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Everything posted by vibv

  1. The whole idea that the universe would be totally describable by the arrangement of its definable parts is wrong. All distinctions (between parts of the whole) and every boundary is imaginary. It is infinite beyond infinite beyond infinite... But to answer the original question: All great poetry/music/painting/etc. stems from some spark of True Creativity. The less that spark is present, the more dull the result will feel. At the same time you need to put that spark into something tangible (or listenable and so on), and for that you use all the tools and ideas that have been created over many thousands of years. Without them, it wouldn't even be possible to create truly great art – and greater and greater art with time. So you both need that spark of True Creativity and you (have to) use everything already available to bring that to the material world, and in the process, in a sense, broadening and deepening the toolset of humanity.
  2. I tried it and it's just like amphetamines, only longer, stronger and more "clean" feeling. I didn't really enjoy it that much compared to MDMA or some psychedelic experiences, but maybe that's caused partly by my ADHD. I don't know. But I found that the myths around it aren't really true – at least for me personally. I think that they make a drug even MORE dangerous than necessary. You have to know if you're vulnerable for that kind of addiction. I think it can totally happen by accident if you're not careful.
  3. I can totally attest to that. My path seems to involve (kinda) taking care of my SO. While she's in another way taking care of me. It doesn't please my ego at all times, to say the least. I tried to walk (run?) away but life has a way... I'm constantly doubting if it's the right path or if i should do the exact opposite. Is my ego not wanting to let go or is it trying to run away? It's not so easy to distinguish, but based on my personal history I'd assume the latter. But what's true for you — you ultimately have to decide for yourself. As do I.
  4. I just see those as winks from the universe. You shouldn't take it too seriously, but sometimes it just fits too perfectly
  5. No because I didn't derive that from literature. I'm speaking from some of my own profound insights into the nature of LIFE and can tell you – it is so much more crazy than anyone, much less any human, could ever fathom. To reduce it to Nothingness just feels completely misleading to me. We have to have some breakthroughs in human spirituality and my goal is to contribute to poking holes in what is currently called that. It's the same with art, science and any other field: Time and again we think we found most of the "answers", or that there are only details left to explore – and this is just something I'm sensing – but in reality there are mindfucks of such magnitudes to be had, that you couldn't even begin to understand them right now. I get a sense of complacency when looking at the state of our collective development that just drives me crazy. The creative spark of humanity seems like a tiny flickering flame when it could be a raging bonfire.
  6. Actually thank you for pointing that out. It's something I definitely have to work on and that gives me some useful impulses for contemplation. On the other hand I think I have a point. It may not apply to you personally, but it is some deep intuition I have when reading through some of those posts here and on other similar places. My goal is to - ironically - challenge some deep assumptions about this work I stumble upon again and again. It's as if I'm seeing many that are fast asleep while thinking, they are awake, but they are merely sleepwalking. To do that effectively I have to also challenge my own assumptions first, I can see that.
  7. I don't really know you, of course. What I say is partly based on my general impression that these discussions here tend to become non-dual circle jerks. As if everything had been understood and there's nothing more to explore, except details inside this so-called illusion, because all the big questions have been answered. Nothing could be further from the truth. I also got this sense when reading your first post in this thread. And the purpose of what I say is to remind you that nothing has been answered and if you think you've had arrived somewhere you've completely deluded yourself (again, speaking to the general audience here). There's this mind-numbing buddhist notion that you're done as soon as you realize that all this is maya. It isn't. It's LIFE. Maya is everything that obscures seeing LIFE for what it is. Including the belief, that there's nothing to see here, cause it's all just an illusion. It's a bit tricky to put into words..
  8. Because they don't point at what I'm trying to convey. Simple.. as that In what you're saying there's someone that sees himself to be above the illusion. You can't just discard everything that's happening because "it doesn't matter anyway". That's just spiritual bypassing. The illusion is absolute. As soon as you try to be above it you've fallen into some kind of metaphysical duality again.
