Jack River

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Everything posted by Jack River

  1. Motive/effort/resistance to recapture no experience will sustain the loop of experience(registration/recording/recollection.
  2. Remember the motive to re-experience non-experience will prevent ones head from falling off.
  3. You will be able to sit somewhere or even walk around without a head. i can remain headless for some time now. Even in public. I don’t know if you know faceless, but he is nonstop headless. Guy lives totally out of the field of time dude
  4. @Charlotte eyes open/closed doesn’t matter. Even with eyes open and headless there is still an ending of registration/recording/recollection(time) And the more awareness doesn’t act on its own psychological continuity headlessness will deepen. Then even dreaming will cease. Sleep will be unburdened by time as well.
  5. When we see that the motive to try and be attentive has its root inattention(motive-resistance) we stop moving in that pattern. So to not move in that pattern of resistance there can be a awareness when we are not attentive... then we are not creating attention out of inattention(resistance to what is)..a projection of time/self. The mind likes to create the opposite out of its opposite. Distortion/exclusion(time).
  6. I feel ya dude. @Charlotte on her meditation thread may have touched upon this as well.
  7. Excellent!! I know this that your speak of. A non state(no time). Could be a moment of headelesnes dude?
  8. @Charlotte do you keep your eyes closed?
  9. As long as there was no motive -exclusion/concentration it is ending of time continuity.
  10. @Charlotte non psychological registration, recording, recollection is beautiful.
  11. Starts as a comprehension of the whole of reality. To hold reality. Reality can then be put where it belongs. The the possibility of headlessness may be actulized.
  12. Yeah that seems to depend on the degree that thought/feelings are left exposed and not acted upon. Have you noticed by exposing what is without reaction that the veil/image will stop this loop of attachment/resistance/identification? I have noticed being very watchful without imposition of the chooser that the daily stream of these images actually stop. These images and such seem to be due to not exposing moment to moment thoughts/emotions as they are. We tend to react to which keep them in the loop. I noticed that even in sleep there is no dreaming. Seems by exposing moment to moment self movement on the daily that prevents “future” inattention(identification/attachment/resistance. So even sleep is uninhabited by thought/emotion cycle(reaction).
  13. You got it dude... “The me” sees through its accumulated knowledge/experience-memory(motives/desires/bais-prejudices) (the past). That “me” which is its content will see in fragments because it has not seen through the illusion that it itself is a fragment that excludes/discriminates between its likes-dislikes (other fragments-images). Also “the me”(the fragment) wiill interpret and associate its moment to moment experiences with the word/concept which inherently implies to see what-is through a fragmented lens/filter.
  14. @GabeN what is inattention? What is an example of inattention? Can there be a holistic understanding of what is inattention first? Then we will see that we can meet the complexity of inattention(mind) with simplicity(awareness).
  15. self Awareness(time) will focus according to its motives(the past) which narrows the awareness down to parts/fragments as opposed to seeing the whole of itself.
  16. Awareness is directionless.. absent of effort in essence. To see clearly implies no distortion of effort.
  17. Trying to be attentive is innatention itself. When there is an influence of motive(desire) that is a movement of divided awareness(psychological evolution or self awareness). No motive(desire-influence by the past/thought) is undivided awareness that is aware of self movement(inattention).
  18. Same mind different content(knowledge/experience-memory). One veil in opposition to another.