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Everything posted by Dingo

  1. I might add a point, that I might have missed... I used to get aphthae (Aphthous stomatitis) regularly several times a year since early childhood. My mom has also been prone to getting them. Since I began this experiment, the amount of aphthae I get reduced significantly and also the time for it to heal was cut short. It might be good to test this method, if you have any bacterial/viral/immunity problems regarding your mouth. Disclaimer: I started this dental hygiene experiment at a similar time I started to changed my diet and generally started looking after my body better, so these factors could be entangled.
  2. Dancing. Find your favourite simple yoga sequence. Spontaneous yogic dancing. (connected with the point below) Feeling into your body and stretching. (connected with the point above) Search online for prison workout routines. Gyrating (consciously mimic the movement your body does, when you are shivering, and intensify it) - I found this crazy powerful physical spiritual exercise... good for muscle and you enjoy a trance-like state of consciousness (drumming/organic music helps)
  3. Following I'm also considering testing my water supply, as I drink a lot of tap water. I was thinking of buying 2 different test kits for all kinds of pollutants - heavy metals, bacteria, pesticides, minerals, chlorine etc., so that I can cross-reference the findings. Also not cheaping out on the test kits... the ones I found interesting were about 20 euro each (had several of those paper sticks).
  4. Checkout Antichamber... I remember when I smoked weed and played the game for the first time and my mind was blown away for the first moments - the same happened to many of my friends Management type games: Rimworld, Prison Architect, Cities Skyline, 4X games can also work (Endless Legends is quite nice), Starsector Fast stylish action-packed games: Hotline Miami 1 & 2 Chess-like games: Slay the Spire, Into the Breach RPGs with great stories and character development: Fallout 1 & 2, Underrail This War of Mine would also fall within some of these categories... really gives you insight into how it is living in a warzone. I'd stay away from most multiplayer games as the competitiveness can easily ruin the joy and get you sucked in.
  5. Hehe... I come from Czechia and live in Denmark, so perhaps i can chime in... Given that Denmark has a sizable hippie culture and Christiania is a thing (a semi-independent part of Copenhagen, where sale of marijuana is tolerated), I think they have a good chance of cannabis decriminalization or even legalization. Norway has decriminalized possession of drugs last year if im not mistaken. Portugal and Czechia have decriminalized the possession of all drugs for some time already. Czechia in specific has made the possession of small amounts of drugs punishable only by a fine (you still break the law, but no criminal record is kept). Small amounts are specified in the law this way: Five cannabis plants or 15.0 grams of marijuana 40 pieces of magic mushrooms 5.0 grams of hashish five LCD-laced papers or other materials with LSD 1.5 grams of heroin 1.0 gram of cocaine 2.0 grams of methamphetamine If you carry more than this, you can get into a lot of trouble... going to jail for couple of years. Also, sometimes people are caught with a whole cannabis plant (still in a pot) and they weight the whole thing and write it as grams of marijuana - there are cases, where people were charged for possession of couple kilos of weed, because of this ridiculous measurement technique. In other rare cases tho, they can also test the whole plant's % of THC, which will result in ridiculously low number and you can be freed for basically possessing industrial hemp I have actually been caught by cops smoking a joint with friends in a park and they basically said, that they know we are not doing anything dangerous and they dont neccessarily agree with weed being illegal, but they have to do their job. They didn't search anything, allowed us to finish the joint and each one got a fine of 12€. Granted I think we were very lucky to meet such cops.
  6. @DocWatts I've asked czech libertarians, who would they vote for and provided them with a documentary pointing out Trump's link to fascism. Half would not vote, because it is unethical under their ideology of not using force against others. The other half voted Trump completely oblivious to the fact he is a dictator type of leader... I'd think this choice is influenced by their alignment with wanting smaller government, regulations, tax cuts etc, but I don't doubt most of them were highly uneducated about US politics judging by the comments they left.
