Jack River

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Everything posted by Jack River

  1. Depending on an experience to end habits. I remember that
  2. Getting caught in Pleasure means there is no logic. People get Pleasure out of psychedelic use to. The object is different, but pleasure is pleasure. He might want to learn about pleasure, fear, “the me”.That really frees the mind.
  3. It’s wise not to force psychedelics on people. It creates an assumption that it will lead them to truth or enlightenment as if it were something that could be cultured. I’m glad I’m not caught in that loop anymore.
  4. Oh crap, the psychedelic gang out for blood dudes. Attacking the way one plans to ‘gain’ freedom is attacking them themselves.
  5. @Barry J Little self’s always want to call out those who are unoriginal. Maybe to point out how original there little self is. It’s typical dude. The self likes to do this to feel better, supperior, above those who supposedly aren’t original. It’s surelry just comparing with others to validate there own image about themselves. But it’s all good brah. It’s true that a few on the forum think they “know” others, truth, enlightenment, and they love to tell others they don’t, or they love to show other unoriginals the truth, like they hold it in there pockets Fosho..Self looking to thought to stop resisting.
  6. We don’t “know” anybody, we don’t know if they are psychologically free, “enlightened” or what ever dudes. Anybody that says they “know” what truth or enlightenment is funny. Especially if they don’t understand how they themselves work... I just realized this little game. You know the games “I am enlightened, I know what enlightenment is”, lol. They don’t get it. Role playing is very popular and always has been. Isn’t is something else dudes
  7. Of course they want to keep the false sense of self. The me depends of the me lol . That is fear clinging to thought to sooth itself.
  8. How do you know they did? Assumptions I don’t understand. We are taking about self understanding-learning dude. People are looking to thought to solve there psychological problems dude. They don’t understand the problem. What im saying is, why not stop looking for an answer and understand the problem “the me”? Answers come in the form of practices or self-inquiry. The motive or intent or desire which is thought may be the problem. Never thought of that?
  9. How do you know they actually solve there problems? Just saying dude..seems like an assumption. If you start with understanding yourself you will get if brah.
  10. “They” don’t. Sure. Thought always want to be secure so it will purposely make it unfathomable. I can see that for sure. This is why it was really important that I understand fear in relationship to thought/“me”. Understanding when fear was in movement and understanding what feeding it looked like. So starting by understand the nature of fear, which is me, which is part of thought. Understanding is most important. Cool dude. I never heard of dichotomy before. But i just looked up that word now. I see what you saying dude?
  11. This is why we get stuck. We are giving thought to much importance to solve emotional/psychological problems. That evolution of ”the me” causes is the reason for conflict.
  12. Growing?? Emotional growth, psychological growth? Problems and suffering or conflict=psychological evolution. Fear looking to escape itself. Endless loop of conflict.
  13. Staying with ? = ?. The journey ends when it starts.. No gradual process of psychological becoming. Gradual process/psychological movement is where all the trouble happens.
  14. Way out??? Meditation/self inquiry with a motive. Can you explain that dude?
  15. This one here I just really got ahold of few days ago. I saw that a way, and choice are themselves a doing. Hmmm. My dad totally hides behind words of Jesus/Christianity to justify his actions. When I here Jesus mentioned I can help but grin and walk the other way. I can happily say I don’t need to listen to fairy tales/gurus any longer. By the way isnthat your cat as your proifile pic? That is a cool cat
  16. This wise dude without a face once said, “ how do you know what is considered non-doing when you don’t even understand what is considered a doing?” Even if @Seedwas to listen to advice like you gave above would that be a doing or not?
  17. Only the “me” resists what is happening in mind.
  18. Face it that there is only mind. You have to see that for yourself though. If there is just mind what is there to conflict with? The i is a part of mind. The me isn’t seperate from mind. As my very good friend once said, it takes two to tango-conflict. Two as in me and mind.