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Everything posted by Mafortu

  1. infinite possibilities mean infinite homework
  2. Seems like our whole universe is bound to the survival game, from living organisms to stars themselves. So, is reality as a whole bound to the rules of survival? Or do we just happen to exist in a universe where survival is the main game mode? Are there dimensions out there were creatures don't have to worry about sustenance or being eaten? Or would that be impossible?
  3. attain enlightenment? Yes. Be happy and fulfilled? No. Underneath truth, you are still a human, needing of hugs and play.
  4. If someone I respect suddenly comes out as transphobic and anti-lgtb, I will stop listening to that person all together. I will not give views or clout to a vector of hate and misinformation. I hope you see my point.
  5. Maybe Leo can talk him into wearing a mask and vaccinate. Joe Rogan is an embarrassment, and I lose respect for any of my friends that listen to him.
  6. Not your average Jim that took ayahuasca a couple of times and now sells his psychedelic paintings on hippie conventions. But artists that have had a true, no BS, profound ever lasting awakening, and are often in the service of awakening others. On top of my head I know Daniel Schmidt, director and creator of the Samadhi, and Inner Worlds Outer Worlds documentary series which are excellent, and he also happens to be a very talented musician who composes all of the music present in his documentaries, and the music is fire.
  7. A close friend of mine does art like that as well, but he displays a lot of the characteristics of zen devilry (just like Connor Murphy right now), so maybe Naoto is awakened or maybe not, but just about any moderately talented artist can paint trippy animals with third eyes and colorful mushrooms but that don't mean they are truly awakened.
  8. I am not saying it does, I am merely interested in what creations spawn from awakened individuals. And considering the nature of this forum, either all questions are foolish, or they are not. You recommended me Naoto Hattori, I am asking why you think she/he fits my criteria. I did a google search and all I find is her/his art, but no bios or anything related to spirituality.
  9. fantastic art, just my kind of jam, but how do you know he/she is enlightened?
  10. Do you not identify as Connor Murphy anymore? Can you prove to me you have psychic powers as you claim?
  11. If you drink a cup of water, are you drinking the ocean? Its not so much as it is fake, its just that all we experience is one layer of an infinite amount of layers, which in perspective makes our reality seem so miniscule and unimportant compared to the whole So yes, its a word game, reality is just "right now"
  12. If I were to fly to your home, and have you close your eyes and present a picture in front of you, would your spirit tell you what is shown in the picture?
  13. It boggles my mind how this community believes in this stuff.
  14. Thought I bring this up to everyone's attention here Here's the link:
  15. Originality doesn't equate quality. There are many "original" movies that are terrible. The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi are vastly superior to Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones, there is no contest, if you disagree then you are just letting your hatred of Disney blind your judgement. Episode 3 is much better than Rise of Skywalker, that's all I may concede.
  16. If you and Leo are implying that Episode 1 and 2 are somehow better than Force Awakens and The Last Jedi, then yall must have bad taste in cinema.
  17. Heres the definitive Star Wars media from best to worst Empire Strikes Back A New Hope Return of the Jedi The Force Awakens Revenge of the Sith Solo Mandalorian The Last Jedi Rogue One The Rise of Skywalker Attack of Clones Phantom Menace Christmas Special If you disagree, you are wrong. And thats okay.
  18. i feel like out of all religions islam produces the most beautiful art, too bad the culture lacks empathy and compassion
  19. Leo doesn't struck me as a guy that gives hugs to his friends. lol
  20. So this is something that has been bothering me a little, and I want to discuss. Context: Daniel Schmidt is a spiritual teacher, very talented musician and artist and has directed the very popular Samadhi and Inner Worlds Outer Worlds film series. Which I consider to be the best videos to introduce people into non-duality. He released a video yesterday describing his yet most powerful experience he had in one of his meditations, which is on itself very interesting and I suggest you all watch it and his other videos I linked above. Anyways, very similar to Leo, he has had many FINAL ego-death experiences in the past , and like Leo he says this time was for real and that if he kept going he would not be alive today So...... I guess this goes for Daniel, Leo and other teachers, does that mean your past ego-deaths were delusions? Having a no-self experience is absolute in the sense that you are AWARE that you no longer exist, and at that point the mind isnt thinking "I dont think there is coming back from this" unless of course the self-identification never stopped, so to say the most recent one was going to be for real this time makes me question how honest and sincere you were when you recounted those past experiences of no-self.
  21. When I watched Daniel's video I immediately remembered Leo's and Ralston's exchange, which is why I brought this topic up
  22. Imagine someone making a video titled: "Why I stopped watching movies". or "Why I stopped reading novels". Even if you are fully "enlightened", I just don't see the reason why someone would announce that they are never going to take psychedelics again. Movies and novels are not medicine one "stops taking" once they feel better. They offer alternative views into infinite imagination, which I cannot see myself ever getting bored of.