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Everything posted by Dingo

  1. Perhaps one of the most fascinating studies for psychonauts to read - basically giving one of the best descriptions of what the inhaled NNDMT trip can be like. It is open access, so you can download and read through it for free This is a phenomenological analysis of around 3800 trip reports from inhaled NNDMT that were posted on reddit subforum over the last 10 years. This is a big study! It had to take at least several months to do this. Maybe even a couple of years. Phenomenological methods are very interesting... the person using them is to try to (re)interpret as little as possible, staying as close as they can to the actual data under study. The person's goal is to capture the essence of the data/experience - these generalized essences are then results of the study that you read in the abstract. This way, the results stay grounded in data... creation of new (grounded) theories can also be done this way. The journal it is published in also has high science cred, if anyone needs appeals to authority, hehe https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-022-11999-8
  2. I'd like to report on my yesterday's powerful magic mushroom trip. I'm 22 years old male & live in Europe. I have been very interested in psychonautics for close to 4 years and with time I'm only deepening my appreciation to psychedelics, as I see the immense value they can offer, when used with serious intent. That being said, I have always found personal obstacles before, when going for those breakthrough doses. Most of my trips have been with medium dosages, so I haven't delved deep that much, but I have broadened my spectrum... I have tried different kinds of psilocybe species, lots of NNDMT, psilohuasca, ayahuasca, few acid trips, bit of MDMA. I have also partaken in workshops with shamanic chanting, journeying and cleansing, cannabis yoga and cacao ceremony, where I got introduced to the power of medicinal/shamanic grade cacao. Additionally, I have tried darkness retreat, floatation/isolation tank, prolonged fasting and I'm really enjoy Wim Hof method combined with cold exposure. I have had this bag of the 5g psilocybe cubensis stored in my freezer for like 1.5 years. I have lately been doing more inner work and moved my life to what feels like another level. Therefore, I have had an inner calling for another go at the breakthrough experience, so I planned it for a month and prepared extensively the week prior. The setting was a pretty much empty and clean dormitory room of 2 female friends (feminine energy), who were on a holiday... my male friend was also present, with whom we have designated this trip to go deep and not waste it. We prepared the environment to be very cozy and very much ritualistic. My friend was to stay quiet, sober, not interrupting and handing me anything I wanted (puke bucket, food, water, etc.), so that there was no need for me to go anywhere other than the toilet. My intention for the trip was to experience the nature of love. I knew the cacao could be used to open my heart, so I bough the highest quality dark chocolate I could find and asked my female friend to prepare her special hot cocoa beverage ("infused" with her feminine energy to further promote an open heart during the trip). Although these cocoa treats were nothing compared to the previous cacao brew, I put a lot of symbolic meaning into it anyway. Also... I ate very lightly leaving on that day. TRIP: I never felt so relaxed and ready before a psychedelic trip, like I did here! After a short meditation, I asked my friend to hand me over the extracted shroom brew I made and chugged it without any tension or fear occurring at all. Couple minutes passed and I could already start feeling the effects slowly creeping in, so I thought it is best to consume the chocolate + hot cocoa immediately, so that I don't struggle later on. It was very heavy, but incredibly delicious... I cleaned my mouth with a glass of water and laid down in a comfortable bed. The effects started to rapidly intensify, so I just directed my focus on letting and conscious breathing. The fabric of reality started to emanate very warm and loving feeling, which I was allowing myself to dissolve into, while my mind was getting completely twisted and my sense of self shattered. Time stopped existing and I could no longer make distinction between past and future. Boundaries of is possible and what we like to tell ourselves isn't possible have dissolved (even gravity seemed illusory). The next thing I remember was a vision of what felt like the society's collective unconscious sending out these demonic figures toward me. They seemed to originate from myself,people I knew as well as people unknown to me. Meeting these demonic figures was where the intensity hit another level and I came to the realization, that in order to face them I need to stay calm, let go, open up and let the loving energy serge through me - I needed all the strength I get (whatever the "I" was at this moment). All this felt very natural to me... intuitively, coz there was certainly no sense of time and any rationalizing was out of the realm of possibilities. After a while of "psychic fighting", the demonic figures disappeared, but my body has become very heavy and I felt the need to purge. I didn't feel nauseous, but whatever has happened with the demonic figures now had to cleansed out. A sober though pops in my head though, that I should wait, coz I don't want the brew to be puked out. To postpone the puking, I spread my body into a star-shape, relax and start breathing deeply, I also noticed the smell of a sweet fragrance, that I put in an aroma-lamp before, which really grounded me. I knew the puking will have to be done sooner or later, so I get all my senses to turn to my friend and ask him to get me the puke bucket within my reach. He does so and says something shortly, but I tell him, that I have no idea, what those words mean. I return to my relaxation exercise. Suddenly I was not obstructed by another challenge though. Since some time must have passed since the ingestion of the brew, I had a really big urge to pee. I was tripping very hard though and didn't want my state of being to be interrupted. My body felt very powerless, the demonic encounter needed to be purged out and I had no idea, how to even use the basic human body functions, such as walking. Still lying down, my legs now started to shake, while my upper body parts were completely calm. There is a sense of some past trauma being lodged in my lower part of the body, but from all this chaos of still being dissolved in the loving energy, while multiple unpleasant bodily sensations, there is no way to focus on the trauma to understand it deeper. Suddenly I remember, what Wim Hof (and many other people I admire and listen to) have said and demonstrated... that it is possible to tap into an infinite source of power and overcome things, that seem impossible. I now say "NO" to the urge to pee and completely give in to the present experience. The need goes completely away so much so, that after some minutes I become sure, that I had peed myself and very much messed up the room we have borrowed. The urge to puke was long gone and I thought, that I have now purged the negative energies through the pee (this happened in past and the resulting pee has a very strong odor). BTW I was still tripping hard, so I couldn't even sense, if I had really peed myself or not, but all the unpleasant sensations have completely vanished. I now entered a very present state of being full of love. I was just laying there in a body, that was just broken and not functioning, but it was ok, coz all I could sense was bliss and sense of cosmic peace. The moment was so beautiful... there was also this feeling of victory or accomplishment. I was so surrendered and humbled by what has happened, that I acknowledged whatever losses/damages were done in the name of LOVE. Even if my mind was to stay twisted and I'd be retarded for the rest of my life, it would be perfectly ok. I literally thought of sacrificing myself to this nobel cause, but then I thought, how negatively it would end up in the media and so if I choose to do it, I should schedule a meeting with a journalist, explain him my situation and then sacrifice myself in a sober state, which would have much greater impact. This rationalization most likely came from my psychedelic renaissance activism (my life purpose) connected to the Extinction Rebellion movement. I remind myself to give in to the blissful experience and I just lay there for, what later my friend told me were two hours. Here and there I had a thought or moved a bit, but mostly I'm in this trance enjoying the zen-like moment. Somewhere in there I finally get the strength to quickly hop up and move myself to the toilet in a very reptilian manner. Still thinking I had peed myself previously, now I sit on the toilet celebrating a great victory. I quickly return to my bed and continue enjoying the bliss, but I start feeling the effects going away (it was like 4 hours since ingestion). I spent most of the rest of the trip in no-mind state often going into trances of expressing love in a repetitive way to anyone and anything... tears of happiness occasionally go down my face. My friend then reminds me, that I had handled the trip very well & that there was no accidental peeing done after all. I then summed up the trip like this: I came as a warrior, who channeled the power of love to not only conquer myself, but attempt healing collective trauma (demons). My complete surrender to the nobel cause ended in me having chipped away a piece of the demonic titan, making this fight a great victory. <3
  3. A narration of my texts here has been done nicely by Vivec. Thank you for your work & feel free to PM me if you are active on this forum
  4. If we are to build a Tier 2 collectives, this is one of the necessary pieces of infrastructure we need to cultivate. The way we interact together is inherited from the past and unfortunately there are many serious issues that stem from that. Marshall Rosenberg's NVC is a new way to understand how we can communicate with one another to be able to hear one another's deep feelings, unfulfilled needs and the behaviors that stem from that. Other than expanding empathy, NVC also deepens one own's ability to introspect and live life more consciously. This is a powerful technique for spiral wizardry. Outline and sources can be found here: https://www.cnvc.org/training/resource/book-chapter-1 PS: this is worth studying and experimenting with, then making a mini-series of videos... powerful stuff, don't underrestimate
  5. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill - prime example of healthy Orange
  6. Read some of Stan Grof's books - hes been doing and leading psychedelic psychotherapy almost his whole life. I consider Gabor Mate to be the best author on trauma work. Their teachings complement each other.
