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Everything posted by Dingo

  1. Once you awaken, your homeland would benefit greatly from you sharing with them your insights... Let's try to leave noone behind. Stage turqiouse is collectivist for a reason I moved to Scandinavia from eastern europe to get better education and experience society half a generation ahead (literally how it feels). I intend on coming back to aid in the evolution of the society I grew up in.
  2. Same problem for years... Lately Ive been trying to integrate my philosophy, my learned lessons and life purpose throughout my whole life. Im very picky as to with whom I spend my spare time. If they cannot stand a conversation about love, psychedelics or personal development, I skip. In uni classes, when we are taught a concept or theory, I like to share concrete examples from my own life. Usually I pick ones, that are aligned with my life purpose (in short, drug harm-reduction and psychonautics), which is stigmatized, but I dont care... I speak my mind and give great examples, that cannot be denied. In this process, Im destigmatizing the topic drugs as well (integrity meets going meta), because I make it seem so casual. Im building up to work in a company, that is fully integratous with my philosophy. If there is no company open enough to allow me in, I will build my own. I remember the moment from which I started embodying myself in this greater capacity. The fire in my soul has been lit. I feel powerful, unstoppable and capable of achieving the unimaginable (im constantly checking myself against any selfish excesses). Integrating SD stage red has been key for my fire being lit (along with the second-tier levels).
  3. My father helped me... He is a successful businessman, who has very little concern about ethics, ecology and things, that do not directly benefit him. I learned from him, that emotional unavailability leads to trauma and tears families apart. I learned from him, that chasing wealth and prestige doesn't guarantee happiness. I learned from him, that a lack of empathy and self-indulgince make for a shallow and easily predictable person. I learned from him the damage manipulative behaviors can cause. I learned from him the significance of letting people go from one's life & the power of forgiveness. Granted, he never talked about these topics... it was me, who did all the work uncovering this shit in him & me. Using psychedelics for self-therapy, traveling the world, meeting hippie people, attending psychedelic conferences (educational, not festivals or parties), being interested in New Age and Eastern philosophies and practices like meditation were all the beginnings of my Green integration (in general these made me realize the world around me isn't really that "dumb" nor "just physical"; my materialism began deconstruction)
  4. You will be able to let go & you will come out of this stronger and more loving <3
  5. A person teaches you about a thing he has no experiemce with. Foolishness
  6. Psychedelics can make you into ruthless warrior. "Methodological use of psychedelics for consciousness work" (it is a shame we and Leo lazily shorten it to "psychedelics") will certainly make you more loving. Im a living example of that.
  7. For me, easy ways to test if im moving to yellow... Am I ok living in solitude? Or do I keep looking for some company? Green is communal, while yellow is individualistic, but since it is now aware about the complexity of reality, solitude becomes important for mapping out these new waters. Can I have an open discussion with an extremely ideological person? Go to some church or stage blue religious people and tell them that you want to know more about their faith. Hopefully, they will send you to some expert in converting people (the toughest of the nuts). Now let him teach you and spew his bullshit, while you sit there openly listening with curiosity and outmaneuvering any questiom that he might press you on. If you come out of that discussion thinking: "wow I learned a lot here", then you are likely either blue or yellow
  8. Get a test-kit and test if you actually have LSD... a rookie mistake like this could cost you a life in the worst case scenario. Rent a nice place... dont be afraid to invest into this experience... you dont want to be disturbed, you want to be able to focus fully and have the possibility to act weird and be loud. Bring all important and comforting stuff with you to the rented place, if you really need to. Ideally youd want to have one more close friend, who has psychedelic experiences already, to tripsit your, what sounds like, first experience.
  9. Psychedelics for sure take you deeper and have less risks (in the typical sense) with them. Though, I've found many good uses for cannabis, such as for yoga, breaking habitual days (getting out of the rut), dancing and making music and to some extent can also be used a great social lubricant and the occasional relaxation (don't underestimate the importance of this). I'm careful about the type of cannabis I pick and use dry-herb vaporizer, which changes things quite a lot. I think the gold spot for me is to use no more than 1-2x a month, where the intention is quite clearly defined before I use it.
