Aaron p

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Everything posted by Aaron p

  1. ...is it likely to derail or speed up my motivation, creativity and drive? I don't want to derail any momentum I'm building with new business start up, but if 5meo makes you smarter and more aware, maybe it'll help with starting a new business...? I'd really appreciate some sound advice from people who have a fair idea as to the side effects of 5meo when starting something like a business @Leo Gura
  2. Bible filled with bs with truth mixed in in diluted doses
  3. @ZenSwift i find visual examples are best broseph ive learned through my dmt experiences that everything is like an ocean with no start or finish its just kind of "there" and the implications of the fact that it is the only thing that truly exists...means that its own impossibility *is* it. all rules are it..and outside of it, is itself...forever. ego death is described in a nice story that mooji tells...there are 3 human shaped beings standing on a shore, one of sand, one of salt and one of water. Which are you? You are in fact the ocean...the being of sand walks into the water and dissolves, followed by the being of salt which dissolves to, and the being of water which dissolves to. they are all you. in a more realistic, direct interpretation of this...its like the field of perception is like a ocean of...itself...doing......things...and 5meo just makes the water clearer <3
  4. @DoTheWork I've also found bro, that just because a person takes psychedelics...even powerful psychedelics...doesent mean they are using them in the most effective way. Personally I've witnessed people who take even 5meo who still subscribe to religious kind of dogmatic spirituality. This is where I talk about contemplation. Personally deriving truth independently. If 5meo is the thruster blasters on the side of a rocket... contemplation is the base launch pad that the rocket launches from. For example, if your launch pad is 5° off pointing in the wrong direction, when you blast off you won't be going in the right direction, and this error will be more noticeable the farther you go....the angle that you set yourself at on earth matters. Or blasting off with blasters that are too powerful for the size of your current rocket...maybe it's just too much for now. What happens on earth controls the trajectory of the rocket after its given the power of rocket fuel. Contemplation and a good lot of hours of it, will control the trajectory of the entire rocket.
  5. recently ive been contemplating one of the things that psychedelics actually do to the mind, why they are so effective and also an important detail not to be forgotten. Basically the short version is that psychedelics reset the brain. They take automated (unconscious) behavioral patterns (both positive and negative ones) and completely fuckin remove them assuming you take enough of a psychedelic. this is advantageous because it offers the removal of negative patterns and connections in the brain, but can be majorly disadvantageous if the individual doesent realise thereafter that, to continue being a successful individual, he is going to have to put massive amounts of effort into learning how to operate in certain domains again manually. the reasons going through this process is good is because when you re-learn how to operate in a domain from scratch (no brain patterns), you learn it more consciously, more accurately and precisely...but like i say, if someone doesent recognise that they need to put this intentional effort in afterwards they can actually be worse off than they were before...having no skill whatsoever. i think this is a valid point to raise. its not a negative, but it could be if someone doesent recognise this requirement
  6. @Javfly33 id say theres a balance, as with anything. taking psycs too much could result is bad shit...look at c murphy... i like what your saying tho
  7. @ALLIS my subjective experience is that a lot of the 5meo...online...is fake
  8. Would any of you guys share if you find it difficult to deal with solipsism...it seems like a kind of hard thing to face.. I'm also aware of Leo's earlier teachings that say that confusion and depression can be signs that you need to keep going...anyone feel free to share if they struggle to face this truth. After all, it is kind of hard, alone, empty, challenging. I know it's probably just the ego saying this, but damn...ego don't like
  9. Well yeah...it's just kinda scary. But I mean absolutely, I've never been more sure about something. The idea of stopping the path is just halarious to me when I've been granted such rare knowledge. I don't know what infinite love is, I think it's positive (haha) so I'm Gona continue @Leo Gura
  10. @Leo Gura ...i know theres very little that is going to stop me at this point, but just tell me this one thing...it is worth it isint it (what comes after if you start taking 5meo really really seriously)? the reward is worth the pain...?