  7. I study social sciences in the progressive Scandinavia in a university, which itself is progressive in its culture and structure relative to other unis around. In SD terms, my uni's SS department is thoroughly green with clear signs of yellow. The weakness of Leo's critique of science is in that he seems to not be aware that scientific disciplines can vary dramatically, even in terms of philosophy of science. Whenever he says "science" I interpret it as "western mainstream (likely not cutting edge) natural sciences with philosophical positions of positivist epistemology and objectivist ontology". If I dont, some of his points literally dont apply to the kind of science we are doing at this uni. Though, many of his points of critique are in fact still useful for understanding science and its current limits at a deep level. In my quite unique case, they just often require recontextualization. Tldr: his critique lacks clear definition of "science" and hence he paints with a too broad of a brush. Nuances are lost in this process.
  8. What even is "breakfast"? Is it a type of meal or a meal taken at specific time of the day? It also matters a lot on what were the habits of the participants before the study. Overall sounds weak. I fast from 20.00 till 12.00 and im most productive in the morning, feel great and often I have a breakfast-type meal at around 12.30... is it lunch or not?
  9. Here is another anecdote for your research: my friend did indeed experience HPPD when first tripping on nndmt (low-medium strength), when he was 18. It was for a month or two and although it wasnt serious (he was still able to drive etc.), it was distracting and confusing at times, which made his education more difficult. Since then he never experienced again after taking even more intense doses of psychedelics. Me trying psychedelics in the age range 18-21 didnt produce anything that I'd dare to call HPPD. The trips just helped me unwire the social script I was given and made me much more (perhaps overly) critical of social structures and authorities, which caused confusion and demotivation as well.
  10. I appreciate Leo's dedication to psychedelics and focusing on the topic more closely... there is literally infinite potential for society in these tools. Though, I'm surprised I have never heard him in videos stress the importance of testing substances before consumption. There are reagent test-kits on the market, that you can buy legally and inexpensively. These test-kits contain chemicals, which react with drugs by changing colors and they are in general made to be as fool-proof as possible, making them easy to use for newbies. They are essential even when buying drugs or research chemicals from a legal source! If multiple different test-kits are used to cross-refference what substance it contains and does not, you can identify what you really have in front of you - no longer do you have to rely on blind-faith to your dealer or source! This investment seriously ups your odds of not harming you and importantly creates trust and certainty in your psychedelic use, which can sometimes literally save you from a bad trip (ever became paranoid that you poisoned yourself?). By using test-kits I know what my substance is and that it doesn't contain any adulterants or impurities. Dedicated reddit forum, where you find all the details and nuances plus sources: https://www.reddit.com/r/ReagentTesting/ I hope to see trip-reports on here start mentioning substance being tested before consumed. Take care (pic source here = 1p-lsd)
  11. I'd like to report my own experience with taking bacopa monnieri (brahmi), a nootropic herb. Specifically the brahmi's effect of improved memory, which I found very fascinating, and its utilization for self-actualization purposes. I was taking powdered brahmi (green) grown in India. The package was very cheap compared to capsules and extracts. Though, I had no idea how potent it is (% of bacosides, supposed active compounds), nor did I have any analysis on heavy metals and other pollutants. I was dosing in the morning almost every day (left out a day here and there) for an entire month. The recommended dose on the package was around 1-1.5 grams, but I rather quickly built up my dose to 2-2.5 grams. I have low body mass and I am usually sensitive in feeling drug effects, so I could definitely feel brahmi at the recommended dosages (I was relaxed, energized and my head was clear), but when I saw the increased dose had no adverse effects while producing even stronger positive effects (increased chances of flow-states, occasional spontaneous moments of euphoria). These were the immediate short-term effects, that would slowly come down over the period of 6-9 hours. My sleep quality improved as well and dreams became more vivid plus I could remember them better - I have no doubt, if I put more effort into dream journaling and lucid dreaming, brahmi would have made these techniques even more efficient for self-exploration/actualization. By the end of 3rd week, I became aware that during daily life I had been contemplating and analyzing childhood memories, which were just long forgotten to me. Although they were coming up spontaneously, taking time off to relax and focus on this memory-renewal ability yielded more and better results. Actually, I slowed down, because there was too much content to work with and now I wish I was working with it more strategically - writing stuff down and not just contemplate. Still, this whole process helped me map out a bit more of who I am and why am I the way I am. I felt enhanced memory at least for the next week or two after I had stopped dosing... some other positive effects also lasted. TLDR: Brahmi can be used to understand your past more thoroughly, therefore boosting your ability to integrate own (micro)traumas and unwire your survival script more completely (exactly the work Leo points to in How Survival Shapes Who You Are). Also shows potential in working with one's dreams and shadow work.
