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@Stretch exactly my thoughts
This isn’t spiral dynamics, a coral vision would be something like epigenetic eugenics - utilizing mental programming to influence gene expression in the species
@Robert i never said I didn’t care or that I did, I’m saying every perspective is literally valid and more important your definition of “care” is not that same as someone else. Someone may “care” just as much about humanity but their actions may look evil from your point of view not understanding that persons, as you’re misunderstanding mine and others on the forum
If we’re talkng concepts “hot” colors are definitely “masculine” “cool” colors are definitely “feminine”
@Robert of course thing need to be done and happen for life to continue. Why would that by default the goal ?. I prefer to see it that way but that is obviously subjective. The goal of those in charge of this world is to create chaos in the undertiers and consolidate all the order into their hands. Why is that wrong...just more infinity right if we prefer order to be balanced than “just be, the world is an illusion” approach to life will lead all the Order into few hands to control the chaos. All possibilities of infinity if you look at it, why should you care? You could or not? Stay tuned.
@Brittany I’m by no means implying that spiral dynamics is some truth guide or should be followed by any means. It is a specific model designed for a specific purpose to detect vMemes emerging from life conditions, in saying that in order to actually refer to the model, the model has set specifications. It is a model of specific “emergent phenomena.” It was never intended to be a map of “truth.” If we see it that way we are not actually utilizing the model.
@Brittany According to Beck newer and newer stages will develop infinitely
@DocHoliday To clarify I contacted him after I came across this video a while back and he explained it to me over the phone. He said it was all confirmed by Beck, the co-author of spiral Dynamics.
@DocHoliday mike Carrano discovered Coral while working with Dr. Don Beck
If I identify as infinity right now could my ego possibly get any bigger...maybe I should identify as my individual ego because then my ego can be small ?? strangleloooooppssss looll
I’m going to develop the biggest ego of all time.. the question is, is this pursuit the most or least egoic pursuit of all time because you would automatically be acknowledging complete separation from ego in order to even attempt this pursuit
@WorknMan I personally like the video and the message, just saying the message is very Orange reintegration, If coral made this video the real agenda would likely be something other than what is presented only to get the viewer to percieve this as the real agenda and fall into corals plans “good” or “bad”, which I guess is possible- this guy could be a deceptive coral lol
“Motivation” itself is a very orange concept
“Post enlightenment motivation” such as the video seems to be championing for a reintegration of the Orange vMeme into life. With its “strive drive” style Motivation.
@CreamCat Spiral Dynamics is not inherently a self-actualization model with an omega point one is to work toward and it does not map mysticism which confuses a lot of people. It’s a theory set on identifying human vMeme (particular ways of organizing memes) patterns that emerge due to changing life conditions and that continue to emerge as time goes on. It wasn’t intended to be a “here are stages you should rise to” sort of model. It is mapping the emergent ways of thinking about and handling arising problems due to life conditions. Higher levels of complexity generally emerge due to life conditions such as being an overseer of large or global systems, requiring one to shift cognitive complexity to effectively handle challenges that arise in those life conditions. For many an the ability to think in say turquoise or coral is of course possible but useful for life conditions they don’t actually have. The complexity of their unique set of problems would not fit the vMeme. As for coral it seems discoveries reveal that it wants to be in control of the system it has access and the one dictating the flows of the currents for its own ideas of their potentials regardless of what those ideals are.
Contemplating interpretations of special, factors that cause vMemes to label certain things as special - Yellow “Us as a holistic organism, the universe, and ourplace and purpose within it is special” - Turquoise “Special has never been seen before, I have the architecture for special, and utilizing you motherfuckers I’ll make special happen” - Coral
“You’re not special” - Blue ”I’m special” - Orange ”everyone’s special” - green
@SpyAquamarine Blue vmeme
Here is the Carrano Coral vMeme interview for reference: https://youtu.be/Fp1jNZOuAu0
Here is something I found interesting about this thread. After learning more about the emerging Coral vMeme in spiral dynamics and it’s emergence observed in Bilderberg etc. utilizing green vMeme agendas to create chaos and then swarm the chaos into synergies to increase its control of global systems and population, that same relationship strangely ties into the information that Mark Passio is presenting in this seminar. He views it from an esoteric occult angle, and weirdly his presentation with “Solipsism” a Green new age idea in the way he presents it strangely correlated with information regarding the Coral vMeme. In his presentation he says the “New Age Solipsism” as well as other Green ideas were orchestrated by “dark occultists” to intentionally influence the global pop to be docile etc. In totally separate MA Carranos interview regarding the Coral vMeme (worked with Dr. Beck co-author of spiral dynamics), he states that many of the New Age and “radical” ideas were actually created by Coral think thanks to secretly get them behind their propaganda. He has no mention of any of the “natural law” or “occult” that Passio discusses in his presentation but the similarities are extremely interesting. Both completely unrelated videos tie in the idea of a group utilizing this strategy of deceptive Green in order to gain more control. Again Passio has a much more “spiritual” “occult” angle to his presentation which makes things more interesting particularly to this forum which takes a decidedly “spiritual” slant. This aspect was not mentioned on in the Coral vMeme at all, while it is a huge part of Passios presentation. Curious to hear thoughts on this.
One key I remember was to avoid blowback from the system you are trying to control, you would disguise your objective as something that happens to cause the actual objective that you want, so if there is attack on the system it is aimed at the incorrect target - attack the assumed goal and not the real one, which was a byproduct. Also control is gained by seemingly giving people what they feel is best for them without realizing the long term implications of it that you have calculated in advance.
@Mondsee hah respect, I’m just going by what I have heard read/thus far vs the specific video. If you want to understand more about the vmeme check out MA Carranos video on it, I’m on my phone or I would link. He actually discovered the vmeme himself while doing systems consulting for corporations and identified it first as the behavior of the corporation itself. You could glean how to develop that code a bit from the video although it’s relatively new. Mostly the issue other than a lot of research would be life conditions, it’s very rare that a person would have the conditions to develop that thinking style naturally unless they were perhaps a CEO or a high level official as it involves leveraging global systems into your control, but I could see you could utilize elements for your own life conditions.
@Mondsee I think confusion exists. I am saying I appreciate the video and the vision, but it does not appear to exhibit the coral vMeme. The video is cool!
@Capital it’s a cool video but it’s definitely not demonstrating the characteristics that have been predicted for coral