Jack River

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Everything posted by Jack River

  1. Because otherwise there is merely a relationship between ‘personal’ values(images) which is to be in resistance to actual relationship. To be in resistance to life(actual living).
  2. Life is dependent on relationship. Life is relationship..Do we see holistically what is implied in relationship? Do we see that relationship and the value we give relationship is besides the point, but how we meet the inevitability of relationship without our own ‘personal’ value imposition(image imposition) is to actually be related.
  3. Can we see that the self; desire, fear, memory, knowledge, experience, attachment, resistance, identification, and any action that is influenced by as such is a movement of time? And can we see that the self being a fragment of time sees through the lens of time and will observe/act within the grove of conditions/thought/time? Therefore every movement made to act is dependent on gradual,progressive, linear psychological evolution(routined-habitual practices/methods/systems/formulas).. In this is a resistance to act wholly/totlaly now. This accounts for why freedom/liberation is put off to be attained in the future. Actually it’s the reason we can never end something instantly but instead put things off. Also is why there is a continuation to psychologically record various experiences, therefore allowing for “future” experiences to implicitly be fixed in relation to past experiences? To see this time as being a fixed movement of the past, modified present, that projects the future in accordance to the past. Most gnarly to see this holistically fosho. This also obviously has to do with psychological death, which is the beginning of living(THE NEW). Can we bring an awareness to this river of time? Which means can we observe time without the observer(time)?
  4. What makes a relationship a relationship?
  5. Thought is limited to invention (to evolve a thing from past things). The self(time) will also act accordingly to what is familiar as its content. Cultivating, shifting, practicing, (time bound momentum/continuity of self) are all born of the past(thought) and we may see are limited to invention and push creativity further away.
  6. Yellow can hold 2 contradictory opinions at the same time? That is the nature of the spiral(the self). One progressive movement/continuity in one direction or another adopting a variety of perspectives/opinions. An accumulation of contradictions with the assumption that all of the many perspectives/opinions/contradictory points of view can be integrated to form a coherent whole. The self in its very nature thrives off holding countless contradictory desires/opinions/perspectives. The question is can there be a seeing that they are all conditioned by the past.
  7. Teach me how to be authentic and find truth? Welcome to guruland
  8. The question is, and many people caught in time will not understand this, ...when we depend on time to observe/end time, is that actually what sustains the time? Do we see that?
  9. It may soon be seen, or it will not, that we don’t get truth, but truth comprehends/holds reality.
  10. What can we say are quick fixes and why do they tend to take so long ?
  11. How do you look at your family, human beings? Do you ever look at them, or do you look at how you want them to be according to your own bias/prejudice?
  12. A self that seeks pleasure, (gratification in relation to its own self imposed image that it has sustained through memory) may ultimately find that the pursuit of pleasure is to deny joy(what is/truth) itself. There are many different ways a self gets caught in this pleasure game. The self in its structure is actually no different from the movement of desire pursuing pleasure. One unit in movement of the past/modified present/projected future(time-thought). A self may see the necessity/significance of freedom/liberation/truth, yet every step that self takes pushes WHAT IS farther away in time. That is the nature and function of thought. Motivation and action as a self seems to be limited to the field of time, which has its root in this reward and punishment image polarity. Divided action of psychological evolution.
  13. Are we..tomorrow will tell. The way I see it “our” path will conflict with another’s path. To me a path and the self is one unit of movement in psychological becoming. If we could see that the only path we need to walk is that of self observation without conforming to one of the past, wouldn’t that be something dude. This relates to my original post on this thread. I am not concerned with the images people try and impose on me, I’m concerned with seeing the fact that the image I impose on top of the fact distorts the fact. That fact is the self/ego is the past, modified present, projected future. Unless “I” (the self/ego) step out of the river of time, tomorrow is an extension of today my dudes. There is no tomorrow. This is why psychological evolution is so dangerous. It puts complete and total action in “time/the future”. The self will procrastinate holistic action that puts an end to its degenerative behavior. That is the nature of thought/self, to push action in time. Therefore no action ever takes place. Most gnarly we humans heh?
  14. When I see shit go down like that (in regards to your thread you just opened) I know that I am responsible for it directly..Its the conditioned brain/mind/self that imposes such havoc. I’m such a dick dude
  15. @Strikr we tend to abstract the incident as being a societal issue. We try and impose rules/laws and such to solve the problem as if the problem was separate from our own inward divison/conflict/disorder. If we could actually truly see that we are ourselves responsible for the violence then we would maybe change our lifestyles.
  16. Fosho. We are the society.
  17. Evolution of human kind has advanced technologically over the years, but psychologically still pretty tribalistic/unstable/disorderly.
  18. Fosho. See if it’s possble to bring about a harmony between the emotional/thought cycle. An awareness of or own artificial intelligence(thought).
  19. Humans try and impose order with there limited field of conditioning(thought). While in some areas there is success in others it can be devastating such as relationships with ourselves/others/environment. The psychological component prevents a coherence in our every action. We try and meet each other, and the infinite variables that life throws at us with our past accumulation(thought-images). We consciously or unconsciously employ formulas to solve new problems with old answers. Humans act on a program of sorts. This seems very mechanistic, which robots would to fall under that category as being mechanical too.
  20. Relationship is of highest importance. Life is relationship. To live without image projection that prevents actual relationship is the ultimate purpose dudes. However we Humans tend to put relationship second to our “personal” agendas. A series of images in relationship to others which is expressed in the world today as (division-conflict).
  21. A self will seek according to the image it has invented for itself and what set of images satisfies/validates its self imposed image. The self plays within the field of conditions. Psychological evolution of the me that strives to find answers that will bring about contentment/satisfaction/gradification. When limited to this falsity of psychological evolution the self fixes truth in time, and truth can never be fixed.
  22. The chooser that chooses implies a controller that is in control of the controlled or not in control of what it feels should be controlled. This Implies resistance/attachment/identification(time) and therefore escape.
  23. The path and the ego are one unit of Time in movement(psychological evolution). This in its structure implies resistance to die(a resistance to liberation/freedom).
  24. What can we say are quick fixes? Does effort end this cycle of attachment? Are we letting go or letting in, or neither? Can we be guided to stop floating in the river of attachment?
  25. Can anyone else give an example (reduced by the word) of this insight? Like in regards to the insights unlimited energy bringing about clarity in the field of reality. Like a moment of total clarity where something that was always in pieces came together as a whole.