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Everything posted by Phrae

  1. You don't really have to "be enlightened". The thing is that you really really want to. Right now you're associating with your life events. Life is a roller coaster regardless if you're enlightened or not. The difference is that with enlightenment you're watching the roller coaster instead of riding along. Instead of fulfilling a dream you realize there is no need to fulfill a dream in the first place. It's reaching fulfillment by realizing you're already fulfilled. Do not make and feel forced to do enlightenment work. It's you answering your deepest needs. (by killing them).
  2. @zasa joey I would recommend this attitude towards your situation: Accept your weakness (even though you might not like the way you are right now) Acknowledge your courage for trying to stand your ground. What you need to do is work on your strength, that can be working on your mindset (the self image that you have of yourself) and change it. Or do something physical that will inevitably strengthen your view of yourself by providing material evidence (martial arts/strength training, etc). You might really hate your reaction but don't dwell on it. Try to get in touch of what it would feel like to be a person with imperturbable power. Hold on to that feeling in your mind. You have to do this a lot before noticing some results.
  3. I don't think this is cowardice. This is merely the existence of fear and you facing it. True cowardice would be not doing anything at all. It is couraguous to try to hold your ground when you feel like your legs will break. The issue is not cowardice it is being weak. You think that others can easily overpower you, whether physically or energetically. I think you need that hostility you mentioned but in a controlled manner. I bet you're kind of afraid of that.
  4. for the longest time I reaisted reading this and I still am. lol
  5. @Saitama As a person who is reading from Leo's booklist and watching his videos, I'm interested in better learning. What are you talking about here? How would I increase intensity and what kinds of learning are you talking about? Isn't learning individual? Also is it worth it to optimize learning? Doesn't it have a sweet spot where it no longet increases your efficiency and is just wasting time? I've dabbled all over the place. All my learning feels like dabbling. I'm not sute what I want in my life but I want to understand and know as much as I can so that I can accomplish my discovered goal. I also want to increase my understanding of myself which I'm not sure I'm doing. Hmmmm
  6. @Ayla how does that really help her? She still wants to know the decision that she should take. She might have a false construction of who she is but is there really a true construction? Aren't all constructions false? Isn't making a choice in itself about matching the ego needs?
  7. What happened? I remember you talking about the relationship and the dynamics. I haven't been active for the last 2 weeks.
  8. How deep a possession you feel you have over yourself?
  9. What are your goals? Being thoughtful about what you invest your time into really pays off. If you like the Sedona Method then you might wanna checkout Loving What Is by Byron Katie. She has a process of letting go that she calls The Work.I don't know if you should it read it now though. I would personally recommend sticking to the Sedona Method for a while and then trying The Work.
  10. In a sense you need to be passionate about enlightenment. So what to get passionate about is the question.
  11. Doesn't flow characterize as lack of anything? I do have some sort bitterness/tension in my chest area when I'm grinding (something as simple as reading a book).
  12. I do feel good about being INTP. It's like liking yourself for the food or music that you like. I try to avoid getting caught up in labels and strictly defining what I am or what I can be. It's important to have proper expectations about what it does for you. You sharing that personality type with these figures, in the most positive sense, does very little. You still have to go through the motion.
  13. @kalter000 is his perspective dogmatic? I've put off the book because I anticipate serious frustration from me as dogma response.
  14. Okay, so how would he deal with that "inner conflict"? I agree that true self is grounded in it's wirdness but explaining that doesn't do anything. How do you become immune to the rejection of others and not fearful of hurting others. Yeah something as simple as giving an opinion can hurt someone and I'm quite incomfortable with that. What should be done here?
  15. Where do documenteries fall in personal development? I haven't really set a space for them. I'd rather read a book or explore some self help product? Do you do watch as recreational/inspirational material?
  16. Highlight, underline, cricle stuff. If you want to completeltly dissect a book ask yourself questions such as these? What does this mean in my life? What should I do with this? Is this a priority? What other concepts are similar to this? Where does this fall in "insert categorie" field? What are the naunces and how would I explain them If I had all the time in the world I would do something similar to this. I try to focus on parts that I think are important and are gonna produce a result in my life. You can summarize after each chapter in a common place book or a in a note taking application.
  17. "Your body is your mind." Are you in touch with your body? He favors the body quite a lot, which is basically intuition. He also makes videos about freeing yourself from muscular tension in order to be grounded in who you are and be in touch with the body. He also preaches unconditional self love. A prerational idea of self worth regardless of anything. Just because I am I deserve respect.
  18. If I can get 1 hour every day consistently regardless is it still worth it?
  19. I've never consistently journaled. I am always not organized when journaling and it seems I am having lots of opinions about lots of things. It feels so arbitrary sometimes. What I do sometimes though is sit down and do "clarification" work on something that's bothering me. For example I would clarify why something is important that I'm losing motivation to do and sometimes introspect why I'm doing a particular thing and how to change it. How organized do you tend to be? I feel like I'm adding questions rather than solve them (I'm sure holding it as a habit doesn't exactly produce this effect).
  20. I thought you knew about toxicity and judgement
  21. There is a free version of this book available: I just found this today. He says that it's a "condensed" version of Awaken The Giant Within. I personally haven't read either. Edit: Actually it's not a "condensed version it's some sections of the book only.
  22. "How To Get Shit Done - The Inner Game Of Being A Results-Maker" Holding your feet to the fire of reality. I've watched that video 4 times and I have notes on it. I think about this basically whenever I do anything now.
  23. No body controls them. The truth is that they just happen and you think you're the one controlling them. Watch this for a detailed explanation: