Aaron p

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Everything posted by Aaron p

  1. Just be very careful. Not looking for the needle is not the same as finding the no-needle. Enlightenment is very real and there are false enlightenments that exist. Do not believe that you do not exist. Look closer with less dogma and you will find that you still very much believe you are human. You won't get enlightened with self enquiry unless your immensely gifted and consistent for maybe 80 years. Maybe. Very low chance. Get yourself into Mexico or the Netherlands or the Amazon if you don't want to get 5meo illegally. There's a lot of nice theory that is talked about, but 5meo is really required for serious growth
  2. @Snader Sander you clever son of a bitch. Yes, that's a brilliant idea. Fuck, you'd think I'd have thought of that. Thanks guys, excellent.
  3. @Leo Gura Would you care to share any keys or crucial points that lead to becoming a well paid coach? Are there any big pointers in general you'd give to help someone understand how to run a coaching business successfully?
  4. @Leo Gura what's your thoughts on eben leo? Is iPEC perhaps a more comprehensive course? I gotta be honest I can get marketing information elsewhere, if Leo recommends iPEC then I'm inclined to move towards ipec
  5. @herghly eben pagan, nice. Ok man I'll take a note. Is his stuff pricy?
  6. @Yali yeah I know man, but I don't think most 22 year olds have been though what I have been through. I will provide excellent service, consciousness and love to my clients. I see such a gap in the market in my country. Everyone is living unconsciously, dealing with the negative fruit of unconscious living and not knowing why. All the young people are using drugs all the time to make them feel better because nobody has any idea what the fuck it going on. (Not that I know it all, but I certainly know more than average). When you want to swim, you get a swimming coach or you'll sink, when you want to skydive you need a skydiving coach. How much more important than swimming and skydiving is life itself, for which most people seem to have no idea how to do it. It just makes perfect sense for me.
  7. @Leo Gura does iPEC provide you with marketing strategies etc? I notice that most coaches give out free material first then offer premium material at a small cost. Do iPEC talk about these kinds of strategies? Where could I find information about how to use these strategies? (Hope your doing well by the way mate;) )
  8. No this is how deep wisdom is being displayed at its best. Leo knows that you will think it's not being displayed well and yet says it anyway because he's right haha. It's so obvious that Leo's right. It honestly feels like people pretend as if they don't know. I don't know why
  9. If your finding spirituality isint having a positive effect on your life then don't continue it. But just be careful. There is real spirituality and false spirituality. Really, true spirituality is not something that can be learned. It's not information that goes in your head. It's a transformation of your entire being. To your original question, regarding the benefits of spirituality...real spirituality that is ... Yes. You become perfect. Everything becomes perfect. All of your suffering ceases to exist. You realise you are absolutely immortal (actually). And basically all of life answered and fulfilled.
  10. It's so hard to understand God through religion. I treat religion like strong detergent for cleaning. You wash the detergent in then out of your clothes...and it cleans them. If you were to leave a strong detergent in your clothes without washing it out afterwards, it would actually start to dissolve and erode the fabric, destroying the clothes. with this analogy I feel like the detergent represents religion, the clothes represent the mind and truth is removal of filth from the clothes. Religion is toxic if allowed to remain in the mind for too long. Wax on wax off baby
  11. In the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the word was God
  12. @Eren Eeager get some 5meo bro. Of you can get a nice pure batch it's best
  13. I find becoming a hardcore motherfucker helps. You have to seek healing as hard as you seek your breath when you are drowning. @Eren Eeager Also invest in some trip killers bruv. If your taking acid you need trip killers unless your comfortable with acid's 12 hours of intensity. You would suit DPT plugged, 2 hours is better than fucken 12 hours in my opinion. I find it very difficult to take a large dose of a psychedelic if I know it's going to last 12 bloody hours man. You know what I mean. You need to steady your mind, and find a psychedelic that you can slowly increase dose I know what it's like to suffering beyond words bro Lookat it like this. If you don't have your mental health, why pursue anything other than awakening/healing first. Nothing will make you happy without that anyway. Learn to control your mind. Don't be afraid to be a badass. You can beat your mind. Your probably psychotic. Just find ways to harness your energy in healthy ways. The worst thing you could possibly do, is nothing
  14. Weed is dangerous for spiritualists sometimes. Here's how. So one group of people who tend to lean towards spirituality are psychotics. Weed amplifies psychotic symptoms when used daily. Sure it's not as addictive as heroin or coke but it is addictive. And it does have negatives. It turns people into hobits that don't leave their house. Increases anxiety, paranoia and other unlabeled psychotic phenomenon. The degree to which weed can amplify anxiety is, shocking
  15. Spend all your efforts getting 5meo. Meditation is like fighting with sticks and stones, 5meo is a nuclear bomb. You'd be better selling your sticks and stones for 50 years to save up for one nuclear bomb rather than trying to get the same success with fighting with sticks and stones for 50 yesrs
  16. Bursting into a new dimension in which it is glaringly clear that you are not human and the earth doesent exist. In this place (depending on how far you go) you will enter a state of perpetual bliss, supernatural knowledge. You will have seen god's actual literal presence and you will realise that it is your own presence. At this point you become completely immortal. You will have dramatically increased quality of life in this new place. The bliss is amazing btw I'm not enlightened but I've had a few 5meo experiences. I guess I'm just chilling, Gona do what Leo did soon...just gotta go to fucking town with 5meo at some point. 5meo is a must
  17. 1 John 2:27 - NLT - Bible "But you have received the Holy Spirit, and he lives within you, so you don’t need anyone to teach you what is true. For the Spirit teaches you everything you need to know, and what he teaches is true—it is not a lie." When it comes to differentiating random thoughts and intuitive direction from "God" (since it can be hard to actually do so) it can be hard because anything anyone tells you only directs you away from intuition. It's like me asking you, how do you know your earthly father's voice? You know his voice and could pick his voice out from a crowd easily because you've simply been listening to it over and over and over again. The same applies with your heavenly father's voice. Asking it to speak and then sitting in silence (being ok with not being able to recognise it straight away) is highly effective. At least I've found it to be. You want to look for a sense of assurance...or a better word would be peace. Colossians 3:15 KJV Bible - "And let the peace of God rule in your hearts..." A typical example that is effective (if you had a decision to make) would be to ask the universe 3 questions about the decision - should i do this thing - should I not do this thing - am I asking the wrong question Then imagining each scenario and feeling your peace and whichever you have most peace about...you go with it. That's a really concise, simple way to practice it. After a while you'll be able to just know instantly what is direction and what is distraction. That's how it went for me at least ??
  18. There is more than one kind of "understanding". You feel that you know more about a girl after having sex with her once, than if you were to study things*about* her written down in a book. The Bible ( in the king James version) says "Mary didn't know Joseph until they had Jesus birthed" but this is simply a reference for sexual intercourse. The is something that direct experience brings to the table that learned information can never replicate
  19. Don't focus on the question, focus on observing directly. Allow the question to exist only as guidance that is gently uttered to keep the direction of the observation in line. It is the consistent observation that matters