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About Eddie_the_Eggplant

  • Rank
  • Birthday 02/16/1996
  1. @Corte @Corte @SkyPanther I'm sorry for the tagging, my phone is being difficult. How do I transcend these limits of the human mind so that I can experience this? And thanks to everyone. You have all been a great help!
  2. Follow your own path. Not the path everyone else wants for you.
  3. I'm trying to be open-minded to the notion that I am nothing, but I am sure that the concept is incomprehensible. From here, I arrive to two conclusions that bring their own questions. 1. I am, in fact, nothing. (I need help to truly understand what that means.) Can I truly understand what that means? How so? 2. Something that makes more sense to me is that "I" am a concept created by the brain in order to function. (Do I really need this concept to function, though?) I hope that we can have a discussion on this. Thanks, everyone!
  4. Currently reading it. Have you read "The Ethical Slut"? I like it so far. I have not read enough.
  5. Currently reading it. Have you read "The Ethical Slut"?
  6. Balance ?
  7. Well, jealousy is a natural feeling to have. You should not be ashamed of being jealous. That being said, don't act on those emotions that arise when you get jealous. Instead, observe those thoughts that rise up and see them for what they really are. Second, it's important to realize that you can't "have" anyone. So she will never belong to you. She will always do whatever it is that she wants to do and it is important for you to not take anything she does personally. It's also important for you to have other friends that you can spend time with. Ask yourself why you're jealous. Nothing I tell you will really change the way you feel, but I think it is important to go deeper into those emotions. Face them. They're not going to hurt you. It's just your ego feeding you those thoughts. Sorry if that didn't help much. I hope you gain something from this, though. Much love, ?
  8. I think that it's very likely that you'll reach your full potential if you put in many hours. Mastery of anything requires hard work and a lot of hours. ?