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About Lorence

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  1. I would suggest spending as much time you want but you should still have plenty of time left for your self. Working out, studying...spending time on your own. Also, my suggestion is only to use your phone/messages for making dates. I think it's best to share your news in person and also some anticipation builds up. Another thing with exchanging yours news daily on the phone is you talk about so many non-important things that don't matter. messaging your so because your stuck in traffic, you're bored at work, being bored in general. Your SO isn't your personal jester to entertain you.
  2. When do you think is the best time of the day to meditate? Personally most of the times, I do it late in the afternoon, so I can release the stress of the day goes away, but also because no one will probably disturb me. (phones, parents)
  3. Well not really a "motivation" thing, but I believe that in every lesson/study, the start is always hard and many will get dissapointed by that and stop before they even began. As you get better, you will start to get the "flow" and begin having your own ideas about the topic you are studying. Be proud to be the guy that stuck around when everybody else quit. You will only get better on the way.
  4. Well, as i said i have listened to some audio books about goal setting. I usually have some short term goals and some long term. And to answer your question I have managed to accomplish both and i know the feeling you get is actually amazing. I have made some thinking, and I believe my new (far)future goal is to influence others to healthier habits (eating healthy, exercising) and somehow also make a job out of that.
  5. I have been in a somewhat same place as you. I think every guy has. There are two roads you can follow. 1) Have her in your company as a friend not telling your feelings. She will probably find a boyfriend sooner or later, further crushing your heart. 2) When you are alone talking, EXPRESS your feelings and what is going on in your head. No matter the result, you will feel an enormous relief. Option 2 is definitely healthier for you and what i suggest you to do. EXTRA TIPS: 1)DON"T BE NEEDY when you tell her how you feel. I can't stress the importance of standing on your ground and having confidence in these kind of situations. 2) Don't do it via Facebook , cellphone. DO it when you are together. 3) No matter what she responds don't get angry or depressed this will only make things awkward. Stay cool. Finally You DON'T have to get her out of your life if she says, she sees you as friend, but i would suggest taking a small break, so you can get your head straight. But don't avoid her afterwards... My advises come from some experience. Best of luck!
  6. I don't want to mix intelligence with high senses of animals. There many kinds of "intelligence" in every one of use including animals. Either emotional, good memory, problem solving and many others. I certainly agree with the fact that animals respond different in a tense environment. When there is a fight or even some loud talking, the dog may lecture the one yelling by barking at him (which can make things a bit worse) while the cat always want to get out and starts meowing for someone to open a door or window. Im certain not all dogs or cats or other animals take the same roll, but the least you can say is that they have "grown" some human characteristics.
  7. Thanks for your replies. I will keep them in mind.
  8. So I have a dog and a cat (yes they live together peacefully). Usually when I am meditating I sit on the sofa with a small lamp providing some low light. I prefer meditating when I am alone in the house or when others are sleeping or busy, so they don't disturb me, but I don't lock my pets away to an other room and they can roam freely. Well I have noticed that when I am meditating they become more attracted to my presence. In way that it's unusual to their "normal" behavior. The cat might come sit on my lap and the dog might rest his head on my foot. It's strange because when Im on the computer or studying they won't come near me unless they want a walk or food. I just sit there not moving and they take a nap until I finish. Anyone else?
  9. Maybe that's the issue. Today I was talking about the same topic with a psychologist I see every now and then. She told me that at my age, knowing that you want a brighter future for yourself and actually realizing that the only way this is going to happen is by evolving yourself is great. But, I don't want my age to be an excuse for not actually having a detailed "purpose". Sure i want to be great at what Im studying and be able to live without the help of others financially but these things are very general. @Leo Gura you said i should think beyond myself, Im not asking you to throw some ideas , but do you actually mean by that?
  10. Hello, I'm 19 years old. English isn't my native language, so i would be grateful if you didn't mind some of the mistakes i might make. So, as i said I'm 19 years old and i want to develop and become something great in the next years. The thing is that, I don't know how to continue. About a year ago, (maybe more) i started hearing some audio books about confidence, relationships, goal setting, some financial management although I don't have a job at the time, and some other minor topics. The thing is that I'm have already seen many results, sometimes not like I imagined it, but i have definitely improved and became more self-aware of my abilities. I stumbled across actualized on youtube about a month or two and i have see some of the videos. Because of those I even started meditation for 20 minutes every day. Most of the videos are great and made with great effort, although some are hard to understand yet. My problem is that I lose my motivation and get bored of people and circumstances easily, which makes it difficult to set a life course/plan for the future. Im afraid that not only i will abandon it but also that i might succeed and then get bored. This may sound to you like im an arrogant prick or something but im serious. After writing this, i realize that my problem is losing my motivation to keep on going for the bigger picture. Any ideas?