Jack River

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Everything posted by Jack River

  1. The reality is the self feeds off escape. And every movement “it” (effort) takes to end itself is escaping. Effort positively & negatively. Thought implicitly establishes limits and transends those very limits.. loop of duality-conflict. Tricky and subtle desire/fear
  2. Escape(positive-negative resistance) is what sustains conflict. Right?
  3. To see observe what-is without positive-negative resistance. Not freedom from(reaction)... But FREEDOM
  4. This is what I mean by total freedom to see/observe. Because in that non psychological evolutionary “state” there is no resistance distorting what is. Then what ever we do is whole/complete action. In regards to how we live life. To be a holy dude or dudet.
  5. I see that. What I am speaking of is not a way at all. Do you see that? Im not offering any way at all. A way imples movement in a specific direction. You say all techniques must be applied disregarded eventually. Am I right? I am not sayin they are or are not, but simply showing the reality of resistance. We always move one way or another, why? To not move implies no technique to arive any specific place(time).
  6. Well I kinda follow what you mean. The elevator thing I’m unclear on. What I mean is simply to explore the past may imply the past (motive-intention/effort; to transcend what is). This is implied in analysis/or to observe/evaluate. Not sure if that is what you meant. As in to change what is according to what should be (to find the root and create its opposite out of that opposite). This can be refered to a divided action. My post was simple saying to expose the what is without trying to transcend it, as if it were distinct from “the u”. See what I mean?
  7. I have 2 sons, 6 & 4 when can I talk to them about Enlightenment? I would guess to a child that is 8 or above it might be necessary to go into the self and it’s phenomenon as experienced in daily life. Just about every moment can be used as a learning experience. When or if I had a child I would share with them what is apparent as a self. Discus pleasure/desire..anger, fear, and such. To a younger child (4-6 years of age) probably the most important thing for you to understand is the image the parent has about themselves and others (the child) will be superimposed(projected) in that child. The child will pick up these egoic attributes/characteristics as a result. So the degree that the guardian is free of images(freedom) will determine the degree of isolation/alienation(ego) that the child picks up along the way. So if you really want to help a child it seems simple...discuss together the conflict that arises from moment to moment and don’t yourself impose an image on yourself/others/them. Start nearer to what the child already can see within direct observation. Show them that it is common. Talk about things with them. I would save the books for curriculum based learning(skill, cultivation, knowledge) for practical/technical education.
  8. The probable upcoming questions that arise regarding change and non changing can be refered to as DYNAMIC-STILLNESS. This is apparent when the center comes to an end. Headlessness/nonbeing or the ground of being.
  9. We soon see that there is no division between me and the past, and that the digger itself is the same entity as the process of digging..So there is conflict that arises which will perpetuate and sustain the me/past-time/illusion. We tend to analyze/evaluate(effort) to dig up the past, but this seems to keep it flowing(resistance). So I have found there is a direct seeing of what-is that doesn’t sustain the illusion of seperation. We soon see that every action “the self” takes upon itself or does not take, sustains it’s own continuity. So there is a type of observation of what-is without acceptance or condemnation(positive-negative resistance) that doesn’t feed that loop of divison. Pretty simple and gnarly as well. Then we may find that that continuity(time) comes to a stop and there is a possibility to embrace without resistance actual CHANGE itself. Where truth is embraced from “moment to moment” without resisting by attaching to the static content of thought, which prevents CHANGE. We see that when time comes to an end that that beginning/end continuity refered to as changing comes to a stop. We may soon see that CHANGE is truth. A beginningless-endless river of truth(WHAT IS). To live like this is, well, there is no way to say anymore.
  10. I think a major point is as long as the past influences action psychologically/spiritually we will live life in confusion, conflict, and always striving to reach that goody at the end of the tunnel. To live a dead life. It's rather necessary to put time in its right place.
  11. Observing what is without the what should be. Haha The death of Spiritual/psychological authority. The simplicity is tremendous dude. Surf time?
