Jack River

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Everything posted by Jack River

  1. solutions feed the “me”...that being said understanding ego/self which is to understand thought?
  2. It’s also implicit in any technique that there is this control. Be amazed how often this control takes place when think otherwise.
  3. I tried this a long time ago back in the day. When we understand the nature of control we may see that any concentrated attention is control. Concentrated observation, like on your breath or diagram, is to focus thought on a part of experience. Any direction of thought is control. What is control, what is not control? maybe a good place to start.
  4. Spirituality?? This is more of a common sense. There were no assumptions made on my part brah. Although when I read over your post to me there were multiple. There were not any sides taken on my part either.. No opinions were made. No criticism either. What I shared is simply what is. This will be observed when you/me “we” are no longer influenced by fear/division.
  5. do you understand what I said?
  6. Yeah Lol. Or because we fear impermanence. That what we know is coming to an end. And what lies beyond. Thought anticipates what will be. Defense mechanism fosho. I think the mystery was/is sensed but we hadn’t/don’t understood that thought was itself no means of exploring the mystery. The mystery is a mystery because it is whole. It would take somthing whole to explore that. But thought ain’t that. I feel ya
  7. @WindInTheLeaf pursuing the mystery by projecting thought as a means to reach certainty destroys the mystery.
  8. Why project an idea of this “enlightenment”. What this “enlightenment” points too is not a thing fixed. The craving and the projection feed off one another. Might be wise to see the falsity in this projection/craving for the presupposed idea of “enlightenment” and instead stay with what is present in yourself. Observe/learn all that. Or as it has been said before, don’t chase an idea, observe the fact. self gets off on chasing ideas/concepts/ the “things” of thought. It’s food for self.
  9. It can be said that no path runs straight because the path will only run as straight as the self. As the path and the self are the same, these ups and downs are an expression of the contradicting nature of self using its own limitation to free itself from that limitation. no path no ups and downs. It’s all a game self uses to prolong its own continuity. Rather tricky fosho.
  10. Direct experience is an overused explanation and can be really deceptive. I think its a great thing to question.
  11. Knowing, a state being regulated and determined by memory/experience/experiencer. This tends to go undetected often dudes. Its pretty important to question this fosho
  12. The only action that is whole is that of starting with you. As in yourself living an Unfragmented life. This is the ultimate action towards a healthy society. Consciousness with an attitude towards wholeness.
  13. self Controlling thought and the “individual” controlling “society” is the same thing really. Check it out dude.?
  14. First off the personal is the collective. Second this required force or control is an expression of the “personal” and that is expressed in “society”. This control prevents change itself. All this force/control you speak of is born out of fragmentation. It’s pretty gnarly if this insight acts my man. The individual is the collective. When you focus on the collective and think of “it” as distinct from yourself you have already brought about disorder in society. Politics will never bring that order brah. The change happens with you. The less you live a fragmented life the more wholeness globally.
  15. ?

    Yep. ?
  16. Intuition vs. fear-based decisions.. Really the same. Psychological time. Choice/decision is still inherent in intuition. If there is an impulse and that is limited to the intellect/conditioned reaction itself. This intuition still influenced by memory and therefore not whole. Only what is whole can act free of deciding/choice. This is how there is instantaneous ending of thought itself. This is how you here of people becoming of “enlightened” without cultivating practices, knowledge, time. Pretty gnarly dudes.
  17. ?

    I think he uses “to be conscious” as in awareness to thought/self. But when that activity ends thought/self momentum then begins this unawareness/unconsciousness. As in not being self conscious or self aware. Keyword being unfamiliarity. Because what is familiar/as in thought/me is no longer acting, as an impression/image projection.
  18. ?

    Unconsciousness or unawareness is what I mean by meditation/headless. That’s why I meant by that thread awareness to unawareness. unawareness as in..The condition of being uninformed or unaware: ignorance, innocence, nescience, obliviousness, unconsciousness, unfamiliarity.
  19. ?

    @SoonHei listent to 23:00 on through 46:30 and even beyond that. Goes into this negation of thought which is that action i was talking about that ends thought/self/time. This negation is the action of intelligence itself. This is that insight/action that wipes away time momentum.
  20. ?

    At 23:00 minutes or so in he speaks on intuition...he really sums up my inquiry into the nature of intuition and it being still a limited aspect of thought/self. And the negation of thought. This is the beginning of the headless “state” or unconsciousness. Right on @Charlotte. ?
  21. Yep. Important to know when this empty/silent place is self impsed though. Thought will imitate that emptiness fosho. Psychological time will always bring such illusion dude. That’s why it’s good to understand thought before trying it get somewhere. Then we actually don’t try and get somewhere. Then we don’t spend our whole life chasing illusion.
  22. I spent 9 years on a path. Until 3 months ago I saw that a path is self itself. This holistic Insight ends all falsity. Up until about month and half ago yep. Actually spend more time in unconsciousness now. Or headless as faceless calls it.
  23. When you look at the posts that robdl and faceless were always witting in, they were pointing to how desire/pleasure/attachment/division/identification with thought/psychological becoming/ were really all the movement of thought/self. Or that knowledge/experience is the self not of the self. That type of talk. Do you remember? They were pointing at how it was all really one movement of time. Time = all of that. Time= all of content of self. Everything within the field of conditioned consciousness is the movement of time/fear.