Aaron p

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Everything posted by Aaron p

  1. "Heeeey this is God, for actualized.org"
  2. There's something about the mind being simple that connects the two
  3. There's a new law that comes about when you are born again, the law of love written on your heart. Once you become born again, the only thing you will want to do is love everything unconditionally
  4. Boy oh boy...what's happening here is special. Let me tell you this. Veryyyy veryyyy special.
  5. I just realised, if you combine the words "me" and "you" it is "Mu" like from mysticism
  6. Just know that God is not what you think, it's not a bearded man in the sky. Christianity is extremely patchy and you will not realise what God is and what you are through Christianity easily. So you can't really use it as ground to stand on. Think of it like this, the story of Jesus. That is actually the story of you. You will die and be born again, with God, for God as God forever
  7. Magic is a really cool word to use other than spirit or god or reality or love. it has interesting connotations... Such as ; childlike, fun, light, enjoyable, peaceful and powerful. However there are other groups that apply their own connotations to the word, connotations like "darkness, heaviness, demonic, lifeless." All of which are words pointing to things that are still parts of God...but if replacing words like consciousness, love, reality etc...I think it's better to stick with the lighter understanding of the word...its much more reflective of the true nature of reality when it is awoken to ? Childlike, light, fun, enjoyable
  8. @ChinGooseKahan just plug. Here is Leo's guide to plugging..just don't plug too deep https://www.actualized.org/insights/how-to-plug-psychedelics
  9. Don't plug too deep. And do it on empty stomach and bowels
  10. Maybe death isint that bad. I mean it's not exactly like your going to be suffering when your dead, you might as well go out in style (lol) so your different to the last 100 billion people who've already went through it. It's probably not that bad. What I've realised is, if I can stay focused on the fact that everyone is on the same boat as me and ultimately, I will die...might as well have the balls to look it in its eye and face it like a mature person.
  11. Total recall (new one) The main character is tired of the same routine over and over again, he goes to this total recall advanced tech facility that can give you memories of fantasies you want. He goes simply to have a good time and new memories put in his mind, but then the memory/dream is so good that he can't tell if he's waking up or falling asleep between 2 now existent world's, each debunking eachother with the same claim that both are a projection. In one he is a normal guy who went to total recall facility and the dream is too strong and that he is deceived into thinking he is a hero who has had his memory replaced earlier in his life. On the flip side...his life as he knew it (including the idea that he was a normal guy who went to total recall and who is now deluded) is itself the delusion and the idea that he was a normal guy who went to total recall to have memories of being a spy implanted into his head, is the idea that they have planted in his head symmetrically to confuse him about which one is real. Which means the movie started as a dream. He's woken up. In the newly discovered world he realises that his wife is actually a secret agent in the police operating against him only pretending to be his wife since he had [in the past] worked with the police but changed sides to the rebellion after discovering apparent corruption within the police. Later in the movie as his confusion peaks he is approached and told that he's actually still in the total recall machine and that he hasn't woken up, that he's fallen asleep. He can't tell if this person is just saying that (since they know he went to the total recall machine and they know that it would be a good excuse to get him to surrender by making him think he's deluded). They tried to wipe his memory to forget about his choice to change sides. So the main guy has to choose between what he thinks is real and what he thinks is dream. What will he choose? Dun dun dun.......(lol) (Also action in it is great, brilliant work by the director. Good movie all round. 5/5)?
  12. What is this higgs bosom god particle collider thing. They call it the god particle
  13. There's a lot of different things that help me handle the fact that I look nuts a little bit while im chasing high truths. First and foremost you have to actually do the work comprehensively to make sure your in a position to talk to people about it. (This doesent mean you have enough knowledge, but enough wisdom to understand what to do with the knowledge and how to apply it, if at all in any given circumstance). Also, if you look crazy, but have a strong sense of self assurance, you'll actually turn into the cool kid, like a trail blazer and people will start to Wana be like you... especially if your having actual progress in incredibly advanced shit like actual awakening. And yo, my life is likely over 20% done already, and this next 20% is Gona be the most important part! After that I'll be nearly half way done...so you better fuckin believe I'm Gona chase greatness. On my death bed, the only thing I will regret is the decisions I failed to make because I was being too careful and too safe. You won't die by making big decision, and what doesent kill you makes you stronger. What's counterintuitive is, when you step out from the crowd, and fuckin believe in yourself and own your idiosyncrasies while growing and getting stronger and basically just be a badass...you really win in life. You do
  14. @Nahm aw sorry bro can you do a quick summary explanation?
  15. shutter Island I really like movies. This one is cracker if you Wana look at it through the lense of awakening. An inspector goes to an insane asylum prison on an island to investigate a prisoner, the man killed his wife. He senses something strange going on with the staff at the island. He can't seem to find the person he's looking for, this strange man who is insane on this island. As he journeys down the rabbit hole (and I don't really Wana give too much away), he struggles to work with the seemingly awkward prison staff but eventually finds out that the insane man (who has been on the island for years) is much closer than he thought.
  16. this movie is about a man who's bloodline traces back to one of the primary figures in a creed of assassin's 500 years prior, that fought against the corruption of man and continually fought to prevent the kings of men getting what's called the apple of eden (a transcendental sphere with God like power to control all of free will). He gets captured by his ancestors' enemies and put into a reality simulator called the animus which synchronises him with his ancestors memories (which are allegedly stored in his DNA/blood) and he relives really cool periods of.his ancestors life. The apple.still exists and it's location is hidden somewhere in the main characters memory (his connection with his past ancestor). What you realise soon is that every time he syncs with his assassin ancestor, he's actually waking his ancestor up within himself and they become one, awakened in his body. Then after his ancestors senses his from the past, and enters the main characters mind. The main character starts "hallucinating" without the machine and hears his ancestors speaking to him as the barrier between projection and reality fade Super cool movie. Very cool lense to look at it through.
  17. I had this spontaneous Insight earlier today during a very noticeable shift in my energy. Hopefully you guys can benefit from it. Any trap I see *someone else* in, is in fact the trap *I* am in. Like a reflection of a mirror, I am now able to see every single trap I am currently in. This is very very handy holy shit. I look at other people to learn about myself and what I see in them is actually only a reflection of my own essence. Very beautiful and powerful (and mind fucky)
  18. @Nahm hmm, cool. Do you have a website nahm?
  19. I have had experience with certain batches being disphoretic and certain (more pure batches) being much much more euphoric
  20. What's your channel called bro there's been an error with the post maybe I can't see it. Oh shit nevermind got it