  9. What you say has a kernel of truth. Except it's completely wrong, because it is so reductionistic that it is just complete falsehood. It is very comfortable for the mind to think it has "gotten" it. I don't think I do by the way, I just had some very profound insights – and I furthermore think it is impossible as a human to "get" it. But the error lies in the inconspicuous words "just" and "simply". That's already deeply dualistic. It is not "just" an illusion. It is not "simply" nothing. It is Divine Illusion (or Imagination, which I prefer). It is Absolutely Nothing. That's completely different. That Absolute Nothing is at the same time absolutely Everything, Absolute Infinity. Eternal Life itself. If you reduce the whole to nothing, you miss LIFE!!!! Don't you see that?
  10. Reality is just the best story
  11. I am no cockroach, no raven, no fish, no bacteria right now. So I can't say anything about that. I am HUMAN — and so are you! Humanity is special in a sense that it is happening right now, while the rest is not. That's all. And all animals and insects and beings are reflected in that, too. Humanity is a mirror that reflects the whole cosmos in it. Like everything else, but everything else doesn't matter right now. It matters how we RELATE to all those other beings, though. That's actually of utmost importance. This is not meant to offend you, but I think you have no clue about the Absolute. You have merely some logical understanding and a lot of concepts about the whole thing with little direct experience as the source of your statements. That's what I'm sensing, and that would be completely okay. It goes way, way beyond appearance.
  12. Ask and you shall receive. But you have to listen very carefully.
  13. Your true nature is incomprehensible and unspeakable. But it is at the same time the most intimate thing — I mean, it’s your true nature after all. How to get there.. depends. Everyone has their own path. But you know it in your heart if you dare to listen.
  14. In experience yes. But only one is being "there", only one is in a way real. You can't kill the darkness, but you could blow up the sun. That's because darkness has no reality of its own, it's merely the absence of something – which is in this case light. You can't fight darkness – but it simply disappears when you bring light. So: Don't focus on the suffering, focus on your true nature, which is eternal bliss.
  15. That bliss is something one has to forget in order to experience oneself as an ego. What's real? The darkness at night or the sun?
  16. In the so-called material world there's constant stress for every living being, that's true. Also called survival of course. But with ever more awareness, there's Ananda – a sort of existential happiness/bliss. But it's not always easily accessible.
  17. EVERYTHING is a fantasy. And humanity is the greatest fantasy ever created. You have no clue of the gravity of what's happening right here and now. HUMANITY didn't wake up yet. So.. there's your greatest purpose. "Oh but humanity is just an illusion". NO IT ISN'T! YOU are HUMANITY. But you're not conscious enough to see that yet. "But I'm God/Infinity and everything else is maya". STOP parroting that buddhist/nondual bullshit. You have no idea. This is the greatest Play ever invented and humanity is DIVINE ART. You're literally part of divine magic and you want to tell me that this is all ordinary / just an illusion. It is not just an illusion. It is DIVINE IMAGINATION. That's a huge huuuuge difference.
  18. That proves absolutely nothing.
  19. May not work for you. But there's a reason it is used in treating PTSD. It allows one to confront traumatic events, because it removes any emotional barrier and you can look at it with loving awareness and thus dissolve the trauma. If fear and trauma isn't one of your themes in this work (it is for me), you just may not be able to gain anything valuable from it, which is OK, too, of course.
  20. Absolutely. I don't consider MDMA a "true" psychedelic either in the classical sense. It's an entactogen. And one of its really special abilities is to remove all and any fear on a very deep spiritual level while staying completely alert and awake — even more so.
  21. I have to remind myself sometimes to eat enough. It's different for everyone.
  22. You probably won't want to do that given enough consciousness – which you will have after this life.
  23. No one can convince you if you aren't convinced and nobody can make you doubt in the moment you KNOW. But it's totally possible to forget again and starting to doubt again. In that moment there's no one that could hold any authority over you other than yourself. Because you realize that there never was in the first place. For me it goes in and out of knowing – and then doubting again and so on. But it's different for everyone.
  24. Well if I hit you with a stick on the head, you sure would be conscious of it, would you? Undeniable so, wouldn't it be? Not really. You explored some aspects of infinity. But Awakening to Infinity means you become without a sliver of a doubt aware of what Infinity really MEANS. It feels like you remember something that has been long forgotten, but really you know it by heart, you just forgot. It's as unmistakable as knowing that you exist right now. You don't have to ask someone if it is really the case — you just KNOW it.