  12. Hello I questioned the mainstream so much, that I challenged the notion of using toothpastes and brushing the teeth twice a day - this seems to be what almost everyone around me does. I've found, that coconut oil can be used for cleansing the mouth (oil pulling might be the name), so I changed the traditional toothpaste for cold-pressed organic coconut oil and brushed only once a day at night (I would only allow myself to drink clean water afterwards). The idea is coconut oil kills bad dental bacteria, but keeps good bacteria. How to: It is important to look after the coconut oil = I stored it in a jar in room temperature and darkness the whole time and never introduced any water to it, otherwise it can go bad. Store it outside of steamy places like the bathroom. It will be semi-hard, so scoop it up with clean finger or the other side of the toothbrush, both have to be dry. The oil will melt in the mouth coz of the heat and then you just swish it around and start slowly brushing. Coz it is more liquidy than toothpaste, make sure so it doesnt come out of your mouth , also learn to brush well. After you are done, it is ideal to spit it into organic waste or the rubbish bin, then into the sink. Use water to clean your mouth afterwards. Some people dont like the coconut flavor... personally I love it, but sometimes there are less flavorful coconut oils - just make sure they are not refined or "flavor-removed". Once a month, I'd do careful flossing after the brushing and then finish up with swirling a shotglass water with few drops of eucalyptus or clove essential oil (homemade mouthwash). Takeaways: It feels very different to normal toothpaste! It coats the whole mouth into oil and the teeth actually feel much cleaner than after a toothpaste (even organic varieties). I've found it keeps the mouth cleaner for longer when eating, so this might go well with brushing only once a day. Though, I might be a bit biased in this way, coz I was eating very similar healthy food first and was doing intermitting fasting. After I finish brushing, I can feel a lot of sinus' mucus being loosened, so I'd pull it to the mouth and spit it out - this proved to be a very good for clean nose breathing throughout the day. Often in the morning, I had bad breath, so I had some technique for this... morning tea was good habit, chewing on dried organic citrus peels, eating an apple or swirling with EO homemade mouthwash, as explained above. After I came back to toothpastes, I felt how strong they are. The tolerance to these chemicals has been lowered, so now I could experience them in their original nature. I sensed even the healthy, organic toothpastes. I went to a dentist after about 1.5 years of doing this experiment like 95% of time. it was 3 years since I had last seen him, so I was curious about, what he has to say. He checked me, didnt find any problems and he was a little surprised, how healthy my teeth look (I used to have cavities often, when I was younger).
  13. @mandyjw this (y) Be an example of conscious capitalism/consumerism ^^
  14. ...and I don't mean the definition from the paradigm of materialistic science. In a double-blind place trial, one group of participants are given the actual drug tested, while the others are given a pill with nothing in it (placebo). Every drug that goes through clinical trial has its efficiency tested against the placebo, but not all succeed. The placebo group can even experience some effects and this is what im interested in! Is it yet another example of "Mind over body/matter" and "Law of attraction"? Literally generating something new out of nothingness... where is this effect coming from really? We have never thoroughly studied placebo directly, although its use for benefiting people appears to be very wide (so many different drugs and that is just one domain). Could placebo be the not yet fully actualized potential of humans? ... where in future instead of doing and taking stuff to be or have things a certain way, we will just will that into existence?