  10. I will break the rules and share my double-course account with another person, am I risking losing it all?
  11. What is the purpose of this thread? What are the lessons we can learn in any of this? Are we really discussing price-predictions of BTC here... what the fuck I cannot even find that many good tips here on why, how and what the investment strategy should be like. There are bitcoiners with far more strategic capacity and power, so don't be surprised, when you lose the battle.
  12. It is not just an issue of personal access. Many people are clueless about using psychedelics for personal development, so then it becomes very beneficial to have institutional providers of psychedelic therapy... it makes psychedelic healing possible and even more efficient for normies. The problem here is that Compass Pathways are trying very much to kill healthy competition between these provider institutions, which will have overall negative impact on both access and efficiency. Some of those institutions were really the ones, who sparked the Psychedelic Renaissance, so it is pure devilry to steal the fruits they were growing for so long... there are many genuine stage green people within those institutions (like MAPS), who are getting fucked over by this devilry. Yes, this is very much a short-term problem, but it will seriously impact today's generations. Yes, decriminalization of personal growing and use is a great answer.
  13. Great lessons to be learned here... You can spot patterns in how some of the sudden movements and gestures get triggered and what they are like Imagine what some of your everyday tasks would look like with this condition Imagine what the monkey mind would be like Although she is suffering, her family appears to be supportive and she looks to be generally happy in life Can you come up with advantages of this condition? (to me it makes her a rather enjoyable comedian) How would energetic/psychedelic healing apply to this condition? Or got any other specific holistic techniques?
  14. I had one low LSD dose at a small-scale psytrance rave in nature. That environment was much more friendly towards psychedelic states (mellower, trippier music, people and design), yet still once I started came close to the peak, I saw through all that illusion happening around me and chose to rather sit and meditate there for 30 minutes. It all felt fake, perfectly described as "chasing the dragon" and I spent the rest of the night as far as possible from the stage, where there was a bit less distraction, so I could enjoy the bliss coming from within. I would literally had a more ecstatic experience, if there was no rave at all... that is how these "sensory-overloads" compare to (tiny) peak experience.
  15. Sorry, I know this doesn't belong here, but I cannot reach the Support, so I'm trying my luck here. I accidentally bought a second copy of the course on my account and would like to 1) have it transferred to a second account to giveaway OR 2) get a refund
  16. I did it for a month and can tell; it is not good for your mental health. The markets and trades will be constantly on your mind, your urge to check phone will be much higher, the quality of your social relations declines & it is not fulfilling at all. Even when you do a stupid cleaning job, you can feel good about making the area clean for people to enjoy and you get tangible feel-good result. At least, when you go home the job is done and you can chill... with day-trading this doesn't stop, you are ALWAYS at work... in a way it is a prison.
  17. Primary/secondary/high school psychonautics classes (meditation, sensory deprivation, psychedelics... many methods for self-exploration) Country leaders can only be ellected, if they've undergone a year of proper psychedelic/holistic therapy. Ellected officials lose the right to privately own anything, the state provides them high-quality lifestyle and their lives are publicly monitored at all times while in office. (experimental) Reintroduce the role of the shaman into our societies. One day per year all artificial light is disabled, so we can marvel at the night sky.
  18. Bought algae oil on Mind Nutrition (UK based nootropics eshop)... did around 5 of 200mg DHA gels per week for a month and definitely felt improvements - better cognitive functions (focus) as well as wellbeing (I just felt good). I can though see now, that their product range has shrank and they no longer openly provide pollution lab tests on their products (maybe upon request).
