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Everything posted by Sashaj

  1. You can love them without trying to get anything from them or wanting them to change. That’s true love mate
  2. So if I am yellow and I think I am yellow what am I really?
  3. Deep turqouise but with lots of paint on my shirt
  4. Well said. I don’t disagree with what you have written. I was hoping to provide a balance to the discourse. Thanks for clarifying your intent
  5. I understand what you are trying to say but I don’t think you understand the topic enough to give sound advice. A good caring doctor can help with that
  6. Awareness of breath is awareness so why wouldn’t it lead to self Realization?
  7. Or are we just keyboard sages who think we know the truth? There is merit in seeking out a teacher that can facilitate the process and stop us from wasting time. Depends where you are in your “search” I think. Many factors
  8. Atleast you tried it. It works well for some people like me and others I have met. The opposite of feeling like a zombie for me. Great if you can fInd something that works better
  9. Some terrible and dangerous advice in here. I use Lexapro which is quite similar and it has changed my life. I am finally making excellent progress with my practice. Pharmaceuticals=bad is an ego illusion
  10. The disease is imagining that procrastination is a disease
  11. Interesting observations. I’ll stick around for the dik pics and free advice!
  12. Thanks. Yes that makes sense. I align with yellow but I also notice other traits from the other colours. I also had pride when I heard that yellow is tier 2 so my ego is happy which is not the best outcome!
  13. Came for dik pics Leaves enlightened
  14. Sound like some kind of awakening experience or mania. Hopefully the first one!
  15. All of you in this state refusing to try medication are making a big mistake. You are useless as a person in the state you are in. You need to sort out your mind to be useful. It is very hard to see through what you are suffering from. Medication can be used as a temporary crutch to reduce useless thoughts and inhibitory neurosis and allow you to get mind working enough to pull yourself out of the madness. Try it?
  16. Also medication can help some people. Not everyone is ready to meditate their problems away
  17. What a funny essay. So much effort that could be directed towards better things. But I don’t agree or disagree with your opinions. I don’t know Leo personally but I like his videos and facial expressions
  18. I think a healthy ego is one that acts as a suitable vehicle for your “journey” to enlightenment
  19. @Everyday great, and thanks for not judging me as a murderer!
  20. Today a bird landed on my shoulder and it whispered in my ear that was special. So i killed it. Hahaha. That deluded bird needed to be put down haha!
  21. Yes this was a big problem for me personally because I would be harsh on myself for “failing” mediation which made my practice a much less effective!