  7. TLDR: Recreational use of psilocybin is still illegal, but all drugs have been decriminalized. Organizations in Oregon can get license to administer psilocybin to their clients (this will most be in medical context first). Oregon Health Authority now has two years to develop the program (conditions, rules) for getting the licenses. The OHA will be advised by the Oregon Psilocybin Advisory Board during the development of the program. It is interesting to see, who is allowed to be on the board, as this will dictate, how easy it will be to setup the psilocybin centers and what will be possible. For example. they invite indigenous people as well as academics. (see below (X)) "Measure 109 created a program for administering psilocybin products, such as psilocybin-producing mushrooms and fungi, to individuals aged 21 years or older. As of 2020, the manufacturing and consumption of psilocybin is illegal under both federal law and state law.[1][2] The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) will be responsible for establishing the program and creating regulations. OHA has a two-year period to develop the program. An Oregon Psilocybin Advisory Board (OPAB) advise the OHA. Clients would be allowed to purchase, possess, and consume psilocybin at a psilocybin service center and under the supervision of a psilocybin service facilitator after undergoing a preparation session. Under Measure 109, the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) determines who is eligible to be licensed as a facilitator, determine what qualifications, education, training, and exams are needed, and create a code of professional conduct for facilitators. OHA would set psilocybin dosage standards and labeling and packaging rules.[1] Measure 109 allowed cities and counties to place referendums on local ballots to prohibit or allow psilocybin-product manufacturers or psilocybin service centers in unincorporated areas within their jurisdictions. The measure prohibited psilocybin service centers within the limits of an incorporated city or town.[1]" https://ballotpedia.org/Oregon_Measure_109,_Psilocybin_Mushroom_Services_Program_Initiative_(2020) X= see: "Oregon Psilocybin Advisory Board: Who would serve on the board and what the board is responsible for" part of the ballotpedia
  8. @Jayson G Oatmeal... the game changer is always to cook it. Presoaking is then just taking a step further. This way you unlock the nutrients to its maximum... sometimes I literally let is soaking for 2-3 days in room temperature and it turns into a sour pancake slurp consistency and I've been able to eat it like that without even cooking it - still light and no digestive problems. Regarding hunger... yeah! That craving for munching on food is what you tackle with fasting. We can benefit greatly by developing discipline about our hunger - to not be a slave to it, but rather to be able to negotiate with it. I just researched a lot about the benefits of fasting (this gets me motivated) and started doing once-twice a month a 24 hour fast (just drinking plenty of tap water). First couple of times, this is going to be difficult, so prepare for it like a psychedelic trip... have the whole day to yourself, meditate & contemplate, go for a walk to distance yourself from the fridge, whenever the cravings come, observe it and just drink shitton of water. Don't break it at night - remind yourself, that the next morning, the breakfast will be fucking amazing (you will appreciate and enjoy the food much more!). Regarding the food for breaking a fast... eat something light... I always do fruit (apple, orange, banana, pears, peaches, melons....) and 2-4 hours later do a more filling meal like vegetable soup (keep in mind whatever you eat on such empty stomach will be digested much more thoroughly, so I always pick the healthiest food I can after a fast... not fucking pizzas )
  9. Some food hacks... 1) cook more and store for next days - saves a lot of time and effort! I'd sometimes even cook in the evening my "breakfast" meals for the upcoming 2-3 days 2) skip morning meals altogether - intermittent fasting is healthy and saves a lot of time! Give it a shot The more you fast, the better you become at working with the energy... my most productive hours are mornings, when I only eat 12-8pm. I'd actually have my breakfasts at 12, as my first light meal. 3) I consider oatmeal to be the best breakfast material. It is carbs, but in one of the healthiest forms I know of (no carb crashes). It has fantastic calorie/price ratio. It can be prepared in many ways (fruits, berries, seeds, nuts, fermented, baked, savory...), so you can experiment and not become bored by it. It is ecological crop, get organic if you can. My trick is to always presoak it in plenty of water at least 8 hours before cooking (along with chia, flaxseeds or whatever) and then I throw in the rest of ingredients at the end of the cooking. Don't be afraid to add salt or bit of vinegar. With some quality fats (olive, coconut...) a big bowl can sustain me for 4 hours.
