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Everything posted by Tistepiste
@Nahm alright I'll take a look. I'm pretty good at not giving a shit about anything anyone says to me except when they're very good friends. Then it gets tricky. And yes I'm under 25
Tistepiste replied to PsiloPutty's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
If I'm not mistaken Eckhart Tolle Is a Christian and refers to God a lot in his books -
Tistepiste replied to Ingit's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Nahm I love you, the way you are able to express the concepts and ideas you have about being able to handle situations, and intrusive unwanted negative thoughts which mostly have a very complex origin is really inspiring. Never change that. -
I'm very sorry to hear that.. Have you read the book 'The Power Of Now' by Eckhart Tolle? It can give you some perspective on your problems. Have you realized that there is nothing wrong with you? That the people who bullied/bully you have their own problems that they are projecting on you? Have you ever tried turning things around? Doing some crazy thing, a crazy experience. I don't know at which stage you are in your life, but if you're student you could try to go abroad for some time? No chance in meeting your bullies / having awkard situations and connect with people whom you've never met before. It could give you a total new view on socializing, connecting with people. It could help you get over your social anxiety and to give things a place. Of course it's not solved in 1-2-3 but you have to believe that it is possible to return to a peaceful state again. Everyone has their own issues they have to work through and I am happy to hear that you recognize your problems and that you work on them. I hope to hear some updates about you and your mental state, I really wish you the very best. It's sad to see how some people can create such suffer and trauma to other people without even realizing it..
Is there really still a difference between males and females? I am asking this because I was watching Leo's video 'How To Be a Man'; which implies a strict code on what it is to be 'masculine' and how to be a 'man', but I feel like this is a bit close-minded when thinking about it in a more open way? Is there really a difference between males and females? Or is it all based on social construct on how we should behave, which is shaped by our ego and an egotistical society.. Is there really a difference between males and females when we talk about enlightened people? If said person is enlightened, ego-dead, does not identify with its mind anymore but is one with the world and doesn't listen to his ego.
Hello all, So I wanted to ask your opinions / knowledge / advice about the importance of drinking the right amount of water. Since I have been a kid, I have been hooked to drinking milk, and still (now at 24), I have this habit of drinking a lot of milk, daily. I drink it for breakfast, for lunch and for dinner. When I am at home (I am a student), I don't drink water at all. I drink 1-1.5l of milk a day, but not a drop of water. How bad is this habit? Should I change it? I don't feel like it has negative effects on me at all. But maybe I am missing out on something?
@Igor82 Interesting. I always eat potatoes together with milk. Maybe I should change that! @wpw and@InfinitePotential Thanks for the info! @Quanty That's crazy.. I am still stuck in the mind however, haha.
So I just read this post by someone claiming romantic love does not exist, and "every girls loves a guy by ego interest not by pure love". I thought it was interesting to discuss this in a topic. What does that say about guys anyways? I feel that it is 'sexist' if you do not validate the opposite statement, or to be even more general; constructing a general statement: Every person loves another person by ego interest, not by pure love. However, I feel like this statement is false.. Why? Well, first of all; out of my own experience; Not that it really matters, but my sexuality is not based on gender, but on persons. If I am attracted to a certain person (no matter what gender, it just my 'gut' that talks,), I listen to it. I had this relationship with a guy that I just saw in the distance while in a party. I felt this immense strong attraction power that I never felt before. I am not sure where it came from but it was one of the biggest feelings I had ever felt. Now, this is a non-traditional feeling to have, certainly since 'homosexuality' is looked down upon in most cultures and society. Which already questions this statement; why would a person be attracted, or go into a romantic relationship, feeling 'romantic love' for someone that does not conform to societal standards, when whatever we do in love is by ego interest? I am sure that this does not give interest to the ego in the slightest since all it does is going against what you have learned on how to behave and how to be. Taking all the negativity in just to be able to express your sincere feelings? Also, I dated this guy for 2 years and I never felt that this was out of my ego. I just genuinely loved this person. I loved his presence, his energy, his way of living and his way of 'being'. Although, of course, we did not always agree, there was this 'bigger thing', that was above us which would deem every argument as more 'superficial' against the profound love we had for each other. I don't know, I thought it was interesting to look at; because although I do think people sometimes 'love' out of self-interest (and with this, I am thinking more about toxic relationships), I think all truly healthy relationships, are not built on feeding your ego, but just out of genuine for the other person. If your romantic attraction is based on feeding your ego, this seems purely narcissistic and bound to fail, because if the other persons fails to admire you and your ego, then it all falls apart very quickly.
@Ingit not sure why being a medical student is relevant to going into your thoughts, but you should remember that you are not your thoughts.. you shouldn't identify with them. You can't find answers in your thoughts since they are mostly your ego taking. What are you trying to find in your thoughts? It's just a waste if energy. Important is to focus in the Now.
@Michael569 Hello! I think I can actually do pretty much whatever without consequences now that you say that. I have never been really been 'sick' either (apart from the occasional cold, and once I had food poisoning while travelling in Asia) (but I hope karma doesn't get me now). Anyways, I grew up in Belgium in a bigger city, right on the outside of it, so no special region.
I think, what he means, is instead trying to 'get rid of it', trying to run away from it, you should acknowledge it and then let go mindfully. When negative thoughts occur, just acknowledge their existence, but don't judge them, don't analyse them, just let them be as they are. But do not engage with them.
