Jack River

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Everything posted by Jack River

  1. By puting awareness on thoughts inherent tendency to self persevere. Thought will try and defend its perspective as though the self was being attacked directly. The self is it’s content(accumulated knowledge/experience). If the content is opposed as being false, incorrect, untrue, the self takes that as a direct threat as the self identifies directly with its own content. The self is it’s opinions/agenda. Awareness of that brings about a rational line of investigation.
  2. It’s worth it if you are interested in it it depends on why you are doing it. Why are you interested? Is this interest involved with reward(fulfilling a certain potential)? I would say it depends on the intention if it is worth it or not.
  3. I can’t help anyone. They have to help themselves. That’s the point. Everything I say points to that. The more I help the more I sustain their confusion/divison. Self understanding dude.? 99% is on self understanding. There is nothing self can “do” to end self. ?
  4. Fosho. That’s what I mean. A self depends on its “knowing”. It projects its own continuity/movement (knowledge/experience) which prevents humility from the start. The self is knowledge/experience. So that is projected in place of where humility might had been instead. This is why faceless had me go into fear/psychological time prior to anything else. It was a great idea It’s not directed at you. It’s what the self does. Not good or bad either. It is. Its not about “you/me”. I am referring to self. Thats what I meant too. I can’t get through, or communicate about this insight with anyone who hasn’t gone into the nature of self/thought.
  5. Don’t get me wrong, that wasn’t directed at you. That is what I saw by going into the self/thought. Reacting and moving in Psychological time implies there cannot be humility. Humility is rejected from the very beginning. That’s why self accumulates content from thought and adheres to it. It’s looking for a way out and not willing to stay with I don’t know, let’s understand..I spun my wheels for 9 years until stumbling upon this insight by seeing holistically its truth. It is an inherent characteristic that the self clings to its own knowledge/experience(itself). This prevents the necessary humility that is needed to understand without conditions/bias (holistically). That is the reason sel lf is self. It looks for security in its own process/movement. It didn’t need to take 9 years lol ? instead as looking at it as “progression” it was actually 9years of resistance.
  6. I would have more luck getting through with somebody who hadn’t read a single page of literature. And with someone who saw the importants of humility(willingness to embrace fear head on). Seems like most people I communicate with that already have a teaching in place or more difficult to speak with. But communicating this is new to me so maybe I will get better with some time.
  7. This is what I was saying, I’m not suprised. As long as there is no insight into it they will not really see what I’m saying. But one thing I noticed is when people come into a conversation with a teaching already established it’s very difficult to communicate. My intention is to communicate. To understand a problem instead of looking for a way, or holding an opinion on what is “best”. Thats why i said understanding is insight and insight is action. All one action. This is why I refer to self understanding/holistic insight. Can't be taught. It’s not given. I point to self understanding. Then this holistic insight is universal/commonly understood just as @robdl mentioned. As I said sometimes it’s difficult to communicate.
  8. Only when we hold an image of what is not rude does that tend to happen. No image no prob. I’m not trying to be rude. I meant it though.
  9. There are a few others on the forum who get exactly what I mean too. Maybe with some time it will be clearer.
  10. Fosho. I am having a conversation with myself. I remember thinking the same thing you are now about not understanding the concepts or “language”. But I found out that was not the case. I just wasn’t seeing through the concepts/language. I was just there 3 or more months ago. Everything I said is simple once seen holistically and it makes total sense. It’s not an understanding gathered by understanding concept/language, but can be seen easier as insight into “movement” one unit of Time/thought in motion. But thank you for talking to me. You rock dude?
  11. Seems to me, the most direct way is no way The way is the self. Insight sees the whole of this and ends it instantly/totlay. It’s most excellent fosho. To negate all that of reality(the method, the technique, the system, all that of the thinker, experiencer, doer,(thought). Freedom. The path is the “me”. Does it take a path to die? ..or is the holding to a path resistance to death?
