Jack River

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Everything posted by Jack River

  1. See the falseness in asking how do I not make assumptions based on “my” biases
  2. I did psychedelics but I never deeply changed. If anything I became more neurotic. My “transformation” came recently without anything but self awareness/self seeing. Constant awareness of thought as a movement.
  3. Even better thing about this is this mysterious is ongoing/continuous, and thought/memory comes in to respond as function. But the mysterious is the ground and function comes in only when needed.
  4. There is an insight that sees it all so clearly. When this insight acts what is seen is that the personality/self is its experience. As I have seen the psychedelic experience seems to temporarily collapse a space between subject/object. The problem seems to be that is it imposed chemically. So once it wears off we find ourselves again clinging to memory. Then this whole psychological pursuit seems to intensify. Plus in most cases I noticed that I would have some “emptying experience” but as soon as I came to “i” would project from my own content of thought what that experience was. You see the the root of this problem is in the minds tendency to register, recollect, record, and project. To end that we then can play in the mysterious kingdom of nothingness. For me this didn’t happen through any of the experiences I had, but first staring off with not moving away from what is. This means not moving away from fear/uncertainty. To stop pursuing experience we may find that experience comes to a stop. Then that is the mysterious.
  5. To truly stop hunting for experience seems to be very difficult. The experiencer(self) depends on experience. Seeking a certain experience seems to simply maintain the illusion of self and keep us on the psychological time wagon. To hunt for experience is always moving away from what is. This is fear/desire/attachment/identification which are really psychological becoming. To actually stop hunting for experience then the sense of the experiencer starts to fade away. I actually also noticed how this search for experience can corrupt any investigation into solving ang any problems, coming together with others, and in investigating what is truth. I think this psychological striving really has to be put away totally before having a actual relationship, being a problem solver, and especially when it comes to truth dudes.
  6. Assertive seems to be a conditioned/reactionary response of thought seeking security first and foremost. This no matter how we rationalize it seems to be a movement of fear. Doesn’t this seem like a continuation of past approaches to resolve conflict? Could we say that any action within the conditioned field of conflict only brings more conflict as a whole. As in in consciousness?
  7. Cool ?. That’s a compliment no but seriously brah that is what @Serotoninluvis talking about. This being influenced by selfs need for psychological security/comfort which corrupts action to find truth. He is just sharing the reality of how ego/thought always seeks security and as a result walks into various traps and illusions. Serotoninluv has actually stated something important. The question is can you have the humility to consider this type of wisdom. It’s up to you brah?
  8. @How to be wise I think he was pointing to the illusion that self so impulsively moves towards. There is true happiness/“bliss” when living a whole/undivided life. The point is self and it’s conditioned movement will associate “progress” as leading to ecstasy. This is psychological time at work and only as I said before sustains the false division of self/conflict.
  9. Yep. Most definitely. Very important to be aware of that. Well said brah?
  10. @Serotoninluv when this is taken even further and seen with holistic insight we soon may find that all methods/paths also fall within the pattern of the dynamic self seeking security in the static content of thought.
  11. self clings to the content of memory/thought and that sustains division and conflict. Thought is then transcending it’s own limit. Seeking security in thought is the reason for insecurity(suffering/conflict). Great heads up fosho @Serotoninluv
  12. Humility humility humility dudes. Start there of you can
  13. Sure dude, but sometimes it’s necessary breaking certain “laws” (social institutions/conventions).
  14. I don’t think you get what faceless is saying dude. Non-violence as a philosophy remains violence no matter what. It’s goes way deeper than political movement. What is said here is understood when we understand mind and it’s conditioned patterns. To act according to an idea of nonviolence is still violence. Check it out brah. ?
  15. If there is choice in either direction then the chooser/ego/self has influenced action and therefore that action will be a movement of violence. Intelligent action will not choose. It just acts.
  16. Well that’s just it, this process of division looks for a way out but from the standpoint of division. So every move it makes sustains itself. Asking how to apply is looking to thought for answers and another reaction itself. Whats needed is total/holistic insight into this whole process/movement. In that that process movement literally ends dude. This seems to be rare. Not because only a few can do it, but because only a few seem to be willing. Fosho, but that’s not quite what I mean. I mean the division between thought/thinker, “me” the experiencer and the experience of for example anger, jealousy, and such. The inward division.
  17. Intelligence defends the organism/itself. Has nothing to with ego. In other words intelligent action is instant and total. It’s not action influenced by the false self. Action comes form a place of intelligence. Only self/thought invents images and defends them or pursues them, like being antagonistic or violent.
  18. Stretched thin between self-development and career/productivity? Same thing, no? Relationship might take second place when it comes to the ambitious mind dudes. Freedom first then see if your still interested in self development.
  19. This dementophobia seems to be an example of self/thoughts tendency to associate its own ending, as in no longer clinging to the known, as going insane.
  20. Cool song. Song seemed to come from a place of alienation/isolation.
  21. Those who are truly free don’t get hurt. It’s all good @Artaemis
  22. Intention/effort/psychological time as a reaction just keeps the loop of conflict alive and feeds the division itself. So it all becomes a vicious cycle.
  23. Fosho. Operating in the mind pattern “queting the mind” or controlling mind is itself a movement of mind. Effort/time is a divided approach. Like practice, routines, a (way or path) serve to sustain this mind movement and feed that movement itself. Therefore always pushing freedom further away in time (the i will be in time) as in procrastination. Thought will always push freedom away to be achieved later. That’s not the way it works though. That is the pattern that enslaves.
  24. Maybe mind is still divided. The abstract line between the experiencer and the experienced sustains the reality of the illusion. We are taken in by this illusion. A type of play but we are taken in by it.