  11. @Tim RRRR I included a pic of the definition of solipsism in my reply...also Leo talked about how you need to be able to "face the solipsism" of 5meoMALT in one of his latest videos talking about it. Leo's also talked about how he feels alone sometimes. Know what I mean bro... Admittedly, I've had so much psychiatric baggage that I've been able to intuit that I needed to process the work from 3 years of DMT, mushrooms, LSD, kriya yoga, vipassana and self enquiry before moving towards 5meodmt...I just feel the aloneness of it...I'm Gona try to connect more with people on the form I think. You never feel like this @Tim R ?
  12. Be careful with this fuck sake haha. It really really really fuckin stings haha
  13. I studied under Christian half-mystics for a few years...boy called Andrew wommack. Talks about how to experience the power of God directly and to hear god's voice and follow his will from the source of peace in direct experience. Also focuses on direct revelation and true insight, became not learned. Andrew wommack was good like, still full of delusion tho...as I probably still am right now
  14. @blackchair your family are you bro, theyre immortal to
  15. What if you took the same path of logic as a court would...if 100 people see me interacting with a football, and being skillful with it ...and all 100 people testified of this consistently...would this not be proof that I'm experiencing the football, since I couldn't interact with it consistently nevermind skillfully unless I was experiencing it?
  16. Aren't we basically just attracting what we resonate with. I'm pretty sure if two loose objects are vibrating at the same frequency they literally gravitate towards eachother like gravity. Or like magnetism or something
  17. @blessedlion1993 do; (half dosage of LSD plugged) + (normal dosage of mdma oral). when plugging lsd the trip lasts half as long and is twice as potent. this plus mdma basically guarantees a good trip careful not to take too much of either compound when combining the two as they potentiate each other (but not by a large margin). also...have benzos on standby when trippin on lsd or shrooms, its a trip killer, take it to kill any trip. this allows you to trip on higher dosages with the knowledge that you literally have an off switch, good luck
  18. i suppose it depends on what im refering to as myself, but i certainly feel like im changing. im also aware of the exponentially increasing speed of awakening, so i'll feel most change near the end when my growth starts multiplying rapidly.
  19. Haha nice @ZenSwift
  20. @Terell Kirby then you can take a step further...some people would read my post and then go "oh no, ive been being too perfection oriented! i gotta stop being perfection oriented!" ...a step further would be to recognise that even subjective perfection is also perfect. also within the human realm subjective perfection is very useful and helpful...in terms of pragmatism, you'll need your cars engine to be in perfect working order, that is if you want to make it to work in the morning lol i hope you know your a beautiful person terell <3 perfect person
  21. somehow consciousness (self awareness),as opposed to knowledge, brings about a sense of...knowledge of knowledge. or the experiencing of how knowledge is had in the direct experience. its a bit hard to explain but i was thinking about this recently...consciousness will lead to the understanding of how knowledge operates...for example, consciousness regarding knowledge might clarify for you; - how you most effectively receive knowledge (theoretically or practically) - what knowledge you need and why. - what knowledge itself is, and how to focus on it. - different ways of storing knowledge (treating the memory as a sub-conscious chest of drawers that you can put things in, leave and come back to later on). - understanding how to correctly verify your knowledge (especially when tackling philosophical ideas that arent very mainstream). - the limitations of knowledge (even in simple terms like dating, if your talking like a robot about astrophysics to a girl and simply inserting knowledge into your mind about the girl will be relying on theoretical knowledge too much and you wont establish an emotional connection with the girl). consciousness (self awareness) acts nearly as a direct revelation of how it is that knowledge enters, exists and works inside your mind...and in this regard, consciousness is [imo] one of the best ways to increase intelligence (since intelligence is simply the measurement of knowledge). This is of course assuming your reading books and shit or just listening to leo and taking notes...since leo seems to be a walking encyclopedia of the most pure, refined, compilation of the best books lol.