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Everything posted by Tistepiste

  1. @Knock i really really need this. I often get stuck in thought loops / spirals than can last days, weeks, months sometimes years. Been stuck in one for two weeks now. I'll try this thanks! My god i was just imagining humming twinkle twinkle little star while doing the crazy eyes thing you must look crazy doing it hahahah
  2. @Knock How do you do the eye scramble technique?
  3. @astrokeen amen, I blocked him a while back because his posts add zero value. To the contrary, they derail. On topic: I have been reading about third eye, and chakras. Very interesting stuff. There is this woman Barbara Ann Brennan who started an entire school teaching people about chakras (third eye chakra is one of the chakras) And how it can be used to heal people. Heal people from trauma, cancers,... @ActualizedDavid
  4. Talk about your own direct experience that you have from your path
  5. I was meditating 2 days ago for around 20 minutes, and this happened: My mind was very quiet, everything was very quiet and at peace.. Then, after a while of just observing my state, I suddenly felt a huge warm feeling. Like when you take poppers. Not an energy rush this time, but like a warm, fuzzy feeling travelling upwards until my head. My back was automatically straightened, and my head was tilted backwards with a force I couldn't really resist, my neck muscles were kind of tightened. I also felt like I was floating. Never really had this, normally I feel short intense energy rushes and spikes, rather unpleasant. But this, was very soothing, warm, fuzzy. Anyone can relate?
  6. @nistake Yes exactly! A good feeling, right. Damn!
  7. @Aakash but to me, reincarnation is reborn. How can you be everyone right now if everyone is living simeltanuously? Eg. I die, I get born as a different person. But how can me being trump be fit into the definition of reincarnation? Or do I see it wrong?
  8. @Serotoninluv is it possible to be conscious of this? I don't mean aware. Can you have a direct experience of the life of someone else, right now, since you are that person anyways? "You" doesn't refer to you, but generally speaking.
  9. This weekend I went to a festival, and I had my most intense experience on MDMA until now. Dosage was not so much, but I think it was close to pure MDMA. Clear, big crystals. Dosage: 2 tips of the pinky finger initially, then one dip more three hours later. Overall experience: good Setting Goa festival, in the middle of a forest, full of beautiful lights, beautiful decor. (See pictures) Experience The start: Intense beginning It took a while to kick in, but once it kicked in, I entered a different dimension.. Suddenly, I felt the urge, like a calling, to start chanting "ommmm" at a low frequency. My whole body could feel it. It's very strange, because I never did chanting meditation, and I didn't know why I was doing it, but I just had to. With this, everything starting vibrating very slightly, my body, the surroundings, everything was in tune with the "Ommm", like every life was vibrating at that frequency. It was very powerful. It could feel it everywhere. Right after I starting chanting, I saw forest nymphs everywhere, taking care of the forest. Jumping from tree to tree, making sure the forest was healthy and blooming. Suddenly, this second voice started talking in my head, talking about the elves. The voice started talking about one of my friends who was joining the festival with me. She has a very charismatic, open, intriguing aura around her. The voice was explaining to me that she was part of the nymphs and that she was their "mother", so to speak. She was basically "leading" the nymphs, and helping them to take care of the forest. At that point I didn't really question anything, I just experienced what was happening and didn't resist anything of it. I just let it all come to me. At that point, it all made sense, and it was as if it was nothing but the truth. Right now, of course looking back, it was kind of weird. It looks like I was losing my sense of reality? The disturbing thing was that I actually believed everything the voice said was true and I could just feel that it was the truth for some reason..? Chaotic episode After this, a more chaotic episode arised. I ran away from my friends (which I always do when I take MDMA). It's like suddenly, I lose interest in my friends, because I have the feeling that I already "know" them. At that point, I want to get to know and "feel" as many people as possible that catch my interest. I was looking around for people who caught my interest. It could be anything.. Eyes, hair, a hat, shirt, their energy, their smile, their look,... I was full of love and hugged and talked with so many people. Can't explain a lot here.. Just a lot of love, a lot of hugs, and a lot of (mostly) nice talks. This episode was blurry though. I remember some intense hugs, even kissing, and talking. But it was all out of love. Coming down This was the last episode. I was sitting at the bon fire, and had some really nice conversations with beautiful people. Hugging a lot still, and just feeling pure love and connection. Even talked to a guy about God, connection, unity,... Very deep and interesting convo. I sat there for around 2 hours just feeling so good, so warm, so peaceful, with beautiful people. That was it guys! Insights would be nice, certainly about the first part..
