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Everything posted by Bluff

  1. wtf is the point of this thread? you ask a material question and want to explain it metaphysicly? everyone is a teacher and a student, that's the material thing. if, as you say it's best everyone should be a student. There would be nothing to study because no teacher exists
  2. follow the path until forgetfulness isn't a point anymore. this problem will solve itself. you may trust
  3. The person is teacher and student. Are we talking about Knowledge or Truth?
  4. infinity does nothing! it just IS. infinity is the ISness. Show me what Leo said, so I can tell you what he meant. no you dont. In fact one can not understand this. You got to SEE it. actualy, to be it. don't try to make your mind understand it. Please it to shut down, to let you see
  5. what is the vat? The Body? so, communicate it. you want to know what being is? Being is pure observation. consciousness. A state.
  6. conciousness doesn't interact. it's beyond your body and mind. so we get nothing out of asking the question if it is organic. there is no future. there is just the present moment in wich all of infinity exists. therefore nothing was ever set up or planned. your mind creates the appearance of interaction. the cell is not separate from any other cell. maybe not but keep doing the actual work
  7. work with your chakras. Base chakra will ground yourself. Heart chakra will make you love the world. solar plexus gives you the power.
  8. you claim to see it, but you don't. In fact the seeing is the goal - not the getting it
  9. it doesn't create stuff. infinity just is what you believe it should be. In the End infinity is the being. your mind creates stuff by labeling stuff as stuff
  10. life teaches everyone. there are lessons to be learned. Some learn earlier than others. It's experiences that teach you. Being concious, accept and learn is your task.
  11. the answer to this thread your problem go for what you know is right.
  12. On your journey (being a gentle person) you sometimes have to hurt others. it sucks. it sucks so deeply! but you'll see its part of god. Be part of it. And find ground, to deal with your sin.
  13. I want to introduce my mum into meditation. Therefore I'm looking for a Book. She is a very blueish person. A book which makes the loop from religion to GOD would be great for example. The book must be in german! You don't have to know german books, I will check if your ideas are available translated into german.
  14. I just noticed, I don't want her to meditate in first place. I want her to grow out of her ego and make her recognise that there are many perspectives. what Books take one from blue to orange?
  15. thanks, more suggestions? I want to compare, so I can take the right one from my point of view
  16. yellow because of the transformation of egoic thinking to actually seeing the truth
  17. you'll know by raising your level of conciousness.
  18. yes we do. the biggest difference to tier 1 is the meaning of you me and us. the communication is more profound. there is less communication but more understanding. there is real love
  19. I never got the point of setting a timer.. can you explain?
  20. that's not the case. when the box is empty, the box will see there is no outside the box. It's all one. You're stuck in concepts here. Don't take your ideas to serious. They will never give you answers. Enlightenment is not about understanding. It's about seeing.
  21. The thing you call illusion is all the mindstuff. meditation works because you shut down the minds functions as far as possible. As you shut this down you become concious of what's left - what is conciousness. that's tricky. what did you realize? just that there is more than mindstuff, isn't it? the part of you which realises is the mind. it's not gone when you make these experiences, it's just very quiet. the part of you which goes beyond is conciousness. conciousness doesn't understand, it just is. of course it resonates with your thoughts.. how could the Mind ever ignore the notion of conciousness.
  22. @Jack River first - who said that he is trying to end any psychological problems? second - concentration = the cause of psychological conflict?! wtf please contemplate this