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About Trangoody

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  1. Thanks a lot, I'll listen to those
  2. I'm now aware that listening to music influencing my emotional state and changing the way I think, and I'd like to know if there was a certain musical genre that was helpful for self-actualization and if stopping the depressing song brainwash was necessary. I listen to music pretty much all the time so I guess I should take something out of it.
  3. Thank you for your answer, I'll keep doing it since it works for me. (Look up Magdalen Islands, life is good out here. )
  4. Thank you. I was about to defend him, but I decided to think a little deeper. Despite the radical and provocative nature of your message, what you're saying is kinda true. We should all gain a little perspective and see if Leo is actually helping us grow, or if he is just gluing us to our computer screens, making us feel good with the nice ideas he puts into our heads. Listening to his videos doesn't mean shit if we just absorb the information and imagine how our life could improve if we were courageous enough to go out and make a change in the world. A good indicator would be how many videos of Leo you are watching, If you are watching them daily, you're definitely addicted to mental masturbation and theory intake which is not going to take you anywhere. But tell me, in those two years, hasn't your life improved? Aren't you appreciative of the way his work changed your life? Maybe if you didn't see him as a malicious and evil guru, you could use what he has to offer with intelligence and precaution.
  5. If you can't wait for Leo anymore, here is an interesting article
  6. I recently came up with a visualization exercise/meditation technique and I'm not sure about its true effectiveness. I live on an island, so it's windy pretty much all the time. In the summer, I meditate outside on a hill behind my house. So one day I got this idea: why wouldn't I let the wind blow my thoughts away leaving my head empty? I can visualize my brain - this thought generator -getting emptied every second, as its content is being thrown into the outside world. This really helps me get in the present moment and I feel that it makes it much easier not to get caught in monkey mind. Any thoughts?