  12. I don’t know what an advaita is. What I am speaking about is of itself and doesn’t really need to me to point to it in the first place. There is just coming on here an writing stuff. I’m not looking to help you and not looking for help from anyone else. The words write themselves.
  13. You know that’s what I meant huh. Hmm What is stated here is a natural mechanical pattern of the self(the past). Just stated the reality of so. It’s not pesonal dude. As I said before freedom is essential. Then there is no assumptions made in interpretation that lead to defensive reactionary movement. The “You” an “Me”(the past that modifies its present and projects that into the future) is irrelevant. The fact is to meet one another with an image prevents a meeting/relationship. A beautiful thing to not be influenced by self imposed images in one way or another. No matter the case I am not your enemy, we are one and the same.
  14. The thinker will tend to create its opposite (detachment) out of its own opposite (attachment)...this means detachment has its root in attachment (reactionary) and remains a form of resistance. The thinker will choose between the two which remains a movement of resistance/identification-attachment.
  15. The point is total freedom first. Because until then fear determines all action or non-action. As long as there is a mechanical existence, there will be contradiction/conflict and a sense of incompleteness no matter what. Also we will contribute to disorder in society by the actions we do or do not take. Maybe Total Freedom is the ultimate purpose heh.
  16. The ego seeks a sense of wholeness/security/permanence/certainty in its projection(future) goals. Seeking happiness in the things of thought (purpose/meaning) and then pursuing as such. But to do that the ego pushes happiness/security off in a “future” moment and prevents it now. The ego depends on time/thought to bring about wholeness, but to depend on time/thought sustains a fragmented existence(incompleteness). To perpetually project peace/happiness in a “future” moment(continual suffering in the present).
  17. It’s all good. There is no combativeness here. Not sure how the words spoken here would lead one to assume that.
  18. Effort is for function, that’s it. Planning is a tool, if one wants to use or apply thought that is its function. To anticipate/control. Its the psychological evolution(seeking wholeness) in the mechanism that projects its image of wholeness within the means of anticipation/control. That is where the issues arise.
  19. Not my wisdom. It’s of itself. It’s difficult to meet eye to eye when the “i” stands between the two eyes. Follow my feet
  20. Compassion and love are one in the same.. To live free without the past(the center). To live as WHAT IS.
  21. @Mu_ what lies beyond the known is a solo journey. I’m only pointing to the barrier that traps the inattentive mind. I’m not interested in all the god/absolutist stuff on here. Many people speak of god yet still meet moment to moment life with images(the past). Many people speak of god yet are still bound by the center as well. Many people speak of god/the absolute/nonduality, yet still carry over there chattering minds, such as dreaming. A reaction (recorded experiences that are not carried out and ended on the spot by undivided awareness). Those who speak of god still tend to live the same ol unwholly lives. It all goes much deeper than “god”..When ones head goes missing that is the sacred. And how we live day to day life determines whether the sacred comes to, or whether we can live a life of continual dynamic stillness from moment to moment. Anyway im not one to identify with anything including god. To be headless means to stay empty/nothing(whole-alone). All “things” of thought are ashes born of yesterday. The creative doesn’t carry over the past. Let go of what has been...stay empty/nothing-alone, or don’t
  22. They are not “my” insights Yeah I’ve heard it before dude. It’s not a conclusionary type of deal. It’s not a perspective either. It is. Whether or not one feels these things(analysis, evaluation, effort-positive/negative resistance)...fashion, path, religion, thinking or non thinking are necessary or not is an opinion/bais-prejudice with regard to there own specific background and personalized tendencies. But what I originally posted was not of personal opinion/perspective, but simply the what-is without my personal likes or dislikes attached. The fact is people move within this pattern of effort(time) anyhow. If they should or shouldn’t is besides the point and irrelevant. Not agreeing or disagreeing just speaking of what is. People will do what they want to do. I’m not playing teacher role saying it is necessary or not necessary to do anything in particular. I am pointing to the what is that is observable by any one of us. It’s all so much more simple then people tend to make it. To see something dangerous and simply not walk in that direction. Simplicity is beautiful heh?