  15. 1) you here asking here us for reassurance clearly indicates you have some doubts about your investment and perhaps its ability to help you generate the millions. From my observation, this is not how to harness law of attraction. 2) do a thorough research on what kind of devices are out there, coz this is a hefty some of money. Compare your 2k laptop with one for around 1.2k... look up unsponsored reviews etc. You can put that 800usd to getting good mouse, keyboard, display or a stash of nootropics, which can boost your productivity much more than a shinier device. 3) I have amazing experience with Lenovo ideapad... I've had this laptop for over 6 years of daily use, regular travels and it still functions well. Be aware of the device's repairability and upgradability (iFixIt has good scores/forum), coz when a key on my keyboard started to misbehave 5 years in, I just ordered a new one and replaced it. I also upgraded from HDD to SDD, so my laptop has actually gotten better over time! I dont have good experience with HP. 4) touchscreen is an overkill gimmick in most cases, if you are not an artist. You can get Rocketbook for 50usd (or other "digital paper" products) and it will be better for digitalizing your note-writing and sketching.
  16. Leo's latest video on misapplying spiritual techniques reminded me of my own dark moments in life. In one period, I was going deep with deconstruction, awakening and facing loneliness - producing existential dread, insanity and death ideation. Here is what I did to survive that period and come out stronger at the other end; Since my suffering was caused by thinking, I knew a state of no-mind and total presence was my saving grace. Therefore, I had a laser focus on letting go of my thoughts, which helped me to create distance from any kind of temptations. I spent the days mostly just sitting on my bed. Emotionally I was still uneasy and suffering, but that was it - I was just suffering (nothing more, nothing less). I wrote "Trust the process, Trust the Universe" on pieces of paper, that I put around my apartment. This further helped me to let go and ground me in the totality of the present moment... there was nowhere to go and nothing to do. Effortless action. There was suffering, but it was ok. This grounding assured me the period of suffering will eventually pass and I will be left only to gain insights from such experience. Take care
  17. Read the literature of CG Jung, Stan Grof and Gabor Maté. Really immerse yourself in the topic of past trauma with the intention of healing it. That is the best tip I can give... apply the theories during sober contemplation and see where it takes you. Then plan a trip, where you can go deeper. As part of the trip, get yourself in a state of mind relevant for your intention and prepare integration techniques for after the trip. Dont do just tripping... you have more tools at your disposal, use those and then trip to deepen your work.
  18. Let's start listing all the mega-thread and collection -style posts, that have been made on this forum. We can benefit from a better infrastructure, so let's build it ourselves!
  19. @Leo GuraIn one of your episodes, I think it was about survival, you mentioned the idea, that some people might be naturally wired for spirituality - making them more effective at meditation for example. As such path makes the person more selfless, their odds of survival decrease and therefore today they might be even more rare. Could you elaborate on this idea? Is this your theory? What (scientific) evidence do you have to support that? What role does this (possible) phenomenon play in the evolution of humankind?
  20. Rick Doblin - one of the main drivers behind the psychedelic renaissance and a founder of MAPS, which he really puts a lot of soul into... they are not just about bringing psychedelics into the mainstream, they also bring a change how we interact with each other under capitalism and democracy. The Samurai warriors with the adherence to their code of ethics.
  21. I've a personal story, where an alien encounter started a process of spiritual emergency (fascinating phenomenon described by Christina + Stan Grof, relevant to many of us here) in the person. I trust this person and consider him as quite spiritually evolved and integrous... doing transpersonal psychotherapy for decades (the spiritual emergency lead this person along this path). After his encounter, there was an uptick in people claiming seeing aliens in the same region, so it wasn't just him "hallucinating". I wonder if this is not the alien's way of trying to elevate our consciousness. They might have the foresight to predict, who will be able to benefit from the spiritual emergency in the long-term, making them a more of a harbinger of Truth and Love.
  22. Eventually it will be replaced it with lab grown meat and insect farms, as those can become way more efficient, therefore cheaper, less taxing on the ecology and the ethics are also more easy-going Btw. Animal pastures and grazing do play a role in bio-dynamic farming, so im quite sure we will be "farming" animals, just with different conditions and lower scale.