Jack River

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Everything posted by Jack River

  1. Is there room for fear/confusion/conflict in everyday living?
  2. The cycle continuity is sustained by incomplete understanding. An understanding limited to its own contents/fragments. The whole cannot be seen in its entirety by the obsever/the past. Awareness from the standpoint of observer only sees in parts/fragments. This brings about confusion and prevents holistic seeing, which is needed to bring about holistic action, and not divided action. Holistic(complete) action does not choose. Choice implies confusion.
  3. Fear-mind/me(time) a self sustaining weapon of “choice” will be fed by the process of attachment/resistance/identification. An unending resistance to what-is. Understanding the whole of this fear/pleasure(action-reaction) dynamic and how it manifests itself above is most excellent and necessary. As long as this supposed subject/object divison is not seen through as it is in movement, that is the cycle sustaining itself.
  4. Oh yeah! Fear-mind/me(time) a self sustaining weapon of “choice”
  5. Fear/mind definitely should be considered yes @cetus56
  6. When I hear instinct I kinda think of conditioning(time). Still having to do with sensation. I’m not sure though what he was referring to though.
  7. I don’t know. To me the chooser(the “entity” influenced by contradictory desires) will act in accordance to divided momentum of divison between subject/object. You see what I mean?
  8. Maybe in reference to the chooser(the past) who chooses between opposites?
  9. As in no wastage of contradictory desires(one opposing another). Definitely frees a dude or dudet up fosho.
  10. Did I call anyone out dude? Can you comprehend what was implied here dude?
  11. Are you more interested in a remedy or the condition?
  12. If “I” am ‘focused’ on ‘achieving’ (time), one part of the whole, wouldn’t that Limit the possibility of seeing the whole? When you explore the nature of self/time/thought by observing directly you will see that searching for what is already known leads to the obvious already known. To go beyond the known, maybe projecting what is known isn’t very wise dude.
  13. To come to the whole means all fragmented movement(time) doesn’t fix its own implicit limit and projected end. When burdened by time thought will inherently fix the end/goal in accordance to the means/motive/path thought acted upon to attain/achieve its goal/end. Loop of time dude.
  14. I feel ya dude. Freedom without the limitations by time is the beginning of any honest/uncorrupted/sound exploration/investigation/inquiry. There is the ‘conditioned seeker’ limited my time(corruption of it’s self sustaining mechanical continuity) And there is the ‘unconditioned seeker’ that can explore without the mechanism of thought/time(bias-prejudice) (attachment/resistance/identification) preventing a coherence in the exploration.
  15. Unless our head falls off heh? Enjoy the ride now... ?
  16. It can be seen that accepting is the positive and to condemn/repress/control etc. is the negative..both being a movement of resistance to what-is..continuity of the self(the past)(psychological becoming or not becoming). To accept or to condemn is this positive/negative dynamic of the chooser who chooses between the opposites. The nature of the self/thought is to do so. Starting off it may be wise to simply be aware when this is taking place. When this is taking place it implies there is no attention. So to be aware of inattention seems to really help my dude/dudet??
  17. The very labeling of negative thoughts and feelings implies resistance fosho. This means when such thoughts/feelings arise we are reacting psychologically by identifying with thought(the past-prior experience with what we interpreted as “negative/positive” at that moment). Those reactions are then reactivated by the words/images/feelings that arise from moment to moment in the present moment by interaction with ourselves/ others/environment. Resistance is any movement away from what is. Any psychological movement of desire pursuing pleasure. The labeling of “negative” thoughts and feelings are born of labeling the “positive” thoughts/feelings. As it is said that to seek pleasure is to ask for fear/pain/conflict/suffering. To invite one side of the coin implies you get the other. Resistance is any movement of the self seeking psychological security in thought. For a self to seek security in its own content(knowledge/experience/memory) is resistance/attachment/identification(psychological time). By labelling a thought/feeling as preferable(positive) and to depend on the thought/feeling again and again is born pleasure. And again to seek psychological security in “the positive” it is implicit that that positive thought/feeling will be impermanent. Therefore “the negative” thoughts/feelings are awaiting around the corner. All of this arises when the self clings to what is familiar to it(past experiences). The self meets the now with its continual changing nature which makes the self feel impermanent/uncertain. By identifying with past experiences(positive thoughts/emotions/feelings) that gives a sense of security/permanence/certainty to the continuity of the self(time). By indulging in this movement of identification with thought(knowledge/experience/memory) we are escaping what is actual from moment to moment. To escape what is in search for psychological security, in the end sustains psychological insecurity. That is how this positive/negative dynamic starts and maintains its own continuity between the thought/emotion cycle of cause and effect, experiencer and “its” experience. This is the cycle of attachment/resistance/identification(psychological time). This can all be observed directly by the common dude and dudet?
  18. To learn a skill demands cultivation/practice/gradual process(knowledge/experience/memory) thought. But when it comes to liberation/freedom psychologically, knowledge/experience/memory(thought) has no place, and actually when depended upon to end suffering sustains suffering. It can be seen that the self is its content(knowledge/experience/memory) thought-time. Freedom as you said is always now...to admit time(knowledge/experience/memory) as a means pushes freedom/liberation further in “time-the future”. To procrastinate freedom/psychological death...THE NEW.
  19. Are we admitting time here though? Does this fortify the illusion of self and it’s continuity? Fosho..it’s interesting. But I don’t separate reality from thought. To me reality is what thought thinks about...what ever I think about is a reality. Learning a skill takes time..to learn a language I need to practice, accumulate knowledge, use the intellect which may take days/months/years.. but when it comes to psychological revolution no time is needed at all. In fact admitting time in this area itself nourishes this divison between the thinker and the thought, experiencer and that which it experiences. The self feeds it’s own illusion by admitting time as a means to the ending of its own self sustained illusion which brings about the (conflict/suffering).
  20. I noticed as well a self will stand by the conclusion that there is no such thing as this river of time, yet will conform to various already established paths in order to find truth. Time seems to be nevertheless admitted even when a self says it is groundless. Interesting huh dude?
  21. Fosho...but that raises the question...why do we depend on time(gradual process/cultivation/progressively becoming free through knowledge/experience accumulation, practices, routines, systems, formulas to “become” (liberated)?
  22. Is the the self a fragment of time or time a fragment of the self? Most excellent inquiry heh hahahah I see the “self/time” as one and the same “movement”. Only thought/time will tend to break up the contents of thought (self/time/and its content-knowledge/experience) to pieces as being distinct fragments.
  23. @LastThursday tell that to a man/woman all tangled up in fear/anger/psychological strife.
  24. @Max_V you learn the most by exploring yourself in depth. Really all you need to figure out is this problem of self understanding with the burden of the obsever making a muck out of the fact. Take some time off the forum dude. Learn about you?
  25. Image validation of course .