Tistepiste replied to pluto's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
This is scary to me, I have never heard of such a thing but I am intrigued. So it came to you as a vision of some sort? Or what gave you the information? Still a lot to learn I see. -
What does enlightenment mean for sexuality? I mean I am still having a hard time grasping the real concept of enlightenment so I could be spilling absolute bullshit right now. After reading this post of Leo: I feel like Sex, Sexuality, seems something that is identified with 'you'. As if it something that arises from within an unconscious Being? If there is no 'You' ('You' does not exist), if anything you see is a 'figment of your imagination' ,"'You' and 'the world' merge, erasing the physical distinction between self, other, and world.". I feel like Sex is something coming from a personal desire which is connected to 'You' of some sort, so which is not 'real', but just.. I don't know, I feel that it is hard to explain. Or am I totally wrong and enlightened people get as much pleasure from sex as people who are not enlightened?
Does anyone have any experience with opening of their third eye chakra? I've read some really weird and thought provoking things about it. It could help people to enlightenment too and gives you a totally different view in life. But I've also read about scary experiences (such as encountering one's own demons?) I'm not sure what to think of it. What are your thoughts? Knowledge?
Tistepiste replied to pluto's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Jesus and Buddha. How would we have information about their vibrational frequency? -
I'm really sorry to hear that. I don't know a lot about it, nor am I able to really be able to help you other than express my empathy to you and a lot of courage. I am glad that you could recognize the actions of your mother are from a narcissist's view meaning that I'd imagine you could put less energy / importance into her actions? I'd advise you to talk to a specialist/therapist who could give you some insight on how to deal with it. Since right now it is kind of a "hot topic" I am sure you could find the help you need. I myself do not have experience with it so sadly I am not sure what to say to help you other than to meditate, try to forgive and let go. Peace be with you, and I am curious about your development. The best of luck!
Hello all! This forum seems really interesting and intriguing. Can't wait to be apart of this. I just started meditating because I have been having a hard time controlling my thoughts lately and I felt like this could help me. Certainly since I need a lot of focus in my life right now, and having a clear mind and peaceful self in general is something I strive for. That said, the last 4 days I did these short guided-meditation sessions for 10 mins. Whenever I steered my focus to my body (mentally), I suddenly felt this rush of energy being present everywhere in my body. It was a really big rush of energy that I could feel was starting from the middle of my body and was spreading through every limb. Now, together with this energy increase I felt it was harder to control my breath (my breath would become shorter), and my heart would start beating much faster (maybe twice as fast). I was wondering if this was normal? I was worried about my heartbeat increasing and my breath being shorter. When I shifted my focus on my breath, the energy would fade away, until I gained a more clear focus on my breath, and I could feel this energy again. Also, my eyes would start vibrating behind my eyelids and would move a bit upward. I was almost in like a hypnotic state but with all of my senses being hyper-active and much more activated. When I stopped this meditation, I felt a little bit 'out of body'. When googling about it I didn't really find clear results as to if it is normal that your heartbeat starts increasing together with the shortage of breath. If anything, it lead towards anxiety symptoms more than effects from meditating. Any thoughts about this?
Tistepiste replied to Salvijus's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Prabhaker Seems like a fraud to me. But I could be wrong of course. -
Tistepiste replied to Arkandeus's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I'm not sure if this is an event of synchronicity, but just yesterday I had this event! I was thinking about how in highschool we always played with a 'mushy' football. It's the world cup now and I was following it closely. Thinking about the hard leather ball and how it must hurt sometimes for the keeper to catch it / when it hits another player. So I was thinking about how it was when I used to play football when I was younger, at school with this mushy yellow footballs. I had never thought about it before, for over 6 years (high school was 6 years ago). Then I visited a friend, and I went to sit on a chair outside in the garden of her house, and this exact mushy ball I was thinking about just HOURS before, is right in front of my feet! It was crazy, such a coincidence -
Tistepiste replied to Salvijus's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Is it this guy? https://www.thenewsminute.com/article/karnataka-trial-court-frames-charges-against-nithyananda-rape-case-82595 -
Tistepiste replied to Tistepiste's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Nahm I will admit that I do not really understand what you mean with that, but thanks for your time and effort to help. -
Tistepiste replied to Tistepiste's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Amazing. I will read this post a couple of times to really let it sink in and carry it with me. Thanks a lot for this. Have you reached the state of being "enlightened"? "one day I sat down on the cushion and laughed and cried for a few days, completely relieved by the knowing (felt like I remembered something I already knew) that there is only one thing." Would you describe this experience as reaching that state? And "there is only one thing" - Referring to a specific entity or being? -
Tistepiste replied to wavydude's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
That is actually not true. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/82-624-x/2013001/article/c-g/11855-c-g-01-eng.htm Edit: This is only Canada, but look for proof / graphs online you will find the same pattern. -
Tistepiste replied to Tistepiste's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Thank you very much for this elaborate response. I am planning on doing daily morning meditation. How is this helping you in your daily life? Do you still every really worry? I have been diagnosed with mild-OCD so I have a tendency for being very sensitive to impulses and over-thinking in repeating patterns. I am sure I can cure myself of this though. Also, addressing the increased heartbeat and shortage of breath, you think these are normal occurring symptoms? Nothing to worry about? However I am very aware that I have unwanted and intrusive thoughts going on, I acknowledge them but I have a hard time of letting go. Certainly when there is no closure. That is my main problem. I try to make sense out of something that doesn't make sense to me. And it can be very very exhausting. There was this one specific thought - criticism and I carried it with me for years, until one day I decided I found a good enough counter argument which enabled me to refute any energy I gave to these thoughts and it went away like *bam*. But this makes me dependent on very exhausting cognitive power in order to try to convince myself of the unimportance of certain thoughts. They pop up like parasites.