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Wow Kundalini
Kriyas Or Involuntary MovementsDoes this happen to some of you guys when meditating?
So this has been happening for the last 3 months. It feels like electric charging up and down my spine with my neck and face spasmed out. The face I make is ridiculous. It's this demonic face with the lips frowned and eyes fierce. It also shoots up what seems to be blocked energy up the back of my head and releasing out leaving me with this pleasant, grounded, and relaxed feeling. Feels like deep cleansing and healing.
Shinzen's description on it:
Release with Hatha
Tell Me About Hatha YogaI have learned in a camp, we did about 4-5 hours of yoga every day. It's tiring at first and you gonna sweat if you are going to do a 1-hour program for the first few times. You may be told about energies if you are learning in a class, but make sure you verify everything in your direct experience.
Generally speaking, if done frequently, it will improve your focus and flexibility.
Experiences: The second day of the camp after yoga, I have released some anger. The third day, in the morning I was laughing alot - I think some emotional blockage got released again. The same day afternoon - holy shit. Flat out close to enlightenment experience. After doing yoga, we did a meditation laying down, it was progressive muscle relaxation with a Do Nothing "section" at the end. After relaxing the body, I felt like I need to surrender myself. I was really into enlightenment at that time, so I repeated the phrase "Take me, death!" in my head. All of a sudden - with my eyes closed - my imagination blacked out and then it was followed by a vision of the Big Bang. After that, I slowly opened my eyes and I felt as everything around me was me, that I am the Universe. I felt myself being the room. I still had a sense of my ego and the really subtle delusion that I am the body, but I still felt like I am all that I am surrounded by. I felt really happy. When we were walking back to the camping place, I looked at the world with the eyes of a 5-year-old. I suddenly understood why in Zen Buddhism "your mind is like a 4-year-old child's" is a compliment. I have got an insight from this experience that has changed my life since (Authenticity is the source of all spiritual purification).
I don't really do it that much but sometimes when I feel like I need to release some energies, I do yoga.
Astral Projection efficient technique?
Anyone Astral Projected?This method seems to be really efficient, although I've never done myself
I tried for a week and stopped because I was afraid, my body started shaking and my heart speeding up, so I decided to focus on other things ?
I also heard the rope technique works well
Leo's yoga posture (pain) question.There are also high-tech options like this:
Becoming Compassionate the fastest
How to design a good Meditation Plan (for both short and long term)@WellbeingSeeker I think the main thing is just getting the habit in place. It doesn't matter so much what technique you choose first, because unless you're super lucky and the first thing you try is absolutely perfect for you, then you'll need to experiment over the coming months with various techniques to see which suits you best. This is what Leo talks about a lot. Most people end up just sticking with one technique which isn't suited to them and so they don't see many results.
You don't want to be constantly hopping from one technique to the next, but trying different techniques out is quite important in my opinion. There's a a balance that has be figured out. Personally, if I were to recommend a technique it would be 'mindfulness with labelling' (see Leo's video on this and search for Shinzen Young on youtube), or 'do nothing' (again see Leo's video and search the forum as there has been quite a few discussions regarding this technique). Practising either of these will certainly improve your equanimity and your self-control/discipline. When it comes to developing compassion and loving kindness, i'm not sure that a traditional meditation technique like mindfulness will have much effect. Although for some people it may. I would say opening the heart chakra through yoga, psychedelics or energy transmissions is the fastest way to become more compassionate and loving.
So you want to get the habit of sitting down to meditate in place first. This is the hardest part and you'll likely face a lot of resistance unless you're a natural. A consistent 20-30 minutes a day is a good place to start. But you want to be quickly moving that up to 45 minutes, and then an hour. But consistency and the quality of the meditation is most important. 20 minutes of really focused, highly concentrated and conscious meditation is better than an hour of lazy mind wandering.
Long term, just commit to doing it every day and commit to mastering one technique when you feel it's right for you. It's also a trial and error process that you have to figure out by yourself really.
Steven Wolinsky
Who are the best non-duality teachers, in your view, to listen to?@lmfao Adyashanti, Nisargadatta/Steven Wolinsky and Leo of course.
Steven Wolinsky, a disciple of Nisargadatta has about the most non-dual approach of anyone I've listened to. He considers non-duality a duality. For there to be the concept of non-duality there would also have to be duality as it's counter part. So to say non-duality in itself infers a duality.