  10. Some perspective about the US from abroad... I live in Europe, travel around quite a bit, come from Czechia, live & study political science (social science) in Denmark. In Denmark, the international young classmates generally view the whole Trump presidency as a ridiculous phenomena... almost like a living nightmare, that is too crazy to believe it is real. He is viewed as incompetent and racist clown of a president. He is a president, that we would expect in some second or third world country. Even some professors will openly make fun of him. Rise of fascism, alt-right, political polarization are all promoted by the way he acts. Just the other day we were analyzing the US as on its way to a flawed democracy and failed state (there are certainly growing amount of factors, that contribute to this conclusion). In general many young Europeans, who engage in some kind of politics, think of the US under Trump as much less of an ally. It is much clearer here now, that we cannot rely on the US as a key strategic partner to Europe, because electing another president like Trump in future will threaten our survival. The EU would love for the US to have a strong and competent leader, that is willing to cooperate and not indulge in selfish actions and economic nationalism. Such leader would obviously see, that cooperation is essential at addressing global and geopolitical issues. The US has lost a lot of its trust and fascination. China is closing in to the power-level of the US - it is useful to come to the realization of this, so that some kind of strategy for preventing a war can be applied. Of course, Trump is unable to do such a thing and actually he does the opposite... having such reckless president of the world's super for sure makes many millennials over here anxious and pessimistic about humankind's future.
  11. I thought Leo's playlist misses out on some organic/pagan enlightenment music, so here is a little cute collection from up north
  12. I've got a very valuable source for this purpose... Vincent Moon has been travelling around the world for years and capturing all kinds of "rituals" of various cultures - many you have never heard about. His work though is more artistic rather than documentarist, so it is even more up to you, what you make of it
  13. Psychedelics, transpersonal psychology, shamanism, non-duality... these links have it all https://slideslive.com/itc/international-transpersonal-conference-prague-2017?utm_source=newsletter_itc2017&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2017-11-09+ITC+2017%3A+The+Afterglow https://slideslive.com/beyond-psychedelics/beyond-psychedelics-2018
  14. I study it as well... it is quite fascinating to see the history of the sociological thinkers/schools and how they draw upon each other, how they react to their social/historical context, how different their conceptualizations are (reflected in epistemological and ontological assumptions) and just how these perspectives have percolated into societies. To study this in detail though is very extensive and requires a lot of time.
  15. Just adding another non-school source for learning... https://www.skillshare.com/ You might be able to find some youtuber's referral link for first-month free... This channel in my opinion combines very well animation with education: https://kurzgesagt.org/ (they have a skillshare course of their own)
  16. There are definitely many useful lessons to be learned in competitive sports as well. Self Discipline, anger management, strategizing, ability to research, health, diet, humbleness or "being good sport"... Since competitive sports put a lot more on the line, there is a greater incentive to actually perform well through developing these skills, that can be applied later in self-actualization. It is a weaker version of the medieval generals, who if the didnt strategize well enough, they would lose the battle and lose their life.
  17. @datamonster that is an interesting point. I've recently read a similar positive lobbyism case in Czechia about a lobby group for alternative medicine voicing their concern about a new law, that would threaten future development of various alternative medicine towards being legitimized. I view this as a key success for society although it was of course self-interest and self-survival of the lobby group, because the category of "alternative medicine" includes some techniques, which have already been proven to be very effective for promoting health, such as meditation, yoga, plant medicines and various holistic healing like holotropic breathwork. I guess the key point here is, that lobbyism can bring various sub-groups together (competitors come together), when their survival is threatened. This can be especially important for fringe, alternative, niche, marginalized or demonized group of people/companies. For example, having lobbyist for psychedelic therapy might actually be needed to push this healing technique into legitimacy. What do you think?
