Jack River

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Everything posted by Jack River

  1. This is what I use to try. The problems is this is to subtly dis-identitying. The crazy thing it’s the same as identification with those thoughts and feelings. Plus even more subtly we don’t see that we have already indentified as those thoughts come up anyway. We are then just “choosing” not to identify. It’s a sneaky trick thought plays. I did this for years watching videos of gurus. But there was a big contradiction that wasnt seen. Its seen now and that is why we are talking about it now. You can always notice dudes. There will always be this reaction. Once that reaction is not fed, it shows in our actions. We won’t be reacting to other peopels posts as some of us do.
  2. I can totally see it man. Hardwired to move in a direction. But when I move in any direction that is fear in movement. Excellent !!!?
  3. I use to think of fear partially. When I saw all the subtle forms it was overwhelming at first dude. Because I thought I had to do something about all this fear. But then I saw that the awareness was enough. It was so relieving dude. I felt like the weight of conflict just go away.
  4. This right here was crucial for me dude. I wasnt aware I kept feeding fear.
  5. you are basically saying it’s difficult because the division of women thinking and men thinking.
  6. There are girls and boys..there is not girls thought and boys thought. Thought is thought. Girl or boy doesn’t matter. I think the point is to go into understanding the individual and to work our way to how that gets expressed in society.
  7. I don’t know. My friends wouldn’t even bring it up. It’s ok. This talk between us is kinda funny. Let’s just not contaminate the thread anymore. Maybe you can make one about gender division and possible models to solve it in argument.
  8. Men and women? We are talking about the division that divided thought causes. All of this gender talk is just another example of clinging to psychological knowledge as faceless had posted about. For some reason gender was brought up. Very strange to all of a sudden bring up gender. Boy-girl who cares i don’t identify psychologically as a male. Then I wouldn’t be able to commune with my surfer girl friends. Little “me’s” are all all the same, a movement of thought that seeks security in itself.
  9. I get it. So why get involved with the thread?
  10. If there is anything I have learned through going into this fragmentation is our actions show when we are ourselves fragmented. Once we see understand it in ourselves its easy to see when others are caught in that pattern. Its so clear. understandkng the pattern ends the pattern.
  11. Ok, so go through the problem on the thread with others who don’t. Work together on makign the thread something that can be understandood. a few of us understand but what good does that do?
  12. I’m not following you. The thread is understand the problem as it is. Why not just go into the problem with us?
  13. Do what? it’s a habit of mine. I call my surfer friends dude and they are girls. I will try to not do that with you
  14. Fear skips important issues like this. I’m not here to skip dude..i do find your post confusing, but this is hard to communicate. I think you and anyone else should have interest in the thread. I think it’s cool that you are even writing in it. Others seem avoid it brah. I’m not sure what to make of your post but I will read through it. Thanks dude And one thing I have learned about faceless is he is not usually looking for an answer. He just stressed understanding the fact-problem. He always stressed that when I first started talking to him.