Matt Khan Vouched
Who are the best non-duality teachers, in your view, to listen to?Matt Kahn, he’s the only one that made sense of what was happening to me.
Enlightenment with Pysche
Obsessed about finding out the truth...@molosku I had the truth reveal on a high amount of shroom tea, after around 20 years of meditation, etc, Though I didn’t know psychedelics were used for spirituality for that 20 years. So, looking at your picture, uh, how’s your practices & experiences with the shrooms? “Hero’s dose?”. It is a miraculous thing, how it’s painstaking to find the Truth, and then it’s everything everywhere all the time.
What the fuck?
Did the past really happen?Present, Past and Future happens at the same space/time.
How do i know this? We are all able to see this if we tune to a certain frequency. But in those frequencies, those around you appear as mechanical, pattern bind beings. You see here and there glimpses of awakened human beings, most of them are children. Reality does not feel like reality anymore. All around looks like a joke disguised as serious business.
From my experience, very little children are tuned to this and animals. Animals on the other hand feel like automated projections of the environment (in other words they lack ego, mind, personality).
1st dimension is survival, we all know how it is and the fear we feel.
2nd dimension has like a future: "i will get it, goal" within.
3rd dimension is the make sense of things in a logical, geometrical pattern way of suroundings and numbers.
As one reached 4th dimension, the feelings in human beings are transparent and are one with everything else, this dimension is felt very strong in the heart chakra.
5th dimension is felt like a stillness in the environment, everything is sharp and has depth.
6th dimension one is able to see or percieve the forms of sound in light-waves, even thoughts show as patterns of shapes of light and sound.
7th dimension is the understanding of your own being in a magical/spiritual/unfolding amazement, cannot be described in words, pure exaltation.
8th dimension unfolds like an eternal aurora borealis, like the green shade/transparent green sky 1 hour before sun rise. One starts to feel eternal.
The 9th dimension is a deeper shade of green, like a completion of the mortal biological beings.
Reaching the 10th dimension is just spectacular, everything around is more vivid in color.
The 11th dimension appears as the feeling of a burning desire in everything.
The 12th dimension is so simple and at the same time complete, in simple words is: GOLDEN.
I must say that after you go past Silver and Gold reality feels literally infinite, infinite shades of colors, opportunities, growth, completion. And the beautiful thing about this is the same understanding and feeling is all around. From a drop of water in a window to the most complex biological mechanism. Fascinating and scary at the same time. Infinite complex, in a way like looking into a mirror inside of a mirror and so on.
The most scary thing i experienced was seeing in 360 degrees and feeling the surroundings as transparent. Having the 5 senses combined and feeling with all the 5 senses the entire being and every atom of yourself being hardwired into the same existence outside of you (even a peace of furniture felt like part of me). When minutes appear to be days, hours weeks, years or even millennia. Being, knowing and feeling the entire existence, making sense and cannot explain it, only amazed by it, and i was compelled to cheer and give thanks.
Even now, that i am writing i give thanks and thanks for reading my real life experience.
I wrote this from my experience of being very high in chi/prana. No external drugs nor stimulants. Just pure internal DMT passed through all the energy body/mind processes.
Namaste, Mfks!
The Mini Jagular Progress I guess
How Do I Fit All These Techniques In 1 Day???Attend a 10 day Vipassana retreat. You will learn how to meditate properly and it will change the way you look at meditation.
For myself now after completing the 10 day course my daily meditation practice of 1 hour is nothing. Before the retreat i had trouble sitting for 30 minutes, but now after completing 10 hours meditation for 10 days 1 hour does not seem long to me anymore
Goal is to attain pause?
For People Interested in Kriya Yoga@carlowillo in Kriya yoga, your objective is to attain kumbhaka. The special Kriya pranayama will be enough for that.
Witnessing meditation
Kriya Yoga exposed?@egoless I will recommend reading the links given in this post rather than watching videos:
Osho's talks had a different style... He has talks that have been published in over 600 books. A lot of times he just gossipped and many of his talks were also critical in nature, which was very useful for people during Osho's time. But since people here in the forum don't need a general introduction to many things he talked about, you can get into the essence right away. The essence of Osho's talks was 'witnessing' meditation. And the links in that post gives you everything you need to understand about witnessing.
J.Krishnamurti's teachings were also centered around 'witnessing' . But he called it as choiceless awareness.
I have told you fucking idiot
Kriya Yoga exposed?@egoless I have told you three times.. .. Go with witnessing meditation by Osho and also try practices suggested by Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta Maharaj and J. Krishnamurti. At least one of them will resonate with you deeply and offer tremendous help towards liberation.
