Your place at Heart

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Everything posted by Your place at Heart

  1. I would use these 200 million dollars to gather all craftsmen, media and graphic design, interior design, mechanics, talented people to start up a company that offer workshops and community growth centers to grow people skill for petty small amount of money they pay to the skill management. I would open mechanical garages, gym,orphanage houses and community. I would also aspire to hire newly grad students from architecture engineering and interior design and sponsor them to work for big companies where they learn skills and in addition i pay for them so that they work in my newly created small business where I give it all to them to manage and own with some percentage of share for me. I would just go on opening small businesses for people to eliminate joblessness and grow them spiritually. I become buisnessman and grow my wealth and invest in people who will return my investments to help other people out of love. I would try to eliminate as much as poverty as possible via helping people become the best at what why they do so that they can thrive and help others, and help them financially.
  2. To not care about what others think you have to find Your life purpose and vision because these things will convince your brain that you are mature enough to take care of yourself without the need to kiss someone's ass for living. Once that happens, you will never give a fuck what other people thoughts and projections, because you have vision and purpose sooo strong that drives you in life and you don't depend on no one.
  3. @Slifon You literally forgot that your ego is YOU!!!!!! You can't drop You. You have to die for ego to be gone and I am positive you can't kill yourself. Understanding Enlightenment isn't enough, You have to do enlightenment work to kill your YOU to the point you don't recognize your name. Your body will even feel empty and that might scare the shit of you because there is no more YOU inside the body. Your body will be alive but very empty of all thoughts and even most of the emotions that define YOU. You will be just simple animal as all animal beings.
  4. Imagine each label you give yourself unconsciously is actually 10,000+ pages book inside your brain. Christian, Muslim, Liberal, Conservative, democrat Free spirited, Scientific minded, athletic, open minded,gay...etc. How much illusion burden You take inside that literally cripple you from living life the way a caveman does. These Illusions feel like carrying 100,000 physical books on your head.
  5. To be enlightened is to return to your original human caveman primal state. You obviously European descent person, may be conservative or liberal, christian or had those backgrounds and now you shadowed them. You may think of yourself as more privileged or 1st world person who believe in human rights and free speech and science and so you and your country and race are ahead of most of the world, or may be you are liberal and you shadow these beliefs in the back of your mind and on surface you believe that everyone is equal, everyone is You, but your mind still holds on to the beliefs you try to supress. All those labels we give ourselves, carry with them dictionaries and ideas and terms and so they constantly bombard you and make your life worse as they work from behind the scene of your conscious mind. To be enlightened is to eliminate all those conditioning labels and beliefs with all of their web of contents.
  6. DK The big of series(Religions,sociology,psychology,politics) They explain all these ideas in brief one two page with definition and short examples and picture pyramids.
  7. LEO built successful life for himself. His videos of 4 years ago was at stage where he was pursuing money now money is not issue for him. He now sees as nothing but some mean to pay rent and food and clothing and way to develop himself spirituality and develop others with him as result. So answer is think of yourself in a costume party, its all fake but at that moment a person who wears batman outfit believes he's batman and the one who wears the joker believes he's joker and they know its fake yet they play it. You must see life as illusion just like that costume party or masquerade. You play your role. If you wear military uniform, you seriously play like military man walking and greeting certain way and screaming yes sir, or police officer uniform.... Work on yourself as if your life is short. Everything dies out yet people work so hard to keep cities functioning. Similary you, work yourself so hard so that you don't become miserable for short amount of time on life.
  8. The point is to work on your self-image or YOU. You and self-image are the same person. You as Creamcat, make no mistake of thinking ego and self-image is separate. That's Trap I fell into. The correct term is You. Enlightenment means There is no more You to the point of not identifying your birth name when being called while you are still alive, the voice of YOU you hear inside is shut completely, ideas, worries won't generate constantly unless you want to think but that is impossible, your body will generate a new YOU soon after. What YOU need is to Work on YOU=selfimage=Ego, enlightenment is when you are done developing your character that YOU play with people. Work so hard and get yourself so much money probably like 6 fig or 7 salary and recognition to the point you see most money is just complete horseshit and does nothing for you but attract artificial people, frenemies, doesn't cure any of your problems, makes you tired for working for it hard, and so you want to rest and use it to donate to charity, build shelters for poor people. This stage of success you have not reached. Keeep Polishing YOU until you get what you want life to transcend it.
  9. start with logo. You pay someone at fiverr app for 10$ and he design a logo for you.
  10. I am in your similar situation. I just rejected following all sects because the way they developed is through power transition and collective egoism. These People sided with this companion of Muhammad and became this major denomination while other companions choose that person and they became the companions, while those who rejected both called Mu'tazilites(Isolationists) who accepted rationality and philosophical inquiry and later gave birth to the sufi mystics who are as muslim as was the prophet. Civil war broke as result of who sided with whom and they fought aggressively with so much blood in name of who has the sole divine right to say that he represent allah or nonduality, this insanity continues until today. Everyone by definition is a Muslim(one who total surrender to will of god or non-dual universe or circumstances laid by this non-physical, indivisible, non-dimensional god) because he was born on state of fitrah(complete surrender when they were babies and toddlers, not being able to take care of themselves and completely surrender to their care givers and many die due to lack of care) Life is struggle and as Prophet said"The strong believer is preferable in the eyes of god, than weak believer". Just stay strong and years pass quickly. Our lives are short and things get better with time.
  11. The source of problem in the world is egos with self esteem issues and limiting beliefs about itself and others in relation to it
  12. You guys nuclear bombed genghis khan. haha too bad you sent the mongol leader back to his grave!
  13. I mean't that men who approach women are winners. There are so many women who need affection but not many men approach, so they will accept subpar men if they are available for emotions and needs.
  14. You will feel worse always, because feeling worse is the dominant in life unless you are hooked to heroine injecting emotions that gets you high all the time and postive feeling. You will feel worse either, I say move forward to your everlasting peace and expect feeling worse to be dominant. If you think you are going to experience ecstasy while moving the path, you are dead wrong, you are an octupus unless you get MDMA you are no where near positive feelings.
  15. Your best option, is contemplate and visualize what cost will this person will bring to your life. Will this attractive person make you jealous all the time? Will he support you in hardships and times where you are weak and vulnerable? Do you have the strength to be with him and accept his infidelities and the way he is and let go. Will your ego backfire all the time? You can make all kind of questions to help yourself? It's up to you to resolve. If you want him , then accept many of his flaws and set boundaries that when he does something, you will reciprocate the same thing and he will have to accept it. Nothing is wrong and nothing is right.
  16. Jealousy is super natural. There is no problem with it. It depends on how you see it. Just surrender to it and it will resolve itself. You shouldn't fight against yourself or yourself will backfire at you. if you try to shadow your jealousy(suppress it), it will govern your behavior from behind the scenes. I learned to surrender to my anger, jealousy, frustrations, fear and they resolved. I resisted them and they grew harder and I just withdrew from social life because all the time I experience these emotions, and guess what everyone does and so people try to suppress them by binge eating or indulge in all kind of sexual(masturbation, regular sex), alcohol, drugs, excess sleep, or make shallow friendship that just harm you in the long term from achieving your full potential in life. They are the primal emotions, and positive emotions are not the dominant. If know this truth, you will always respect yourself and love yourself. You will have deep and immense respect for these emotions because they are working to guard your life(fear), jealousy(protect your interest), anger(force you to take action to get your needs and desires met). respect your emotions and love them and they become positive, resist them and they become typical negative. Your emotions is your body talking to you.
