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Everything posted by Tistepiste

  1. Before we start, I have some important things to confess. Confessions - Being true to myself _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1- I am a drama queen and defensive. And this causes me the most pain. For me, and for others. 2- I expect more from people than I expect from myself. I expect people to be perfect. I don't expect myself to be perfect. Perfect = Fitting to my ideal world (which is not even "perfect", what is perfect even?). 3- I get offended easily and therefore not stable. This is the product of 1 and 2. 4- My certainty is dependent on external factors instead of from within. Because of 1+2+3+4 I have been feeling depressed for months now. Deeply depressed. No energy, no motivation, distrust, resentment, having a grudge. Suffering intrusive thoughts, feeling of incomprehension. I am going to be honest, it has never in my life been this bad, and it's mostly based on one particular situation. One situation. How can it cause me this much pain and suffering? It was not even that dramatic. I have a problem where I identify with my thoughts. That is probably the worst habit I have. It's always been a tendency of mine. Putting way more weights on the negative then on the positive. It is like training your neural network and augmenting all of the little negative things, making them bigger and bigger where at one point you forget about all of the positives because the difference in energy has become too great. I feel like, for me in order to live and be "happy", I have to get rid of every possible intruder, every possible negative situation, by thinking about it, and telling myself "why is this thought wrong, or how could this have taken place for that to happen." I am really certain by thinking about this, that this will go away eventually. Because then I can tell myself "now, you've spend so much energy on that, you deserve some rest" If I am not taken away by thoughts, which, believe me or not, has been that way for a good year before this worst period of my life, I am taken away by everything else. Focusing on studying is a hard task, because even a written text is not perfect, or causes disturbances. Why is that word bigger???? Why did my mom come in right when I was so deeply focused? Am I sure that I read that title correctly?? How important is that part?? I should check it again!!!! Are you sure about it??? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Now, I am proud of myself. Very proud. I am proud because I admit my weaknesses and I want to work on them. I will write more on this soon, about my experience and how being mindful and detachment from thinking affects my state of well-being
  2. @Highest i see. In the first post you say "no one can judge you or punish you", But isn't that kind of what karma does?
  3. What do you think about karma?
  4. @Highest I do, of course, when you're not enlightened
  5. But you're her, right? You're God, she is God, why marry? Also kind of strange question because the way you ask it is as if you already know the answer yourself. You don't say anything about you loving her or even liking her so the obvious response to you marrying right her would be no. Don't get why you are so confused lol..
  6. 08/03/19 Duration: not sure Focus: Pretty good Emotions: Felt surge of energy through my body. Heart rate increased. The more I focussed on my body, the more this energy increased. After a while stopped focussing because the energy became too much State after meditation: Relaxed
  7. It's crazy how it has been 2 months and I just forgot about this thread. I feel like I wrote it just yesterday, even though it has already been 2 months ago. I have been meditating. But not daily. Also the piano is slacking. This is such a reminder of how I should put this into work better. 06/03/19 Duration: Roughly 40 min, late in the evening / night Focus: Focus could be better. Was very tired and was in a dream-like state. Was hard to catch me in the act, and too tired to fight against the thoughts. The thoughts were not intrusive. It was more of a healing that was taking place. Been through some hard decisions lately. Emotions: Emotions were mostly ok. Some sadness. Which is normal seeing where I am coming from State after meditation: Fell asleep right away, didn't have any trouble sleeping. 07/03/19 Duration: 20 min Focus: Bad. Been unmotivated lately, a bit tired. Emotions: Normal, nothing bad, nothing extremely good. State after meditation: Normal
  8. @Dumb Enlightened obv he means the experience of being, etc. Not the word being.