Not meditating properly is not meditation
Am I meditating poorly?@TruthSeeker47 Hate to break it to ya, but you haven't been meditating. You've been doing the exact opposite, driving deeper into monkey-mind.
For meditation to be effective, it must be done properly, rigorously. You need to pick one proper technique and master the shit out of it. Like:
Do Nothing Labeling Observing the breath Kriya yoga Concentration etc. Pick up. Read the instructions for it. Then follow the instructions rigorously.
I have several good books about meditation in the book list. Might want to check out the Consciousness section there.
Just do the retreat
Retreats !@PsiloPutty the retreat was amazing. I got some pretty deep insight into myself.
Going into the retreat I thought I'd learn a lot and get some pretty deep insights into life. But , I learned it's a process and I don't know shit.
My daily meditation practice is much better than before the retreat , night and day difference . Before my retreat I had trouble sitting for longer than 30 mins. Since the retreat I do 1 hour every morning.
After dismissed at night you just go to bed.
if you are on the fence about doing it just do it! I wish I did this years ago
Breathing Techniques for overcoming anxiety and deepening the breathhttp://www.arfalpha.com/ScienceOfBreath/ScienceOfBreath.pdf
Here you go. This short book will teach you the Science of Breath - Pranayama.
It starts of with explaining a little bit of theory behind breathing, gives you instructions on how to breathe The Complete Breath (which is basicly the deep breathing you are asking about) and goes as far as teaching you how to master your breath for spiritual gains, if you want to go as far as that.
It is an amazing read. I highly recommend it!
thge fuck is this?
All Personal Questions For Leo@Leo Gura First off love your videos. And please take the time to research astral projection a bit. I view only second to psychedelics in power to transform. In fact in many ways astral projection is more powerful than meditation. See why bellow in the first video.
1) Did you know that you can go to the realms of light that are without form through astral projection?
2) Have you heard of William Buhlman? He's one of the few people that have gone so far inward through astral projection to the point where he had no body and there was no form and he was a ball/orb of consciousnesses. There are many other astral projectors that have gone way beyond ordinary mundane astral projection to very deep sacred places.
3) What do you think about astral projection Leo? Thanks!
Out of Body Experiences, the Astral plane and the Afterlife -William Buhlman
William Buhlman on OBEs at Monroe Institute Professional Seminar 2014
Raving Madness
Finding the self - specifically about the vid The Ultimate Model Of Human KnowledgeYou may want to be careful with setting a time schedule for enlightenment, Leo. Because what starts to happen, especially with self-inquiry, is that you begin to build illusory expectations. After enough consistent daily inquiry, you begin to build the expectation that you're going somewhere with it, that eventually (in 1000+ hours...) there will be some explosive flash of an experience and clarity will come shining down on you and you will be enlightened, boom, happily ever after. I'm not saying that's what you're doing; I'm just pointing it out to you and others as a warning. Hope that the self-inquiry will get you somewhere in the future is just another illusory trap you need to work through, because fundamentally, it's literally impossible to go somewhere when you're already there.
I disagree that you can't short-cut self-inquiry. You can, but it likely requires some monomania, a stark raving madness for the Truth. That's the state I was in this past summer after watching your How to Become Enlightened video. From there, it took a couple months of self-inquiry alongside digesting masses of reading material to see through the veil of self. When I saw through it, it didn't come as a flash of realization or a change in sense perceptions whatsoever. It was incredibly subtle and incredibly beautiful. Afterwards was plenty of laughing and crying. Once I saw it, I couldn't unsee it; non-dual awareness just began to stick naturally. And now, a few days ago, the search just plain ended after a final realization. I hadn't done any formally scheduled self-inquiry since that first realization in the summer.
My point is not to brag about how enlightened I am (or how stupidly contradictory that statement is) or how little time it took me or how superior I am to everyone else. My point is that there are no rules to becoming enlightened, no expectations, no requirements. Enlightenment is a pathless path, literally the most personal journey you can ever take. Sure, self-inquiry is a natural part of the process, but that can be done in many different ways, and it sure as heck doesn't have to take 1000 hours. After your first realization, you'll probably reconsider that statistic, because you'll be wondering how you didn't see it this whole time because of how dang simple Truth is. Now, the psychological clean-up/deprogramming process? That may take a while. All the best, Leo.