Aaron p

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Everything posted by Aaron p

  1. @Flowerfaeiry Felt like 5meo, except with no 5meo *Scoffs* I have a great ass, thank you very much
  2. The realisation that earth does not exist and that your immortal
  3. Yo, you kidding me? Leo's style is incredibly graceful. Google's definition is "smooth and flowing movement." For taking the "explain absolutely everything everything everything" approach, he is smooth af bro
  4. Every move you make *is* the universe finding *itself* more and more. Until, there is the realization that there is no barrier between what you are and what the universe is. But *believing* this, as opposed to *realising* it, will cause you to enter a psychological reflection of what enlightenment means. You should neither believe what I say nor disbelieve it. Just put 5meo in your butt lol
  5. Something weird about the lyrics in this song
  6. Yeah, your on the right path
  7. If i know what i know and know what i don't know, I am not a fool, for I know everything (at least in principal). For example, I know that I don't know how an engine works. Another step further is... I know who where I can go to learn it. When you know what you know and know what you don't know. You know everything.
  8. ♥️ "He who is forgiven much, loves much." You'll especially notice a massive difference in attitude between a normal person who decided casually to "come to god" in church one day, and an actual gangster who's did vile shit or wrecked his head with drugs before and who has then been "forgiven by God", will be much more real and much more authentically changed because real purification happens differently to how most religious and even moral people think
  9. ...hmm I also agree. Like the opposite of helping the butterfly out of its cocoon (causing it to be weaker)...If the butterfly is able to work itself out of a particularly strong cocoon, it will be stronger...much stronger than the other butterflys. But if its too weak, it's fucked. Ketamine is amazing at putting you into a state where you are literally tranquil-ized and separated from your sense of self to a degree. But it's very very addictive. If done once, I think it would be ok. You just don't Wana do it if you know your not a disciplined person. there are also complications with brain development if exposed to drugs at a young age. I guess these are the facts, do with them what you will.
  10. Perpetual existential cosmic orgasmic bliss unfathomable by the human mind then it keeps getting more orgasmic and blissful then keeps going thenkeeps going then keeps going then keeps going then keeps going then keeps going then keeps going then keeps going then keeps going then keeps going then keeps going then keeps going... ?
  11. My advice is, let your own intuition rule out or verify any advice anyone gives u including me
  12. https://youtube.com/watch?v=YD4YT6uQJ6A
  13. Sheeeet...would have thought 2cb would've been nice and light. Haven't tried it yet but would've thought the MD in it would have made it euphoric
  14. *stands up in AA meeting* "Hello everyone, my name's Aaron and I'm...an actualized-holic." *Cries* (In shaky voice) "I JUST CANT STOP...I LOVE IT!" *Whimpers and cries*..... lol
  15. Might try plugging some 2cb for a bit of fun lol.
  16. I'm convinced that certain batches operate differently depending on how they were synthesized. More than once I've smoked "5meo" and actually literally (not spiritually) literally nothing happened basically. From 2 different batches? I'm Gona meditate, contemplate and observe myself for 2 weeks then try snorting. If nothing happens Gona mess around with smoking it outta pipe. Depending on how these next few experiments go, might pop on and see if there's any nice HCl. Maybe. Only problem I had with HCl before was it's insolubility. Once way or another I'm Gona make progress with 5meo. The stuff I have works when smoked I know that for sure. I'm pacing myself. Also having super vivid weird dreams lately. And everything's just ever so slightly starting to feel really fucken weird. Lol I think I like it. I'll post progress sure
  17. Might Invest in some HCl after. Gona try snorting some freebase and see if that works better lol. If not I'm just smoking it CBA with all this fucking about
  18. Maybe just different strokes4different folks possibly man. Plugging is nice like, but it's not doing the job for me. Maybe I'll try it again in the future. Gona try snorting
  19. @Chris365 I don't really wana be using 30-40mg every single trip man...I might try snorting. I only have freebase, seeing as you said "it didn't sting much" I'm taking that you snorted freebase since HCl isint meant to sting at all anyway. What dosage would you recommend for snorting first time? I can handle something just above threshold dose
  20. Did this before and same with me. Just got launched straight into unfathomable bliss. I think I'm Gona try that way again. Recently when I plugged my ego started freaking out and started breathing real heavy and I could feel it saying "get the 5meo outta my ass RN!" lol. and I didn't even get past the first bit of the come up. I know plugging probably moves slower and offers more time to disintegrate the ego deeper. But Im the same as yourself @zikzak I need the 5meo train2hitMe *Choo Choo* lol
  21. The more I [very slowly] see that I'm creating everything around me...the more I realise that everything is subjective perception and that i can choose to see things in a positive light. Allowing my tangible bliss and love flow into whatever part of my mind is feeling bad. Positivity is good. I mean if I get enlightened maybe I won't need positivity. But right now I do
  22. What do my peeps think about the slowness of the come up whilst plugging? Advantage or disadvantage? I've found my ego struggles a lot more when it goes slowly. Like it has more time to sit and see what is coming and thus freak out slightly...and also, I'm considering giving up plugging and just smoking it because plugging is too much friggin effort to get right. Twice recently I plugged 20mg and felt very little. No bliss, no insane enlightenment states. Thoughts my brethren?