Jack River

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Everything posted by Jack River

  1. It’s a different discipline though my brah. You do see the difference no?
  2. I started learning about myself to get to the root of suffering. I started with fear and understood all the subtle ways I escaped fear in daily life. And once I saw that resistance to what is(effort) was sustaining this conflict I ended it. Then without effort clouding the mind I could explore without distortion. The fact is a self is effort and moves within the limit of effort from the beginning. People say effort is necessary, i say effort is the fact already, what is necessary is the ending of this effort(psychological evolution) or resistance to what is.
  3. @who chit I’m not trying to upset you brah. Just trying to explain this no effort confusion. My bad if it comes off defensive. I’m just not sure this no effort is understood actually. Seems important to make clear. Namean?
  4. Read a link? Common man. You missing the point dude. The point is this meditation implies no direction/effort. Meditation with a motive is not meditation. This mediation I’m referring to. All I’m saying dude. Meditation is not a means to an end. And k didn’t mediate to become anything. Right? kundalini is not something you cultivate.
  5. I’m just speaking of this effort confusion. No movement of effort doesn’t imply quick fix. It’s actually very disciplined. But the discipline comes not from cultivation/conformity, it comes from never ending learning free of the past(self). This type of learning is discipline in itself.
  6. K knew that not to resist what is lead to this unfinite energy. Not to dissipate energy by contradicting desires/effort/conflict(time). Meditation never ends. Meditation is observing without the limitation of time(self-the past) which inherently implies no movement of self(effort/emotion-thought reaction. Awareness without positive/negative dynamic of choice as the chooser.
  7. Observing/understanding the whole of thought is the beginning of meditation. Meditation he spoke of was not cultivated/habitual meditation dude. Sorry k didn’t meditate 30 min a day. Meditation as he and I do is all day everyday. Meditation is the understanding of living itself.
  8. It’s the basic structure of a self(the past) to project its fixed image and pursue it. A motive/way in itself means image projection. What ever thing your saying all these ways lead to is not he point. A self gets what you already knows/wants dude. What ever that “thing” may be. Observing without the past implies no truly no particular destination/end in mind. Observing for observing sake.
  9. I know, it’s not romantic enough.
  10. Enlightenment on the brain is to narrow. Observe without motive or direction(the past) what is as it is. Understand the entirety of what is. Or escape to your fixed projection of enlightenment.
  11. This Effort is very misunderstood. People think it means be lazy but it’s actually the contrary. A self is/implies effort. So to not move within that limited field of time is quite something fosho. No effort implies not even moving towards any goal at all. So “enlightenment” is not even in ones mind at all. No effort means to observe what is. And to obseve without estimation. The sooner we see holistically this, the sooner we end that time bound continuity of effort. Some may never get it, some may eventually see, some see from the very beginning.
  12. The no effort refered to does not imply a quick fix. It’s actually the other way around. Effort/control/cultivation brings about conflict because there is a progressive movement that subtly resist what is to the what should be. Psychological becoming. No effort is essential to coming to a consistently still mind. To not get caught in the cultivation of effort/time is much more difficult than to run the usual habitual cycle of psychological evolution. Effort sustains the divison between “me” and “my” thoughts.
  13. @DrewNows haha if i I stumble upon a mil I’m definitely keeping it. Party on dude? Blow it all on hats, boards, and maybe buy an excellent tree house to live in. ?
  14. Eternal/timeless space/silence (is not a product of cultivation/time. Habbits don’t bring about an ending to habitual causalty (thought/time). Divison/Conflict/Confusion nourishment fosho.
  15. Otherwise a dude will find an addiction is born in the attempt to recapture again and again the moment of silence/space(the interval) between two time bound movements(the continuity of conflict).
  16. Any mechanical activities such routined/habitual and control based activity(psychological evolution oriented) or (divided action) inherently causes confusion. The question is is this seen holistically as a fact and ended on the spot.
  17. enlightenment or one million dollars? Neither Anything a me chooses, longs for, and can get is of time.. Nothing chooses, longs for, needs to accumulate/attain/capture “things” of time. Its implicit that the projection of the chooser/mind limits the totality of WHAT IS.
  18. The ego/this backlash/‘proper expectations’/knowledge, and “the me” who is concerned with as such is all one unit of psychological becoming(time). All of the above imply and perpetuate duality between what is and what should be.
  19. Ego backlash is inevitable when there is effort to become(psychological evolution). Conflcit sustians this cycle of ego backlash.
  20. We can go into all the ways a self(time) resists what-is...then you come closer to why death is feared.
  21. To die to “the past”, which modifies those fears/anxieties/uncertainties onto the “present moment”, and then projects them in “the future”. Ending of the continuity of time. To wake up as the now.
  22. When we ask how to overcome a psychological fear such as death, that is actually a resistance to end that very fear. To want a solution to overcome fear of death actually prevents one from exploring fear and death. To explore fear one may soon see its connection and influence on this issue with death. Who is the entity who is gong to overcome fear? Is that entity itself a movement of fear?