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About Gohabsgo

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  1. I get that but@Osaid but how do we know the universe also doesn’t perceive itself in a way such as up or down or for the sake of the original topic “right and wrong”
  2. As a follow up to “Is rape objectively wrong” thread is like us to go more in depth on a quote Leo said in it “How does the universe know that something is wrong? By who's standards? The universe cannot even know which way is up or down, never mind right or wrong.” specifically the last part, initially I accepted this but now I’m unsure
  3. As I get deeper on my journey I discovered the neutral nature of the universe and how it truly lacks meaning. Except when another human is harming another. My brain sees this as objectively evil/wrong and sometimes I can see that it is in fact me giving it that meaning. My brain is really muddled and I feel stuck
  4. This is gonna sound strange but this very question has been an extreme source of anxiety. Even as I’m typing this out without thinking I feel like I’m not in control. I feel hyper aware of my thoughts and am scared that my personality is all made up and I’m going to lose the aspects of myself I love. Where are my thoughts coming from? I feel the deeper I dig the more anxiety I’m getting
  5. Whenever I talk to girls I do fine until I think that she’s “mine”. I talked to this girl over snapchat and met up with her a few times but the more I had her the more I felt like I needed her. She also talked to a couple of my friends although strictly platonic the jealousy still would overwhelm me. Although I feel this way Im usually pretty good at not coming across needy but one night when she just read my message without responding .while I was drunk I hounded her about why and she got the sense that I’m truly needy, we continued to talk after this but it’s petering out and I feel like I’m losing something. in hindsight I can atleast say I learned about my myself and relationships. Throughout our relationship I would constantly look for ways to make sure she still liked me. Seeking validation from her to prove to myself I’m capable of attracting and holding on to a hot girl. I grew up very awkward with girls and even though I don’t believe this to be the case anymore it feels like a part of me does and I constantly have to prove to myself that I’m capable. I mostly wrote this up to gather my thoughts and although I still feel this incredible neediness towards her I feel better. If any of you guys have felt similar feelings and would like to input any information that could be of value to me I would really appreciate it!
  6. I want to know how you guys go about letting go of beliefs that you’re aware of holding you back. for example I hold a strong belief that if a girl gets to know me she will lose interest/not like me. I can play out scenarios in my mind of this belief causing avoidant behaviour and such. im going to make an attempt at this now by asking and answering questions to myself, and hopefully when I come back here I’ll learn some tips about how you guys let go of beliefs. Thanks
  7. Yesterday I was on my work break with a feeling of anxiousness. In the process of calming myself down and reflecting I sat there and I really got the sense that I'm sabotaging myself. I've always understood on a logical level that negative thoughts are holding me back but this time I felt it. I looked back to earlier in the day when a student from my school who knows that I used to play soccer asked me if I wanted to try out for the team, and remembered the thoughts that instantly arose..."what if you don't make it" and then not long after plans about how to get out of that situation flooded the mind. The way my mind has been conditioned it seems it's holding itself back. Despite being aware of this, it still has a large grip over me... and I still feel on a certain level that these thoughts are me. Definitely an uphill battle. How have you people overcome the self sabotaging thoughts?
  8. What is meant by fasting in this sense?
  9. In your experience, what has been the most efficient method at taking down your limiting beliefs.
  10. Your comments all gave me material to ponder. Thanks for that
  11. It seems counterproductive to develop a self that isn't there, yet feels necessary. How do you balance these two things and how much overlap is there?
  12. If they see that there's no self, then there isn't a self to have limiting Bielefs about.
  13. I have come to agree that there is no "CEO" living inside my body making all the calls. I used to bieleve that the CEO created all my thoughts but upon further inspection I realize that this is not true, but now I'm struggling with what I really am and what's controlling me, I bieleve Leo talked about all the cells that make up your body but I'd appreciate if someone could explain in depth as I'm really struggling to think this through.