Aaron p

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Everything posted by Aaron p

  1. It's a pity god didn't put the pineal gland somewhere easier like where the clit is on a girl so you could just rub the fuck out of it and have massive cosmic orgasms lol there aren't many other ways *hits 5meo pipe*
  2. An insight I've gained from this "practice" is this; In the presence of Truth that is unmolested by the dogmatic mind, the energy is free, easy, loose and actually careless (or "care-free") All of which are proponents of Truth it's like, if truth is everywhere...then the only way you can't get to it is by being too careful (Ofcourse when it comes to the application to others lives and relationships with other people, carelessness may apply truth, but will destroy the friendship. So with application there's probably further wisdom to exercise)
  3. @Shmurda I don't actually know how i know, I just know. Like there's this girl who has such a toxic energy and who tries to connect me to her other toxic friends. Then I just went BOOM and flipped it on myself and seen perfect sync. The same could be said about ME from my [less toxic] friends perspective. I have certain toxic energies and I have friends with other toxic energy that people will get connected with if they get too close to me. Then I just started going round my friend group in my mind picking off negative and positive patterns in them, realising that (from the perspective of one level below me) alot of these things are true of myself. When I see someone who is too headstrong in knowledge I realise, oh shit *I* am too head strong in knowledge. We only observe things we can relate with subconsciously. With these small things it's easy to see the pattern. But then with more complex advanced things, even though I can't see the reflection easily...I can trust that the same principle/pattern will apply. Which means, when I see my friend who is stuck in spiritual dogma, there's a fair chance I am stuck in spiritual dogmatism also. It's nearly like it's just helping me sense my own immaturity more clearly.
  4. Bro. Stop. Your not fucken alone. Your not the only one who struggles with the imense depths of psychotic pain. Your Gona have to get used to going through it. There is always hope. It won't last forever. You have to choose to beat it, it's possible. Your liky going through existential crisis, you could well be going through a prolonged psychotic period. Just choose the path of healing and decide that your going to be healed even if it costs everything. It *is* possible. Very much within your reach. But when I say choose with all your being, you must be prepared to put hard work in. Do the practices, obtain the psychedelics, use them *carefulyyyyyyyyy*. And even if it takes you multiple decades, you will be healed
  5. Hey guys my name's Aaron. I don't usually post in this section of actualised.org but I'm here for your wisdom. I've basically been spending the most of my time studying Leo's material with a focus on enlightenment for 2 years and a bit now pretty seriously and have made good progress. But I'm ready to take it to the next level and put my conscious skills to work. I want to become a life coach. I really feel my intuition leading me on this path, I would be really good at it. Soon I will be faced with choosing between doing a degree in business or doing life coach training. (Opinions on benefits on the benefits of each). I'm going to have to talk to my course tutor about it. I watched Leo's "how to become a life coach" video" in which he recommends to go through a reputable program that provides certification. So just a few questions if anyone has any wisdom to share; Do most of the well known programs include physical classes, or are most online/is it better to have one that includes physical classes? Leo talks about how the International Coaching Federation and how they offer different programs. He said he did a program called "iPEC" which he said was very comprehensive and good. So I'm basically wondering if anyone is aware of iPEC or any other really good programs? (This particular video was made 6 years ago and he had already been trained at that point so it could be 7 or 8 years ago Leo recommended iPEC. If anyone has any knowledge of better programs that have emerged feel free to drop their names.) Also I'm just wondering, if I'm in the UK, would it make a difference it was to be trained online in an American class? Any additional wisdom would be great folks ??? and merry Christmas.
  6. Be aware that there are false awakenings and true awakenings. Or deeper levels of true awakening at least. Actually getting properly enlightened is extremeeeeely hardcore. And even a lot of people here will have a shallow enlightenment
  7. Haha actually yeah man...without the pain I got from weed using it for multiple years (gradually increasing my anxiety) I wouldn't have had such a desire to find relief/truth/enlightenment. But there are better ways
  8. There are behavioural similarities between the psychotic mind and the awakening mind..not the same but I notice similarities. Also psychotics are attracted to spiritual work. The lucky ones get real spirituality which is rare "...it's going to feel like your going insane." - Leo By all means have a toke whenever you want. But the reason it's such a good trap is because it moves slowly and softly. Euphoric and uplifting then slowly steals your motivation, then you subtly start smoking every week. Then every day. That's why quick sand it a better trap than a big blatant hole in the ground. Although I don't know why they called it quicksand. A better name would be slow sand haha. (Each chemical will be different for each person and each person will have different usage patterns, but nearly 100% of my studies into the effects of weed have been negative long term). Use CBD and 5meo
  9. Your Gona Wana watch out for weed man. The thing that makes weed bad is the fact that you can use it all the time, unlike coke or heroin. Weed has been well known for causing serious paranoia and anxiety. I mean, life ruining material when someone is unaware of the damage. (Mostly damage that can be healed by stopping). The increase in anxiety and paranoia is also amplified in people who are psychotic. And since there are similarities between the mind of someone who is awakening and the mind of someone who is psychotic...a good general rule of thumb for many people from our community here at actualized would be to be careful with weed. And anything that isint a psychedelic really
  10. I don't think 5meo should be feared at all. Respected yes, very much so. But feared? No. You might even cause yourself to experience more fear by expecting fear so much. (Which is quite possibly what happened to Leo with his first trip). No fear
  11. The salt batch I got before was soooo insoluble
  12. @Ethan_05 excellent bro. How much does Jordan bates program last? And how much does it cost?
  13. @StateOfMind remember to neither believe nor disbelieve any spiritual dogma. Allow the question to wash your mind in empty intuition
  14. @IamMystic check this playlist out...it's a bit more hardcore but it's badass
  15. Truth exists that is not in your "sight" yet. Once you see a facet of truth, it will be in sight It just means seeing truth. But how to go about "seeing truth" in mysticism? Self enquiry, kriya yoga, *5meo* Sex to
  16. The question is the answer, let the questions wash your "mind" and that washing is the answer
  17. @AdamDiC There's so much weirdness about 5meo. Most of the stuff on the Dark net is... completely powerless. Fake I think. And also plugging is hard to get right I think the biggest error is plugging too deep with too much liquid actually injected.
  18. Sometimes some special, gifted people get a weak enlightenment after a lifetime of practice with no psych's. It's rare tho. You also have to consider, do you actually want enlightened or do you just want improved life. (I'd recommend actually going for enlightenment).