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Everything posted by Mafortu

  1. Everyone wants world peace, also, everyone wants the biggest slice of the pie.
  2. Ah yes, a map displaying the trappings of naive stage greens experimenting with psychedelics, my friends would love that. All it needs is the words "Machine Elves" randomly thrown on top somewhere and we are set.
  3. Is it, really? Have you missed all the disinformation campaigns going on in the last years with china and Russia in an attempt to destabilize the western world? Unless you also don't believe that, then you must be living under a rock.
  4. Because nations still see other nations as rivals, and we rather keep our secrets than share what we know. Governments wont openly say "we see these things but we cant stop them or identify them" because then you are openly admitting to a weakness. Nations also cant say you have crashed crafts because then they are seen as a threat and rival nations will send their spies over, secrets have more value than open knowledge. If we as a civilization prioritized other things, like working together, then disclosure would have happened already.
  5. Psilocybin: Normal Difficulty Ayahuasca: Hard Difficulty 5-Meo-DMT: Survival Mode
  6. Here is where I would link you to credible sources and real testimonies from high-ranking officials, but it looks you have already made up your mind about this. The movement to bring UFO credibility into mainstream consciousness is just beginning, and you will look back at your current denial with embarrassment.
  7. Are you one of those that think the physics wouldn't allow other races to visit us? You think humans have already figured out the laws of space-exploration? Think of how much we have discovered in the last 100 years, and now think of how much other civiliztions have discovered in a thousand, or in a million years. Be skeptical, but don't be arrogant. We have barely even scratched the surface.
  8. I dont believe in ghosts or psychics, which is frowned upon in this community, but I do believe we are being visited by otherwordly crafts. I guess I sympathize with the skeptics here, but to me the difference between ghosts and aliens is the quality of the witnesses. Thousands of people believe they have seen ghosts, and thousands believe they have seen UFOs but I dont see any astronauts, Navy officers, army pilots and NASA experts with silly ghost stories.
  9. Well for one it seem you look up to Connor Murphy, who is having a severe manic episode and is in huge denial. Here's what his house currently looks like (min 4:05), but you should watch the whole vid, its very ummmm... enlightening
  10. Leo projected his own persona into his god realization, so no, god didn't create this reality videogame just because he was bored in his room one day. I am sure he meant well, but his point did came across badly in that segment.
  11. are you implying that masturbation is beneath an enlightened individual?
  12. Probably other zen devils like him Connor is the JarJar Binks of the spiritual community
  13. Its a good movie, but I don't see myself viewing it as a spiritual experience. Its on the same vein as Requiem for a Dream, love the movie, but I will never watch it if I need something to lift my spirits up
  14. It as a nice read, but ultimately this is just another one in a large pile of theories I have already read about alien life and their machinations. For the record, I hope you are wrong and they do make the obvious entrance most of us hope for, humanity needs a reality wake-up.
  15. The path to enlightenment is, more often than not, a magnet to wounded souls that want to end their suffering, and a lot of what is being echoed here can lead to very dangerous rabbit holes. The recent tragedy was bound to happen and is bound to happen again in the future. Everyone here should be more mindful with their advice, considering the nature of the subject matter its extremely easy to misinterpret someone's thoughts and warp them in ungodly shapes.
  16. When a person has suffered depression for so long, the common visible traits meld into their personas to the point where they are practically invisible even to family members. I used to cry a lot as a kid, but now crying is a luxury I covet, the pain is still there, I have only been desensitized to it.
  17. short answer: no new age answer: yes, in the sense that harry potter also exists.
  18. This is one of Leo's blindspots, in that he still self-projects into this god. To say the meaning of life and consciousness is that god is bored with his infinite powers and that's why he created this videogame of a reality is selling it way too short. Listen to other awakened individuals like Frank Yang for example, I don't think Frank would ever say things like that. This is why its important to follow different spiritual thinkers and not just one, they each compliment each other.
  19. Conversely, wouldnt it also make sense to say that all my dreams were real? Each dream, thought and imagination is something that "manifested" within god. When you say my past never happened, it just doesn't ring well with me, but I will agree with you in that I did imagine my past and that's real enough for me.
  20. A healthy dose of psilocybin mushrooms or DMT in a responsible setting will make you understand a lot of what Leo says, and even then the journey is just beginning.