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Everything posted by vibv

  1. Me. I didnt't like Methylphenidate (Ritalin) because I had the feeling it made me extremely anti-social (I was extremely awkward around other humans). But some report the exact opposite. I take Bupropion right now (but try to wean off of it), because it has the least effect on my personality compared to amphetamines and dopamine-reuptake-inhibitors like Ritalin or say coke.
  2. @Seeker123 If somebody debunked that for you you'd have to debunk that person later (because else THAT would become your new parroted belief... putting you back at square one) — so why not skip that and come to your own conclusions instead of relying on others to do it for you. That doesn't mean it's not worth to have a discussion about this stuff, but your thread title screams intellectual laziness.
  3. Copium. You're greater than you think. See it as a chance to shine brighter than you could've ever imagined (if you dare). "Will I regret my life?" is the wrong question. Rather ask yourself: "What would it feel like to be free of all self-imposed limits?"
  4. You're fooling yourself. Karma literally means action. There's no rulekeeper of the universe who would punish you, true. But your actions have consequences and those will be very real. In the end, you can do whatever you want and nobody's gonna stop you. But at least be conscious of how your actions affect others that in turn will affect you. Remember: We're all in the same boat. We're all in this alone together. What you do to the least of your fellow beings you do to yourself. Contemplate that. If you keep ignoring that you're just being unintelligent..
  5. You said: "Psychedelics are just an illusion experience." I say: "Psychedelics are an illusion experience." Those are two different statements. You could say the same about Life.
  6. @James123 It's not just an illusion experience. It's an illusion experience. And that's a huge difference.
  7. No answer will suffice until you start looking yourself.
  8. I don't see any images, just an alphanumeric string.
  9. Do DMT, else you won't know. It is horrifyingly beautiful — and that's what you are. What you describe sounds like a hack of Super Mario 64 lol
  10. You just more or less exactly described what Hitler did back then. If he could do it, why shouldn't it happen again? Hitler was just a human after all.
  11. One comment below that video: "When small men begin to cast big shadows, it means the sun is about to set"
  12. What about the harmonic series? The octave and fifth are the most simple whole number multiples of a base frequency, therefore sounding harmonic, no?
  13. Those graphs and models ARE constructs that will be seen through at the construct aware stage as constructions of the ego to feel secure, in control and permanent. (Read this: )
  14. That doesn't mean it can't go to absolute shit in the meantime.
  15. @Actualising Be honest. That's all.
  16. You for real? Angel numbers? That's the bottom of the barrel as far as spirituality goes.. And what does that Nietzsche quote have to do with anything? This has to be a joke right?
  17. There's a lot of repressed sexuality which leads to a "virtuous" facade on the one hand and extremely brutal, misogynist, rape fantasies on the other side. That's not all there is but it's surprisingly hard to find something between (it exists of course, but it gets drowned out by the other stuff). Demonizing porn is just one symptom of that. Porn is dangerous (drugs are another example) and can lead to very unhealthy views of women and yourself. But to call it evil doesn't solve the problem, it perpetuates it. It could potentially be treated as a form of art — though that's few and far between the other stuff, granted.
  18. I despise that form of porn. But there’s different.. maybe you haven’t found it
  19. You wanna say the highest act of love on the physical level is ugly?
  20. So what do you prescribe? I had that phase of nihilism (in a megative way) and lack of motivation with feelings of emptiness and hopelessness. But that’s gone now and I feel more motivated than ever. And no I’m definitely not manic, I’m working on the foundations of my life and am making good progress in terms of stability and sustainability. While still having the great vision of my life purpose in mind.
  21. @The Crocodile Well I think I‘ll rather just focus on my life purpose instead of trying to control the fate of the world.
  22. What do you achieve exactly? I'm genuinely interested.