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Everything posted by Dingo

  1. @Espaim "If I decide to change, I'll lose 1,5 year of studying. I'll need to study 6 months for the entrance exam. And there's a huge change I may not pass." Study and apply law of attraction! If the universe leaves you down the decision to change, then for sure it knows, that you will pass. Trust it and make sure your mindset is like set in "I know I can leave my school now and start preparing for the test, because I know I will pass it - there is just no other way, I will do it whatever it takes". You will put yourself in a difficult situation... you enter enemy's territory and burn the bridge behind you, so now there is not point of return and the only way out of this is to win the battle! You already have everything it takes. I recommend the book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill Just remember... if the universe / your intution leads you down thid path, it has a greater purpose for you. Embrace it and remember that there is NO CHANCE YOU WILL NOT PASS THE TEST - prepare for it and nail it!
  2. I have had very similar life decision like yours 2 years ago. I'm also a psychonaut, so here is a little technique of my liking. I'd say, try to think thid stuff through, be strategic about this decision. Literally reserve an hour a day for a week, where you will close everything off, be alone, take pen and paper and start writing stuff down - ask yourself a question regarding to this decision and try to answer it to yourself, use illustrations if you feel like. Some examples would be: Why am I currently studying the course I'm studying? Why did I start? What future opportunities does the knowledge I gain during the course ooen up for me? Am I satisfied with the university environment? Do I feel like I have already gained the basic understanding of this profession, so swapping to a different course won't necessarily be a waste (you wont get a diploma, but your mind has been expanded)? What could be better in the different course? Where do I see myself in 10 years, if I make the decision to swap? Watch Leo's videos on questioning and you will know, how powerful this exercise can be. Come up with your own questions (that is perhaps the most essential part) tailored towards your very own situation. To close this week of being strategic motherfucker. You can plan another psychedelic trip of low-medium intensity (for me this would be 2-2.5g of shrooms). Stay alone, just like you have been doing each hour every day and even in the same room if possible - to bring out that thoughtfulness you have built up. Now the intention for the trip will be to conclude your week, connect to your intuition and/or infinite intelligence, ask some deeper concluding questions and see, where the trance takes you. I have smoked nndmt in this way also and it is out of this world, how clear of an answer your can get. So simple yet so profound. Sometimes you might need more trips so it is ok, but space them out - dont rush this. Then make sure to act on that answer and don't let your monkey mind distract you. You will be given gold, so make it into a piece of beauty and don't let the monkey shit on it! Follow your bliss. Trust the Universe, Trust the process. When I now look back, it feels like a Hollywood movie for when I made these meaningful life decisions and I'm incredibly thankful for it. Take care and good luck!
  3. Basically I'm asking... How does a healthy interdependent relationship look like with relations to both the man and the woman pursuing their life purposes? What is the reason of their relationship and what benefits can it bring to them, if their life purposes are different from each other and both of them are mature and independent?
  4. @Vxvxen Thanks for bringing that female practical perspective. I could imagine such example of life purpose to give birth and maintain a loving family, but this seems quite stereotypical and close to culturally defined gender roles. Perhaps though there is some truth to it... @Surfingthewave I appreciate the honesty, but you haven't really given me a better idea. As I have already said, I have been trying to spend more time with women over the past couple of years, so that I develop deeper understanding. This is though my first attempt at understanding the combination of life purpose and femininity... I don't hold those opinions or ideas very lightly, like thought experiments, coz I know I'm not yet there with my understanding, so there is no need to deny me so strictly. I came here to understand and not fight. What if I told you, that I have grown up in family with not so well functioning parental relationship, which has put me years backwards, but I don't want to continue this chain of suffering? Could you see a scenario, where it is logical to you, that I come with such wrong ideas? Thanks for pointing out some types of sources, that could help me figure this out @Spiral yeah the distiction is like a model and it has its flaws, but don't you think it can get a person closer to truth? If you just look at the history and current culture, you will find clear differences in the types of social functions most men and most women choose to fulfill. Of course there are more factors to that (gender roles or unequality for examples)... Leo has used the masculine vs. feminine duality in several videos and it has helped me getting deeper understanding of the problem (in the case of Love, for example)
  5. It has been two months since this trip, which has been my last psychedelic experience and here are the mid-term outcomes. Over this period, various childhood memories have started resurfacing into my conscious mind. I have remembered these slightly in my life, but for the past couple of years I have forgotten about them, so they were just lodged in my subconsciousness. I suspect it has been this powerful trip, that has opened the doors for them, as now I'm in a much better place to think about them on a much deeper level, drawing understanding from them... perhaps those were the demons, that entered into my trip and I stood my ground against. These childhood memories are dark in nature - they are acts, that I have done in my past, that I would by no means even think that I'm capable of today. Briefly explained, they consist of me using violent physical force or mental bullying against people, that at the time I viewed as weaker than me (girls and "chubbier" or outcast boys), but also experiencing outbursts of anger. For the past several years I have been very much pacifistic and people, who know