  18. I've been thinking about Leo's conscious politics proposal to ban money from politics, legalized bribery, with the intent to make democracy more equal, one person one vote. Specifically, what implications does this really have in detail. I'm 23yo, live in Europe and my life purpose involves a political change (specifically replacing the War on Drugs with a more compassionate and effective sets of policies). This implies that I want to pick a carrier path, which will help me achieve this goal in a healthy/ecological way (ideally win-win-win kind of thing). One of such opportunities, which lately crossed my mind is becoming a lobbyist. Useful definitions related to lobbying... noun: "a group of persons who work or conduct a campaign to influence members of a legislature to vote according to the group's special interest." verb: "to solicit or try to influence the votes of members of a legislative body." or "to urge or procure the passage of (a bill), by lobbying." From my personal experience, influenced heavily by stage green / hippie ideas, lobbying is most often associated with big and powerful corporations, which can afford to pay huge sums of money to lobby groups, who then try to influence the government in the corporate favor. The corporations are playing out survival in a self-biased way and the lobbyist are also thought of as just a tool, a pawn, that can be paid for to do the bidding - also very self-bias & survival, little global or spiral concern. It is possible for other interest groups to utilize lobbying to their benefit, but the general rule is: more money = more lobby influence. 1) What do you think about this understanding of lobbying? How would You analyze it? It is important to note though, that this is the way lobbying works today (probably heavily influenced by the dominance of stage orange thinking). We can imagine, that the way lobbying is done today will evolve with time as we become more conscious and loving society. I can for example picture lobbyist not just as people accepting and propagating the ideas of others with the intention to generate a living (spiral tier 1), but as people concerned for the wellbeing of all groups in society, taking an ecological and integral perspective and being spiritually purified systemic thinkers (tier 2). In this way, they could serve a vital role in democracy as being another way for the everyday person to engage in politics (lobbyist would go around and hear people out, do complex and creative problem solving and then offer voicing the idea to the government for a financial contribution (source of lobbyist's income - kind of like crowd funding for political solutions). This tier 2 example is far from today's reality, but since it is possible to imagine, it is possible to manifest . 2) What do you think about this idea of tier2 lobbying? 3) Do you think it could be a legitimate path I can take? Or is lobbying altogether doomed due to the inherent self-bias? 4) Are there other political carrier paths today, where it is more feasible to radiate love and consciousness? PS: this is just one path I can see... personally I'm currently more inspired by the paths of people like Gandhi and MLK.
  19. To put a new layer of nuance upon the topic of UFO... It appears, that ufo encounters can have a spiritual meaning as well - shaking the human's experience so much and so deeply, that something seemingly new may come up to the surface - changing the trajectory of a person's life. Here I share with you one such story. Although he struggles with English, the story can be eye-opening - go google "Spiritual emergency". I personally know him and he is a geniune guy... it is clear to me he has gone through some spiritual purification in his life, so this has smaller chance of being some ego-lie ^^ https://slideslive.com/38903426/holotropic-art-as-a-bridge-on-the-journey-of-the-soul-to-the-light?ref=speaker-8727-latest Btw. You can check many more recordings, that can completely change the way you think by looking through the channel International Transpersonal Conference on slideslive. Topics such as non-duality, psychedelics, psychology, art, therapy, shamanism...
  20. It is quite some time, that I have had a deep appreciation for just how diverse human cultures in the world can be. Some cultural worldviews can be so radically different than what we are used to, that they can appear alien to us (think of living your whole life in an uncontacted tribe deep in the Amazon). This has fueled my passion for travelling and watching various documentaries, coz the insights I get help me to be more appreciative of the life I live and expand my awareness of what's possible. One thing, that I've become fond of lately is pondering why certain cultures are like they are - what factors (geographical, demographic, climate, language, historical...) have contributed to the beliefs, ideas, customs they currently possess. The factors of geographical location in particularly is very undervalued, as most people in the west are not aware about just how fortunate for a decent region to live in. There are regions, that experience various natural disasters on regular basis... think of a culture, which has adapted over the centuries to living in an area, which gets impacted by a volcano eruption every 100 years. Could it be possible, that a native americans lost to europeans partly to the fact, that they were not living alongside "filthy animals"? More on this perspective here; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgMa9WMzRP8 Or what about the current geopolitical tactics, that governments apply or problems they are challenged in overcoming? A channel providing a militarist/strategist perspective on countries is this one; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZJFozFsnIU Try to watch a video or two and you will see just how crazy of a role mountains, beaches and other biomes play in impacting the culture! Language is another huge factor... a cultural product, which shapes the cultural worldview (going full circle, tool for homeostasis). There are languages out there, which work in completely different way, have 10x as much words and provide super specific expressions. Examples; "Sami languages of Norway, Sweden and Finland have anywhere from 180 snow- and ice-related words and as many as 300 different words for types of snow, tracks in snow, and conditions of the use of snow." or the Japanese word "Bakku-Shan", which is translated as "a beautiful girl...as log as she is viewed from behind" or the Danish idiom "En sukkergris" - "As a farming country, it’s not surprising that pigs play a quite important role in the Danish language. If you have a sweet tooth, a Dane might describe you as a ‘sugar pig’". Imagine calling your child a sugar pig around your friends... what kind of reactions would you get? Now to finish it off, I'd like you to see an altered global map https://bigthink.com/strange-maps/490-map-of-the-worlds-countries-rearranged-by-population Imagine from one day to another the locations of the countries change in this way. Most likely many conflicts would errupt between new neighbors over strategic resources, positions or the radical differences in worldviews. The cultures would evolve along a completely different trajectory - the language would change, the diets and products sold in the shop would change, etc.
