at different ages. Psychological maturity. But also, the psychedelics themselves bring about a lot of psychological maturity in my opinion.
  20. I'm going to start journaling and reading hardcore soon. I find it brings about measures of clarity that I cannot establish when holding something in thoughts alone. And clarity reveals beauty in things I think. There is so much beauty everywhere. As I journey into the 30mg range with 5-meo I'm starting to see that there is beauty everywhere and that id like to write about it. I just intuit that there is beauty everywhere. I'm noticing less fear, my sits are getting easier, 5 brings SO much strength when you use it ♥️ ?? Strength
  21. I did scientific tests bro. Repeated tested and observed. Consistent. With one batch I tried it 5 times in a row and felt disphoric, twisted and confusing. Had to sit down and breath when my head started to seriously spin after. With the batch I have now...it's just pure Bliss every time. Noticable difference. I'm not saying all batches will be different...but mate it's just chemistry, each batch will not be 100% the same as each other. I'm just saying that different batches of 5meo have different effects. One easy way to tell if the batch is pure (if purity is indeed what the problem is) is that pure 5meo will cause something like a full body orgasm. Many do not experience this whatsoever Simply put, there is such a thing as shit 5meo that causes disphoria, as opposed to euphoria consistently Which is, in my opinion, an extremely important piece if information for someone who seems to be struggling with their 5meo to the point where it's unreasonable. This is very important to note for newbies. There is good 5meo and there is bad 5meo. My stuff was labeled, tested and reviewed. For someone like obeler, he could have shit 5meo. My research shows its extremely possible, and actually likely...if bought...online... And this one piece if information could be the difference between someone giving you on 5meo or not. And considering 5meo is one of the most powerful tool we have, if not the most important, it makes this one observation quite an important one?? peace and love to you friend @Corpus♥️