Aaron p

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Everything posted by Aaron p

  1. @WonderSeeker i actually predict that there is Gona be a massive influx of love, unity and acceptance in our lifetime. Our generation is different to the last...it's nearly getting to the point where mental health is normal to talk about. At least where I am. There was so much violence in Belfast and now so much peace. It's like an ego death for my entire country. With so many people feeling lonely on social media etc... people are Gona have to band together and love eachother again.
  2. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dpFJ8tIRHu0 this is nice, extended version available on the utubez
  3. Fuck it...I'm Gona start taking 5meo again from Saturday like
  4. @Leo Gura I'd love to learn more about politics in America and in the UK after I have a number of awakenings... ...... Leo. Can I just ask...Is Nirvana as amazing as the stories talk about.... paradise...?
  5. @Leo Gura interesting. Perhaps I need a better understanding of spiral dynamics Just. Tbh, I don't contemplate big world evolution and political evolution much. And I need to go over spiral dynamics again to refresh it in my mind. Perhaps I'll do it next week
  6. @Jacobsrw fair enough bro good response. Unfortunately Im not a Jordan Peterson expert, nor am I a political expert at all. Interesting points
  7. @Jacobsrw could you give an example of someone who is a more evolved political speaker? Someone who fits the description you talked about...? Or could you maybe mention specific things that Jordan talks about that you disagree with? It seems as though he is right as long as free speech stands. Ofcourse there isint really such a thing as absolute free speech everywhere. The government controls what we are allowed to say to children, what we are allowed to say in court etc. Or at least tries to. If the matter is on free speech perhaps the area of correction lies within how free "free-speech" should actually be. There is ofcourse the "unofficial" symbols his political presence encourages...like sexism, racism, or whatever. But the only reason this happens is because his followers manipulate what he says. So the way I see it, either Jordan needs to become aware of what his political presence encourages subconsciously, or he needs to continually reject his hateful followers. Or perhaps more specifically, reject the *hatred* of his followers. Specificity is important. I do see that a lot of right wing selfish people hijack his lone claim to free speech as a license to be mean and heartless. He's a very loving, intellectual, vaunerable kind of guy. If evolution is the movement towards love then he seems to be very evolved...his followers do not. It would probably be best if hateful people (against gays for example) didn't have a political figure to follow. However, if you cut one head off, usually 2 more grow back in its place...so I say, at least Jordan is sensitive, aware and composed. He's very loving. Thoughts?
  8. @Leo Gura can I ask you an honest question bro...do you feel like all right wing voices somehow damage society or hold it back from evolution? I'm just trying to understand why you seem so militant against right wing stuff. I'm not trying to challenge you, I'm honestly just interested in what you have to say...
  9. Everyone is addicted to something, exercise, self help, vitamins, are very addictive. Addiction isint bad, only bad addictions are bad. Good addictions are good. My favourite drug of them all, truth. Cum in my pants when I think about finding truth
  10. The dogma of consciousness is dogma, actual consciousness is not dogma/belief
  11. I think I'm getting to understand zen more...that it isint a practice... Zen, is
  12. @Joelvs might be different for other people but what helped me when my psychological problems came was this: getting angry at the pain and obsessed with healing. Theres nothing wrong with getting a little angry at the fact that your experiencing great pain and using the anger to defeat it, my half-mystic Christian teachers had teachings about anger and how you can have a godly anger against pain. It really comes down to your spirit. If the pain can break your spirit, you have lost. If you, on the other hand, choose to face the pain...look it in the eye and don't hesitate. Face that shit and *decide* that it will never beat you. Boy oh boy, if you can do that and be prepared to find healing no matter what...you'll be better for it. Trust. You can't live in fear of pain and you can't let it break you. When life gives you a pain sandwich, eat it. And after your done ask for another. Then go use the pain to become a successful fucken badass.
  13. Personally I'd encourage them to understand that they don't need to avoid suffering. That they grow stronger when they are in pain. There is an analogy of a butterfly. During the transformation of the Caterpillar to the butterfly, the butterfly struggles to push itself out of the cocoon, developing strength in doing so. If you, being the kind hearted person you are, seen the butterfly struggling, and helped it out of its cocoon, you would actually be doing incredible damage to it. See the strength that it is required to summon, in order to push itself out of the tight spot...is the strength with which it survives after it leaps into the wild. Similarly, I think we are cutting our children out of their cocoons far too much these days. I'm not saying to be heavy handed, but wisdom is as important as love. And wisdom tells me, the harder that child is trained at a young age, the more robust it will be as an adult❤️
  14. I hate being the one to take a question too seriously all the time but realistically I'd sit with all my family and go over memories and give them all my money. Alternatively, if my family was unavailable I would begin my drug fueled adventure with a few 5meo breakthroughs. At which point I would contact my craziest friends, obtain the most pureeeeee cocaine I could get my hands on...and continue to go on the most insane, alcohol and drug fueled party bender, ever and have loadsssss of sex and just give everyone loads of cocaine lol. It's probably low consciousness, but I'm just being honest lol. Then ofcourse I'd go to church at the very last second to confess all my sins so to ensure that I go straight to the pearly gates hahahahaha
  15. @Twega its so fucked up bro. Listen man you'll earn the money back it's temporary. I really hate this shit, someone robbed me a month ago and someone also tried to break into my sis's car recently. Bro see when your buying shit, don't be trusting. Business is business, see the product first and buy in small amounts. You shouldn't be spending 2 grand in one purchase. Unfortunately psycs arent legal most places, which means you have to go to the black market. Which is so fucked. If the government treated us like adults and provided safe, regulated, intelligent sources for healing compounds and psychedelics, the world of crime would lose its ability to sell it. What do you guys think about the idea of decriminalising loads of that stuff...I'm pretty sure I heard Switzerland or some country did that and it's peaceful af or something
  16. Advanced selflessness actually requires wisdom to spot...it can seem arrogant Advanced selflessness isint thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less
  17. It's more like they are filled with the spirit of selfishness