Jack River

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Everything posted by Jack River

  1. A supposed independent subject who projects & pursues “it’s” own apparent object of experience. Predisposed to worship its own invention
  2. There is a freedom to explore without the reaction of fear influencing/distorting exploration. Necessary Energy is not wasted when the fear(psychological time) component is dropped.
  3. Very well can be for sure. The objects of desire(pleasure) can and do vary in this movement/process of Psychological Time.
  4. Effort is a practical tool. Psychologically is where it causes problems. Effort has its place psychologically in the sense that we can learn through direct observation of its movement/process, as does suffering/conflict.
  5. Ah. Fosho We see that the silence even in a chattering mind is the constant. At first it seems mind chatter is the constant, and there are small intervals of silence, until a switch is flipped on its end and we see that the silence is and always was the constant.
  6. From what i interpreted from what you wrote it was awareness that was the action that brought the thought to light and to silence. It seems like there was a recognition that happened right after though. That will happen fosho. Common. I feel ya. The essence of awareness may have came first then thought comes in after. Can you clear this part up? Just so I’m following you.
  7. People use the term effort differently. It’s a good question/thread to see how people interpret the term.
  8. I use the term effort in reference to subject/object divison. Example: I am angry, I should not be angry. I move away from the fact of anger to the abstraction of its apparent opposite. This all being based on a presumption that me (Subject) am essentially distinct from objects of experience. This apparent subject/object division feeds on effort/control.
  9. A movement of concentrated attention was seen in movement. When you saw the “police thought-controller” enter in, did you move from one condition/thought to another that brought about the silence, or was the noticing of the whole movement the ending of that movement? So you saw this process & compulsion to reset and continue towards the goal? (subject/object phenomenon)
  10. Being is already the ground. States/experiences arise from and fall back into THE NOW/the ground. It is seemingly otherwise because of the over fascination with objects of experience. As these objects give vitality to the subjects continuity of self(distinct & independent entity) that stands apart of the field of its objects of experience/states. Any step you take in any direction is a step away from yourself/BEING...No need to force what is already inherent in and of itself as THE NOW. Forcing is what sustains the apparent loop of subject/object divison.
  11. Being/g-money is not an object to be understood. Understanding/insight (awareness/being) in the deeper sense ‘stands under’ the arising and falling of subject/object phenomenon with its presumptions and false notions(limited mind/body understandings). It will be very difficult to get close to communicating this with clumsy words.
  12. G-money does not exist, yet is not non-existent. As such is awareness/being. G-money does not exist in time(philosophy, metaphysics, epistemology, religion, etc.) but that of time (the me who believes/disbelieves in accordance to that created by thought) may exsist in G-money G-money has no meaning but may provide meaning to that that is perceived.
  13. Some great questions my good friend @Facelessshared with me a while back. Can we obsever all the ways in which we are attached to the content of our consciousness? Can we see all the subtle & unconscious ways we try to immortalize ourselves in daily life? What is immortality? Because this is in direct relation to this content of conciousness & to death. Very much related to what you posted above. The past in which has influenced a cycle of reaction (subject/object) association as being means to bring about a manufactured sense of immortality. A self feeding loop that sustains the continuity of “me”, an isolated entity who looks to objects to capture this immortality. A seeking of immortality in which denies that which is eternal as a result. Every step taken is away from that which is inherently eternal.
  14. The extent that subject object divison is ultimately believed in and acted upon is the degree that action or innaction is influenced by psychological fear. This again relates to the projection of self imposed images. Resistance & resistance to resistance, or reaction to what-is, will manifest itself as ego defense mechanism or psychological becoming. To react to this apparent subject/object and see it as REALITY makes for this response of egocentric activity. Ego or subject/object division has its place for practical purposes, but when it comes to the relationship with that which arises in experience, with other people, and the environment is where ego has no place. Because in isolation there can be no communion. Communion/relationship cannot exist with the distinctions/separation that is inhenret in egocentric activity.
  15. @corndjorn I’m not opposing anyone here. Not playing any sides. My post was action in and of itself. I’m sure you guys see what I mean though.
  16. We can tell where we stand in our everyday life. The degree that we project images on ourselves is the degree that we impose images onto others/environment in which influences inevitable action. After all, there are no enlightened individuals, only enlightened action. To not live with the image, this is truly beautiful. An art really
  17. The I that moves-pursues something/somewhere is not something/somewhere but not nothing-nowhere
  18. Neglecting ones health is actually more related to an incapability to die, psychologically that is. In psychological death(death of resistance/attachment/identification), there is no clinging/adherence to habits/grooves of that which that has been accumulated by thought. Then there is a let go of the never ending reoccurring pattern of desire pursuing pleasure in which is the inevitable pain. This is where habits/addictions and such are born, as is fear. Really all arises in that subject object duality. When the mirage is seen for what it is (apparent subject/object division) then there is freedom. Health is a natural byproduct of the freedom/harmony when thought is put in its right place.
  19. Mu are full but have nothing Mu are empty but contain all?
  20. Oh, how do you mean my dear sir? you seem very certain you have access to something that we all do not. Now that’s not very mu of mu now is it? seriously mr serotoninluv, who are you trying to convince? Enlighten up dude?