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Posts posted by DesertRat

  1. @Preetom Damn, where were you four years ago, mate?  ? The journey might have been a bit less rocky.

    In 2014, I found an old leather bracelet laying in the dirt....

    ”None but ourselves can free our minds”  Robert Nesta Marley

    May have been a sign, I took it as a challenge, fired my shrink and quit taking a shit ton of brain meds, cold turkey.

    Your words have me giggly.


  2. Just received this tidbit from the collective, whatever “that” is.

    ”When you fully accept that “you” are 100% spiritual and zero physical, you will see the absurdity in having any faith, even belief, that ANY physical exists, at all”

    This “came to me”, (without words, of course.....I did my best) during a nice moment of stillness, today.

    Awareness IS the one truth, so who knows WTF the physical is.....or if the physical is physical.

    Also, who the hell is it on the other end of that connecting link?

    Thanks for everything.


  3. A relaxed abdominal breath (diaphragmatic) as opposed to the more common chest breath wherein the intercostal and clavicular muscles are involved, and easily fatigued.....leading to that sensation?

    (old respiratory therapist, I watch people breath and wonder how they have enough energy to do it “that way”)

  4. 1 hour ago, Martin123 said:

    @isabel hey actually you often experience reintegration of your uncoscnious emotional baggage in your sleep.

    You can often wake up and be mad, pissed or totally sad and depressed. That’s ok, it’s just a symptom of all the integration that’s already happened. There is no reason to worry about it or try to fix it at all. 

    You can literally go from an enlightened master of the holy land of allumination blessing all humans with your immaculate presence in the evening, to a hurt five year old who demands his birthday cake to be chocolate instead of strawberry in the morning! It’s pretty fun :D

    Ed Zachary.  “The Guest House”.....accept it, live it, love it.  Lol