  17. ok
  18. Did you experienced the classic no-mind state of no voice inside your head?
  19. Hey guys I am sharing insights I reached from Leos videos and life purpose course Leo spoke about ego so often. He spoke about transcending it and in his old videos he spoke about being aware of it and even going at war with it. I didn't understand how transcend it. So each time I felt jealous, or any emotions I didn't like, or my body unconsciously reacted to people I just don't like unconsciously but consciously I have no problem with them and don't hate them at all. So I took the path of spiritual warfare or as Leo says self-improvement Jihad. It backfired. so I watched his Life purpose course and brave youtubers who experimented with most tough psychedelics and went through terror. This is my realization 1.Use Maslow of hierarchy to help you with your libido, sleep schedule, life style, it's not just a theory pyramid. Experiment with how to climb the maslow hierarchy. 2. Understand that Life is deep-rooted in fear and fear is the top mechanism which you live your life in every moment and if you realize this your life will become easier. Learn to understand this paradigm and accept it and learn techniques to control your amygdala such as meditation so that you can ease your irrational fears and discover the useful or gift fears that will save your life and protect you(True Fear is your guardian and protector and life saver). 3. Meditation: increases your intelligence by controlling the hyperactive areas of your brain and lessen your fears by bring your awareness to the present moment 4.Visualization and Affirmations: Your entire existence is guided by your subconscious mind and you can literally convince yourself with everything, yes!!! If you say I want billion dollar in my life time and you imagine and repeat mantras everyday your subconscious will push you so hard to achieve that dream( Imagine the Subconscious as your hidden parent that wants what best for you) 5. Don't fight your ego, work with your ego to improve it to be the best positive ego you so that you can transcend it. Fight your ego and your ego will fight you so hard and harm you(Imagine your ego as your love partner or soulmate that loves you so much to the point it want to draw boundary between you and reality and doesn't want to let go)
  20. Girls are different from one to another. Some Girls like my sister is beautiful in appearance but very tough and incredibly masculine in energy due to childhood trauma and impossible to converse with. Her soon to be husband is emotional and sensitive and caring but very reliable in time of need and hardships,and also is very social and has many friends and confident in his body. He has both qualities of feminine and masculine. She likes him so much and rely on him. She can be rough on him but deep down she will die for him. There are many types of girls. If you wan't to know how you can't fall into the trap of generalization. Mix zodiac signs with MBTI Indicator and cultural background and early childhood and medical history. If you successfully did this paradigm shifting technique by mashing all these together, you will see that nobody is the same at all and all your conclusion is false and simply your ego is taking reaction after one incident. In terms of sexual encounter, the most available and confident and persistent guy wins the bedroom game. Not the most mascular, most intelligent, most tall, most strongest, fastest person. Women will always choose the available and so few will remain without sexual encounter. Marriage is different case
  21. Your problem is self-doubts generated by false beliefs you have. Develop your own mantras. Repeat these lines 1.I love my being, I love existing, I love my body, i love my face I love everything about life and about myself, I love my fears, I love to be embarrassed, I love my shame, I love my guilt, I love to be rejected, I want to be rejected, I love my problems, I want problems, I want to be accepted,I love when I don't get accepted, I love to be tested, I am the hero, I love being hero, I love playing games, I love my challenges, I love to make irrational decisions, I love to look like stupid, I love when people say I am stupid, I love to be annoying, I am annoying, I love to be crazy, I am crazy, there is nothing I don't love about me. This crazy for developing yourself love. This called intrinsic love and its powerful. If you do it for sometime you will become confident gradually. If you spend an hour saying it you will experience miracles.
  22. It's hard but take a step back and listen to leo about Heroes journey. You are the hero of your life, you have been called by this girl to approach her. Do Visualization technique of actually approaching her and saying hey how are you, I want you want to walk with me because I have something tell you. Jessica, I like you, and I noticed you like me too, am I right or not? If you like me, I would like to invite to.... with me where we enjoy and sit and get to know each other. Your mind will try to deny ignore it, visualize as if she accepts. Repeat and Repeat and Repeat the visualization until your fear goes away then go talk to her.
  23. Well Guys are pussies, including you and me and almost 90 percent of all males. If you look at it this way. What If I told you that confidence comes with life purpose? I remember when I failed most of my first tests, I was so determined to pass my classes at whatever cost, I actually was crazily driven to talk to classmates, girls in my class just so that they study with me. I even went to say hi to them at library and guess what I ended up building relationship, when purpose ended, my drive for conquest ended with it and I became the Timid person I am. Also, I noticed, Porn made me so timid and when I was on 6 month no fap, I was so driven for life. It coincided with me wanting to find a co-op and internship and I bought suits and bowties and fancy clothes and I started going to conferences, seminars and classes and started talking to people to build my resume. Its not just PUA type of talk and leadership bullshit. If you have no sense of purpose and self-regulation or even goal you want to achieve then you won't be social for most guys.
  24. No Guys are simply are afraid of consequences of approach. They are not afraid of approaching you, maybe they want you, they want to feel safe but they are afraid of rejection or being sent to prison and have their life shattered or worse get into physical fight that leaves them disabled for life... there are many reasons but those are the major reasons. If you like a guy, give him a CLEAR flirt signal and smile to him and say hi. You being passive will only make them not approach you at all! I once approached a girl, she screamed so hard and harshly and people came up(white knights on guard) to me and almost beat just because this girl was neurotic and borderline and crazy. She flirted but then gave me the most scariest PTSD type of rejection and this has made not approach many women I liked but slowly I am doing it.