  21. I'm not from the USA, but I'm certain many Americans of this forum would find the Initiative Petition 34 an important development. It doesn't create the ideal system, but it definitely moves us closer to having one. https://yesonip34.org/ This is the perfect time to make people aware of new and very potent therapies, as the coronavirus situation has brought a lot of stress/trauma to the surface. The Truth will always win out in the long-run. Congratulations to the people of Oregon, who appear to be leading the charge in psychedelic legislation. PS: This is one great psychedelic content creator, who has brought this initiative to my attention... feel free to check him out
  22. Soak overnight... you can add a bit of salt and vinegar to the water - those give the oats nice taste. Then cook them thoroughly with more water if needed. The consistency is not superb, but this removes bloating and maximizes nutritional value in my case.
  23. I have heard about big humanitarian aid companies, such as the Red cross, being terribly inefficient at actually helping the cause many times now. The same goes for government donations or foreign aid programs, that probably are even in a worse situation. Corruption and devilry all around in these examples - normal people literally hand over cash to help others in need, but the middleman eats it all up and sprinkles around the leftover crumbs. Have you seen any high consciousness humanitarian organizations, which have chosen to be on the cutting edge in terms of actual results and hence transform this industry for the better?
  24. Is there anyone else, who thinks, that stoicism pairs up nicely with minimalist lifestyle? By minimalism I mean the lifestyle one develops and goes by in regards to "external" phenomena... not the way one thinks, behaves and communicates. I see similarities in the following ways: One is not attached to material or external things, so there is no need to posses great number and/or very expensive items, coz after a certain point the basic need is met and anything further than that would be giving in into one's egoic lust for power, status etc. Living with satisfaction and enthusiasm, while surrounding yourself with simplicity (in terms of external objects and pleasures), so one does not become distracted from one's work. Ultimately, one's mind is the only thing under one's control, coz from this all meaning stems from. One's favorite piece of furniture, which has aided him for all of his life, can in a blink of an eye become just another piece of furniture like no other, if one changes his attitude about it. I'm planning to further develop my minimalist lifestyle by slowly changing my wardrobe and house interior by... Dropping down the number of things with similar use-case in possession. Going from 20 t-shirts to 6. Choosing to stay with the things, that are simple and that is where their beauty stems from. Going from entertaining or commemorative t-shirt to a more pure/bare/modest outlook. Though, my concern is about artistic beauty, as I do see great value in spending time in presence of items/works, which demanded great creative talent. Do you think, that one can go for more colorful and funky outlook with great consistency, if one feels like it represents his inner values? Or do you think this is just an egoic need?
  25. I'm a 22 year old male, who hasn't had much deep interaction with women for most of my life... for the last couple of years I have been learning more about women, the masculine/feminine dynamic, right/left brain hemisphere, spending more time with women, developing my own authenticity and in the past half a year going through a lot of emotional growth as well. I have also been taking the life purpose course, which has given me a great sense of orientation in life. I'm currently re-reading Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich, where there are descriptions of rules to follow, if one wants to achieve great things in life... there are also many examples from the real life, which though include mostly stories of men. There are many mentions of how these successful men almost always had a loving woman next to them and one of the chapters is even dedicated to sexual transmutation, which in simple terms from my understanding means translating sexual energy into a powerful motivator for achieving great things in life. Here is where my curiosity starts... as women generally embody more feminine qualities and their psychology also works a bit differently, what kind of values would they put forth through their life purpose journey...? As I understand it, feminity is more about empathy, spontaneity/chaos, intuition, nurturing and perhaps more artistic. I do respect women and cheer for those few, who go independent, but don't most women find life satisfaction in accompanying and supporting a strong and determined man (one on the hero's journey, let's say)? Also I don't think of this feminine support as something weaker or less important, I can actually see it very meaningful to a healthy-functioning society. Anyone with understanding of femininity with connection to life purpose, who would like to shed some light for me? PS: I've posted this in the Dating,R,S section instead of the Life Purpose, coz this is for the development of my understanding of women and relationship dynamics.