  12. The “me” and the method is the same process. That’s the point. No, that’s not what I’m saying The method/the wheel/the me all one “movement” of time/thought. When I speak of authority I mean adherence to thought in any way to solve psychological problems. Which means all the ways that man kind has invented to solve its psychological problems. All “ways” or “how do I’s” fall in that category. Anything invented as a way to end psychological conflict/suffering (freedom) by means of knowledge/experience that is accumulated and conformed to as a means. That could be tradition texts, psychedelics, teachers and teachings, and even the authority of our own experience/knowledge, as in memory. All of that is conforming to an authority to me. The authority of self/thought is the most difficult to dissolve fosho. The point is, participation in that is the “movement” of “self”. The self is it’s accumulated knowledge/experience. The path is the self. The seeker is the seeking. There is a direct insight into this that doesn’t depend on any time/authority at all. But a holistic seeing it it’s falsenss. Intelligent action ends that movement of falsity instantly. Fosho, all that is the result of thought and thought is never new. Thought seems to be nothing other than invention. This creativeness or mysteriousness is meditation/attention. That is what creative is, the death of the old, so there is the new.
  13. I am Sorry though, I don’t notice any concepts I am using as being to difficult. Sometimes a communication is difficult, that’s just the way it is. There are people who will like to get wrapped up in the intellectual side of this, and there are the usual day to day joe’s who will not. No way(method) seems to me to be the most direct way to understanding/SEEING. Once we learn through a technique/method/system we understand/see through that system and we have difficulty communicating that system/method/technique to others who have opposing systems. Imagine if all of that was left behind. It would be ultimate freedom. From the very beginning seeing the falsness in conforming to an authority/tradition/ that handed down though thought to save the entity created by thought... It would be awesome. People have done the whole looking to thought to transcend thoughts inherent limits, and man kind is still the same. Maybe we can end all that. Consciousnesses at a point to where it doesn’t have to do all that. As all that can be seen as resistance to death. Imagine not having to read a single word from various texts, look to any teacher, follow any way. Because in all actuality that is what causes the divison between the experiencer and the experience and sustains conflict/suffering. Anyway this is how I see it dude. Either way I love you ?
  14. Actually I would say the majority of world/society doesn’t get into study “psychology, philosophy, Buddhism. Or can we say we need to unlearn various traditional concepts? There are people who understand this vary easily. It’s to understand it as phenomenon/movement or a process. If someone understands themselves it’s really simple to follow. It would be most excellent if consciousness totlay stoped looking to authority to end itself and its conflict/divison be free without its content. Imagine a consciousness that didn’t have to look to thought tho free itself. That would be great wouldn’t it. Real freedom?
  15. I’m not sure you get what I’m talking about when I say attention. Simply there is no desire/effort/control/controller/resistance. And because of that there seems to arise this seeing. There are not constructed barriers imposed resistance which means all that attachment falls away. An actual complete attention that understands the whole of it. This means Not seeing through the veil of self. No labeling naming. There’s no more of that. That simple. There are no distinctions while actually attentive between attentive and not attentive. No meaning no identification. There is no that in comparison to this and such. Once that attention stops, then all such movement seems to arise again. The veil of self seems to fall back in. Then attantion may arise again. The point is attention comes about when desire/effort/becoming/control/resistance. No movement of reaction/action within the loop cycle of self. No more thought. Even as this deepens recording does not even seem to take place. Time gaps gets gnarly. Real gnarly. This seems to be the most difficult thing “to do”. Now it’s all conditioned as all things are conditioned. A kind of mutual interdependence and such. But no matter the case the what is is. Anyway, I can’t really explain it simpler than that yet. Maybe soon.
  16. I feel ya. That's why I agreed with you before on your original posts. I'm with you dude or dudet ? The relative aspect of it all.
  17. It’s seemed to be the holistic insight/understanding lead to the understanding of what is inattention. To see the entire “movement” of thought and its reaction (emotion/thought cause and effect process/nature. To recognize all the ways self resists what is in experience. Which allows later for a psychological stop of self with its movement. Meditation started at that which allowed for the unconditioned observation/learning/attention. Observation/learning/attention is meditation to me.