  19. Hey I also live in a small apartment in Denmark - air is very humid all the time and it is cold. I like to stay conservative with the radiator heating and try to enjoy my room cold. Sometimes I get cold feet and hands, when behind a desk, but I learned to work around it (walk around, different sitting position, "using the mind to warm up") and build resistance (the cold is your friend as Wim Hof would say). I can enjoy hot soups and teas that much more thanks to the cold, same with warm blankets Burning candles (I'd get beeswax) or diffusing essential oils can also make you feel warm
  20. I'm an intermediate psychonaut with dozens of experiences over the past years behind my belt... benefited from both the blissful as well as the difficult ones. My last couple of trips - mostly with longer lasting psychedelics like psilocybin shrooms or LSD, I really became fond of closing myself in a sleeping bag after the ingestion of the psychedelic. I do most of my trips lying down with closed eyes or in semi-darkness, so being in the sleeping bag for the first hour or two is not a problem... I only get out for a snack, drink or to go to the toilet. It has been much more likely for me to have some kind of experience related to my past, when I use the sleeping bag. I had several forgotten traumatic memories from childhood pop-up to my conscious mind. Couple of times I even had an experience of being in the womb. When the trip is going strong and I go deep into a trance, while in the sleeping bag, I then often find myself instinctively going in the fetus position (I only realize this after I leave the trance). Could a sleeping bag - thanks to its shape and properties, be used to increase the likelihood of revisiting childhood experiences during the trip? Has anyone else tested this? I'd say feel free to give this a try! I know, that Holotropic Breathwork (shamanic breathwork) has been done while floating in water, under professional supervision. This also increases the likelihood of experiencing one's birth for example. PS: the moment I come out of the sleeping bag is also phenomenal! It is like the caterpillar (sober me) going into its cocoon, undergoing a process of transformation (the peak of a trip) and then out comes a beautiful butterfly (God-mode "me")... a true rebirth
  21. Wim is a great influencer for many of us here... his teachings might sound simple, but if you continue the practice, there will come a click and you will realize what this is really about. He has changed my life. Take his course... you can learn yogic superabilities the western way
  22. What speech to text software do you use? Do you take digital privacy into account? What about open source? ...the best technology I've found are psychedelics, hehe Air ionizer (cleans air and generates negative ions) has often made me feel fully focused. Diffusing essential oils can also be powerful. Vertical computer mouse has helped with wrist pain/sensitivity. Cryptocurrency investing as a safety hedge against "traditional" systems. Brave browser has spoiled me over the years, as I have forgotten how ads are displayed over the internet. Unfollowing people on Facebook to cut down bullshit posts. Searching facebook for nearby events and relevant groups for social purposes (good while traveling). Checking the repairability of an electronic/digital item before I buy it... iFixIt and repair guides for fixing parts, that are broken instead of changing the whole device (my phone has 3.5 years and my laptop close to 8). Fairphone looks to be the best phone company I've found and will buy their phone once mine dies.
  23. I was born and grew up in Czechia - free schools, college, healthcare (good social net overall). Though a couple years ago I moved to Denmark, because I like the different education system at colleges. Also, the social net is even stronger here. People are nicer and everyone knows english. It is safer here - leaving the house unlocked is done quite normal. I can bike around everywhere. I can buy a lot of organic food in any store. I can have 100% green electricity. There is almost an infrastructure for electric vehicles. Cities are planned in a nice way with lots of greenery. Salary relative to living expenses here are better than Czechia (I can save up a lot of money for starting a business for example). Since the population is rich, a lot of new technology comes here first. These little bonuses add up as you can see and even when Czechia is very good country to live in relative to the world. Denmark has been even better for me... so good, that Im even considering citizenship. Do your research about countries, travel and live in a country for at least a month to get some sense of how it is. Then consider moving. New Zealand though seems like already top-tier place to live for me. My top-tier countries are Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, New Zealand and maybe Canada or Finland. Based on many factors.
  24. One more key thing about PH levels I forgot to mention... I believe I read somewhere, that the coconut oil doesnt create the right ph level for the mouth, which might be why bad breath in the morning was an issue. I tried two techniques to work around this; Mixing the coconut oil = take the jar of coconut oil > put in on the radiator so it becomes liquid > sprinkle in some baking soda (optional: add a drop or two of some essential oil) > stir it up thoroughly and put back to a good storage area. Problem with this is that the baking soda will not dissolve and most likely fall down, so the top of the jar will be more or less the same as before, while the bottom of the jar will be much more alkaline. The grains of the soda will be there and make the toothpaste more abrasive (not ideal to use all the time, but great from time to time for whitening). Relying on the homemade mouthwash = add some baking soda to the homemade mouthwash (water + EO) and be consistent at using it after every brushing or in the morning. This is the ideal way, as the aim here is to just alter the ph and not to utilize the abrasive properties of soda. The main problem is that you have to prepare it and have it ready at all times... which is really not that big of a deal