Jack River

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Everything posted by Jack River

  1. The truth is becoming is the reason we are not free or that we suffer, as in fear motivated. Also psychological time and thought go together. Desire looking for pleasure in time. “Me” looking for pleasure in thought. “Me” looking for pleasure in “me”- my self image.
  2. @DrewNows doesn’t psychological conflict basically mean resistance and making this false division worse? If desire is motivating me to become isn’t that fear motivating? Does fear lead me out of conflict/suffering ?
  3. This process or psychological growth or spiral growth is fear in action. As long as our motive comes from fear we are going to be selfish. If I am trying to become something like enlightened, rich, a color scheme of spiral dynamics I am always striving to become. If I am always doing that I am depending on that future state of being. Then there is fear that i might not get it. That makes me grumpy or angry when things don’t go my way...if we really want to be the genuaine psychological becoming has to end. When I seek psychologically that is fear escaping what is, and that means conflict and suffering for me and others around me. The ending of this psychological time will bring a radical change to consciousness one “me” at a time. Just worry about this in yourself. No psychological time dude. Then you are really helping the world.
  4. Or there is no road to truth. How could there be
  5. Freedom/liberation/or what is acts now. Doesn’t depend on time. Time is the enemy
  6. freedom or oneness is not cultivated via time dudes. Time or practices or routines, or usage of chemicals like psychedelic experiences all time based “me” movement. All this type of activity means we have not realized no self yet. They ways we use to get to freedom push freedom away. I wish I would have saw this along time ago. What is is not the result of progression/cultivation my brah-manswhat is comes with the absence of self becoming, or desire/fear running away from what is.
  7. The practices and the me are the same. Psychological movement. Psychological progression=More ego/self.
  8. It’s wise to understand what ways the ego feeds itself. Otherwise we get trapped in the loop of illusion dudes.
  9. To much thought dude. Thought loves to assume and forget it assumed.
  10. @DrewNows you really seem to understand the me/thought very much dude. Awesome ?
  11. You get it dude. Goal and thought go together. The motive is “me” feeding “me” with its ways. Practices, routines and all that jive.
  12. Understanding fear means understanding the self. Understanding when fear is fear and understanding when we feed the self or not by not paying attention to fear. First can we even see what is fear or not. If we don’t see fear because it is disguised it goes unoticed and keeps the reaction alive. Or to be simple any psychological becoming is fear or any resistance to what is means fear. Can we even notice this? This really broke this fear reaction for me.
  13. Practice mean measure/thought dude. Thought is a sucker for imitation or authority. it’s all good dude. Carry on
  14. Lol. Isn’t psychological measurement/progress the reason for conflict/suffering? How do you even know there is this enlightenment if your not enlightened? You see this is psychological seeking?..the product of thought itself. Start with fear dude. Learn about it, or don’t. Up to you?
  15. It’s a game thought plays with itself. Hilarious game.
  16. Contradiction Cultivate states of no thought? “I” use to think that way
  17. Me too man my knee is pure garbage
  18. Routine means a motive and motive means resistance. It’s pretty crazy when you get it.
  19. Routined meditation and routined “self inquiry” is really the same thing. Calming down the mind is trying to control and so is that type of self inquiry. Controlling means conflict dudes. Conflict will make the “me” or divsion stronger. I didn’t get that either, now I do. The second I saw how I was keeping fear alive I stoped doing that.
  20. Can we understand the tool of inquiry? Then maybe we see how that tool is feeding itself.
  21. It really trapped me personally. Then I was always up and down with my mood. It was like a pleasure/fear type of deal. Was very tiring for me.
  22. Routine strengthens the me. Thought depends on the rinse and repeat
  23. @Evelyn fosho it soothes “the me”. That’s my point. To soothe the me strengthens the me. It becomes a habit/routine. Then it becomes a dependence, and hents fear. Dependence or fear makes conflict. Conflict never leads to freedom. To me this is easy to see now.