  10. @ThinAir@acidgoofy Sorry, my bad! Thought he was talking about magic truffles!
  11. 10g is not really heroic.. it is a medium to small amount. Usually normal doses are 15g. I don't understand the AMA thing though, you could just write down your experience people wouldn't really know what to ask because trips are very personal experiences.
  12. @pluto I'm happy my post triggered some self reflection! What a beautiful yet very complex relationship you've had. You've probably learned a ton from it which was maybe the real reason and purpose of the relationship! You obviously grew a lot since then which is something beautiful.
  13. @whoareyou Not sure.. it was as if I was getting a lecture, a narrator. The voice was coming from inside me. It was kind of as if something took control of my inner voice. It was almost as if I was talking to myself. The voice could easily be me but I didn't have control over what I was saying to myself.
  14. Always with these kind of claims.. it's like.i would love to believe but these claims of extra ordinary gifts can for some reason never be shown on video. Just expected to believe. So just asking. Is there anyway where you can show one thing you can do and record it?
  15. @outlandish @pluto Thanks for the input. I'll wait it out a few days..! Now I thought it was going better but the brain zaps were much more frequent last evening, through my whole body and every 1-4 seconds when I relaxed the most. Now.. it gets worse.. I tried to relax but the more I relaxed the more intense the zaps and suddenly I snapped out of my body. I got an out of body experience.. I couldn't see anything because I was laying in a dark room but I can describe it like this: I felt like I was floating, weightless. Suddenly I had the intense feeling I wasn't wasn't in my room anymore. I could hear voices. They were taking about me but I can't remember the content. It seemed voices of concern though. I also knew I wasn't asleep because I knew I was awake. I was totally self aware and normally when this happens I snap out of the dream, but I didn't. I couldn't feel anything but I could think. I tried to move but couldn't, I was floating and I couldn't steer the direction. The thought that popped up was: "This is it.." I thought I probably had a heart failure and that I was in the process of dying. After surrendering to this thought, surprisingly I didn't feely any anxiety or stress. Just complete surrender to the thought and feeling that the game was played. Game over. After this, I could feel I was suddenly back in my room and I could feel my body lowering. Then I could feel I was gently entering back into my body and I could feel my bed again. I saw some slight geen yellowish light form in front of me but when I turned in my light in the room it disappeared. The brain zaps were still present but way less intense. An hour later I fell asleep.
  16. So I had a wonderful mdma trip this weekend that I will share with you later.. but now I have a side symptom I'm worrying about. I took 3 dips of mdma in a period of 3 hours on Saturday and had the most intense experience with mdma. Really nice. Next day I took 2 dips, didn't feel anything, took 2 more 2 hours later, still nothing, ended up taking 6 dips in a period of 8 hours. Didn't really feel anything. Now I'm home, one day later and whenever I am relaxing, out of my head, I have this intense energy rush through my head. It starts with a crackling sound and feeling inside my ears (like the sound of these birthday candles they put on a cake and then it starts cracking with fire spikes around it)? It is always followed by a "wooshing" sound and feeling , like some car passes you very quickly from both sides, and goes down until the top of my neck,right under my ears. It basically starts at the same position the cracking started and ended, and continues the path. Cracking - wooshh - cracking - woosshh Every 3-5 Min, when I don't use brain power.. Anyone any idea?
  17. @Space Well actually one dose is 1/2 dips normally, it's more than you think! But yes the article seems to describe what I have
  18. @Aeris thanks! What do you mean with you'll have nothing for two days?
  19. @Space a finger dip , like a tip of your pinky finger My friend found this! https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vice.com/amp/en_uk/article/bnkv45/brain-zaps-sleep-paralysis-mdma-ecstasy
  20. @Aeris well guess what, these were pure mdma cristals from Belgium
  21. @cetus56 sorry I didn't mean to ignore you. I drank water but not too much
  22. @LucyKid do you think it's possible I damaged my brain?