me, would definitely not think of me as being someone, who would physically hurt other people. Just in past year or so I have started to develop a more nuanced view on violence, in general / not personal, rather than demonizing it, but still I definitely don't see using violence as something I'd like to do. Perhaps another factor for the memories to come out, so that they can be integrated better into my life, has been me experiencing significant emotional growth, along with mental and spiritual growth. This personal development factor could have been the sign to the universe, that I'm ready to start working with my shadows and the psychedelic trip itself was the catalyst, the ritual, that started the process itself. For this reason, I have also lately been more interested in doing shadow work, understanding archetypes and Jungian psychology. I have also been able to openly share and talk about these dark memories of mine with few other people, which has been quite challenging, but definitely healing in return. The life purpose path I'm onto now really feels like the hero's journey, as it clearly involves tough moments, where I need to conquering myself. I have also realized the true meaning of being the lone wolf, which is connected to stage yellow. Therefore, I'm actively learning more about this archetype from various sources and perspectives, so that I can integrate it into my life wholly and manifest my destiny. These past months have been very tough, as a result I have slowed down on learning about deeper metaphysical topics, so that I can ground myself and maintain a holistically healthy life. I'm doing much better for these couple of weeks... I simply can't express the gratitude, appreciation and the universal joy, that sometimes surges through me. <3
  6. I've been thinking about this question for some time, since I have been intrigued by the warrior persona, which I simplistically explain as someone, who is willing to give up everything (die in battle) in order to save his village. I remember Leo mentioning, that martyrs are coming from a place of ego, but don't all warriors do that? They are willing to die (act of selfnessness) for what they believe/think/feel is a good cause (ego)... is this a paradox? One example of would be a student in Czechoslovakia, who burnt himself to death in public as a protest against the Soviet regime with the intention of showing his fellow citizens, that they should not give in to the invaders and should rise against them to take back the country. more details: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jan_Palach It does look quite noble to me and the czech culture does honor his act up until this day, but didn't he die for the sake of his ideology or belief? PS: I'm not going to kill myself, nor would I like you to do it... I'm genuinely curious about this matter.
  7. Introducing the Better Life Index... http://www.oecdbetterlifeindex.org/#/11111111111 ...a neat model, which let's you evaluate a few criteria surrounding your life, like income, environment, education, work-life balance, and then ranks countries based on it. The simplicity makes it easy to understand and use as a good benchmarking tool for people, who have no idea, where to start researching about the possible places in the world, which could fit their style of living. Of course, this is just a model and the truth is ultimately more complex, but a good starting point anyway ^^
  8. Rimworld as an example of yellow game design? Having played Rimworld, I can ensure, that the game does feel unique. I was even able to apply the "letting go" technique or non-attachment by making emotionally difficult decisions and accepting sacrifice.
  9. I've been involved in the blockchain space for two years now... educating myself about it more and more gradually. I've also developed a lot in strategic and systems thinking, which has lately helped a lot to see, what is this technology really about. I disagree with Leo, when he mentions Bitcoin in stage orange. Or rather I get an impression, that he might not have spent a lot of time researching it (which I'd understand), because this topic is fairly nuanced and complicated as of right now. You have: bitcoin network - peer-to-peer payment network utilizing blockchain (enabled by economical incentives (mining)) Bitcoin - the actual cryptocurrency running on the bitcoin network, which can be speculated upon (it represents the value that's being exchanged on the network) blockchain - distributed ledger technology, makes distributed consensus (trustless system) and therefore cryptocurrencies possible (there are more kinds of DLTs being used) ...it would be similar to calling the internet a stage orange. It is a technology, an invention, similar to the internet, which can be used in different ways by each spiral stage, therefore I'd definitely think of bitcoin as stage yellow. Just think about the speculation around Tesla's stock prices (stage orange)... it doesn't make Tesla, the company, stage orange, does it? There is a whole lot more cryptocurrencies, 2116 as of now, but since many of these are very poorly run projects or literal scams, I'd say there are at least 200 serious projects, which are trying to use this new piece of technology to disrupt existing systems (cutting out middle-men), make current systems more efficient (trust-less tech, near fee-less and instantaneous global transactions) or by creating whole new market opportunities (smart-contract security). Although this technology is not yet fully developed and therefore not yet ready for mainstream adoption (it has been here for just 10 years), it is logical, that we will not see any major shifts so quickly. Even though the 2018 price levels don't look positive, there was actually a lot of growth in tech development and adoption (security token offerings, Bitcoin ETF and a lot more). What is a nice example is helping the "unbanked" or "underbanked", who are people most of the time in developing countries, where traditional banking systems are not interested to offer their services, because of the lack of money or high instability in those regions. As soon as these people are able to acquire a smart device and internet connection, they can download a free cryptocurrency wallet, buy amazon gift card at a supermarket and then exchange it on a crypto-marketplace (like Paxful) for Bitcoin. They are now able to store digital cash and transact globally themselves. I could go on and on, but I don't want to make my initial entry too complicated I'd much rather react to questions or participate in a discussion further