Jack River

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Everything posted by Jack River

  1. If there is concentrating that is itself feeling/emotion/thought(time) movement. Mind will easily say I am the awareness of movement not seeing that it is still that same movement. It’s a trick of sorts. The question is whether it is time movement (self conscious) or conscious awareness. Self will very subtly still divided itself from its content(conciousness).
  2. Thought keeps transcending it’s limit. You notice that? This pursuit/goal is movement/reaction away from what is. This will keep the loop of thought/time circulating. There is no difference between motive/effort and thought/time. Divided action as such will continue by process to avoid or choose to “stay in yourself”. Still a divisive action where thought continues to transcend its own implicit limitation.
  3. Is becoming a conditioned response/reaction to what is, and therefore is that movement of resistance what denies love itself? From a continuity of movement/action that is absent of love, can that continuity be modified/evolved/ to or towards love?
  4. Just to add to this a little... Is it possible that circumstances and the “you/i” are one and the same? As in am I distinct from these set of favorable or non-favorable circumstances? We can even go a little further and ask: is the choice to let go of circumstance of being you also born of circumstances/“being you”? If I am not distinct from circumstance is there any conflict between circumstances and my preference in relation to those circumstances?
  5. Everything the you does is that same you. Can the monkey end its monkey business with that same monkey business?
  6. Does the monkey disassociate with itself to make its self feel better/more secure... invent for itself a “thing” to give it hope? A sense of certainty/to hold itself together?
  7. Is the song that arises an indication that identification has already taken place? If there was no identification in the first place would that song be playing(responding/reacting)? Do we subtly identify, then choose (divided action) to identify with another “thing”, or disassociate with the song? Or, why do we say there needs to be someone aware of the song? What if the self is conditioned to work within this field of divison in which it is so successfully sublte? Am I communicating this subtle mechanical tendency clearly?
  8. Coukd these experiences of neurotic thoughts/anxiety be the I? Could it all be the product of the past(thought)? But one unit in movement of I?
  9. I feel ya. What do mean when you say it’s not you? As in this “thing” is happening to you?
  10. I’m not sure. For me going directly into this question really cut through all the ups and downs associated with step by step gradual understanding. I appreciate your questioning. I am well aware my friendly dude.
  11. In the moment of the emotion/thought of fear there is only fear, then the thought of I (the past-memory) comes in and says I have been angry...I should or should not be according to the past(preference). Is this divison between me and fear false? And if so is this false division the root of conflict? If so, is there a conflict at all if there is no division? If there is no “two things” conflicting is there conflict?
  12. I don’t know where he is at. Thats why I’m asking questions.
  13. And who is contemplating /witnessing? Thought(the past-the I)? If the past is contemplating/witnessing is that past influencing the contemplation/witnessing in one direction or another? Is this where conflict arises?...what arises from moment to moment and then the past-the I with its preconceived notions/judgements of what should be instead bringing about this conflict of interest.
  14. Is there a division at all? That’s the question. If we assume there is a division, are we going to then reinforce a duality between what is and what should be (according to fear/I)? If we start this off with a divison between two “things” (the I and fear) are we not then going to superimpose what the I (the past) thinks should be, and therefore conflict?
  15. Do you think fear(reaction) and thought are really one unit in movement? Like they are not different at all? And do you designate a routine to do this, or are you always meditating in your daily life? As in do you observe yourself in relationship. Relationship to your pleasure/desires and relationship with others?
  16. I see. So what is the problem then? Are you aware of all the ways the monkey operates?
  17. Maybe by employing the monkey(habit-reaction) the monkey is destined to remain. Will monkey business put a stop to monkey business? ?
  18. We tend to skip out on self knowledge. Which is the foundation. Can we take a break from habit (put it aside for now) and explore how self works within the field of habit? With self knowledge we may not any longer try and use the monkey to expand for ourselves an extended sense of space. We may see that whatever the monkey does to create space inherently limits itself to a confirmed/limited space.
  19. Healthy living. That’s a great reason. How does meditation habit fit into that? Perhaps habit (monkey business-compulsive thought chatter) is causing the conflict. We depend on habits to end what habits have reinforced. perhaps we have no foundation(freedom) to meditate in the first place.
  20. Do you have some sort of a goal here?