  9. Went to a party yesterday with 2 friends from my university. Took MDMA. Was the best experience I had with MDMA. But also the worst. One of my friends is mentally unstable. And while on MDMA I felt this strong urge to lecture him and to feel more with his heart then with his head. I told about my mental issues in the past. The effect was the opposite of what I had anticipated. He was weirded out. And I felt horrible. I apologized and eventually he said "no it's ok, it comes from your heart" and then we hugged. But still took me a while to get over it. What followed was nothing short of magical. I just loved everyone in the room. I talked with at least 20 different people and hugged them intensely. Almost all of those people hugged me back with so much love. There was one guy in a wheelchair and we hugged for so long.. it was amazing... Had deep conversations with a lot of people spreading the love. Just showed me a glimpse of what unconditional love feels like I guess and it was just mind blowing.
  10. I meditate on the train, or whenever I am alone really. I think you're overthinking it a little, who cares what other people think hha
  11. That's cool but other people are working for you not to work also you have to proof that you're actively looking for a job and not just taking advantage of this tool that aims to keep people off the streets.
  12. @Aaron p I don't get it. You're implying that people who are gay are weak and have a lack of self love? Looks like you have a lot of internalised homophobia my friend. I have found that people who are gay in my surroundings are remarkably strong and certainly not weaker than straight people. They have a way of expressing themselves much more authentically and truthful. I'm bisexual myself and I really don't understand where you're coming from with that statement. Also, fyi it's not like you can choose which person you're attracted to, you're almost making it seem like being gay is a choice. I don't want to derail this thread so sorry at OP
  13. @Aeris Ok... are you gay too? You got very off topic though.
  14. @Aeris you posted with the assumption he was a guy.. otherwise you wouldn't have called him gay, based on the story. Lol
  15. "of course I ruined", "I always ruined everything of course" I don't know the answer to your question but why are you talking down on yourself like that? Looks like you need to work a bit on your self-love!.. You didn't ruin anything. It probably went just like it should have. Nothing ended.. change happened
  16. Amazing. Just shows how far a road I still have to take.. My goal is to meditate on average 20min a day this year. Let's take it from there haha. But keep it up. Love you!
  17. @Aeris I had the same though. With this person. It was beautiful. We ended up being in a long distance relationship for more than 2 years (Long distance being 1000km+)
  18. @Aeris Ah my bad! Thought it was a relationship, not a beautiful random encounter
  19. @Aeris I mean, why aren't you seeing each other anymore? Was interested in the story to why it ended
  20. @Aeris What happened then? You fell out?
  21. Hey all, I am a graduated software and AI engineer, and I recently had this idea in mind. This morning during my meditation session I couldn't really focus and then suddenly something else came to mind. What if I make a user friendly app that monitors your progress in meditation? The only real good app is "Headspace" right now. But that is more of a meditation guide more so than an app tracking your progress. The idea I have of how the app can look like is as follows: 1- Set you daily meditation time. Will send you a push notification when the time is there to meditate 2- Before the meditation session starts: ask a few simple questions (skippable / non-skippable) (eg: How are you feeling from 1-5, Thoughts bugging them right now,...) 3- Start of meditation, depending on the journey of the user, will start with 20 min (user can of course change this manually) 4- Questions after meditation: Were there any re-occurring thoughts? How easy was it to meditate? Emotions that came up during meditation? The ability of the user to handle said emotions? Overall rating of the meditation? These questions should be easy to answer (preferrable just rating from 1-5, or if asked for real feedback, one sentence answers) This would in turn provide information needed to draw a graph for the user; and track improvements. If time passes, ease would preferrably increase, less intrusive thoughts,... App could also include different forms of meditation (breathe awareness, do-nothing, candle meditation, etc.) (still have to research on that) Or possibility for a section to add targeted meditation; say you are facing a difficult episode or some events you can't seem to get over, guide the user to face their fears / doubts, feel the emotion fully and allow them to let go. Basically more of a therapy kind of meditation session with progress. These are just some random ideas. Bottom line is, it should be a personal diary of the user and their meditation experience to offer them an objective measurements on the effects of meditation on their life and prefferably would lower the drop-out rate of meditation. What are your thoughts?