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Everything posted by vibv

  1. There are reasons to use alcohol. But - in my mind - for every one of them there's a better substance for it. Alcohol just has a really bad side-effect profile.
  2. But it goes way beyond that, too. Because it's done in such a way that the result is astoundingly beautiful. It is absolutely perfect. All the lying, deception and ugliness is exactly how it must be. Nothing is ever out of place. To realize that is a mindfuck. God is not able to create anything that is not perfect.
  3. Death doesn't exist. It's just the end of this life as we know it. It's pretty obvious that we will return to whatever was before this life. Also that state will be obviously much more conscious. General anaesthesia is (most of the time at least) more like deep dreamless sleep. Whatever happens there you're not able to remember it.
  4. You seem to be very self-conscious and insecure. Your english isn't bad at all, you don't have to excuse yourself. My guess is that you got a lot of trauma to work through (I speak from experience). From that perspective life can seem like hell, but I promise you that it's not. But you got to find that out for yourself. Psychedelics could help with that, but my advice would be to at least stay away from high doses. I wish you the best on your journey!
  5. Thanks for sharing. What happened on the LSD trip you mentioned?
  6. Spirituality eventually leads to the discovery that there is no path. But you have to walk it anyway. Trying not to also won't bring you closer to so-called enlightenment, that's already trying to achieve something. In fact following your desire is already more authentic than not to, and thus more truthful and enlightened.
  7. @Flyboy I don't really know what you're talking about. Freedom of what?
  8. @FourCrossedWands The point is to transcend this. That's potential for pure joy. We're here to realise the potential of humanity, which is not what's happening right now, that's for sure.
  9. @Jowblob That's literally what I said in my last post. We're talking from multiple perspectives all the time. But either way - there IS Truth. It is not even nothing.
  10. God can experience everything as if it was real while remaining God (conscious and omnipotent) all the time. While it happens there's no difference. But when it ceases (aka when the dream ends) it is instantaneously recognised as having not been real the entire time.
  11. @Breakingthewall Well said There's nothing to accept because Love is all there is, which is already completely accepting of everything.
  12. Firstly, you are God Secondly, you are eternal and infinite, suffering is not. Suffering is nothing but the experience of not being God/Love/Consciousness. Which is necessary to experience being God/Love/Consciousness. Therefore suffering leads to bliss. Suffering is Love. It's beauty lies in feeling so convincingly real. There will be a point where you will Love all suffering because you see how it is Love and why God created it out of infinite intelligence.
  13. EVERYTHING is subjective. That's why there is no truth, and that's TRUTH - which can be ANYTHING. TRUTH is a shapeshifter. But the shapeshifters true identity is the shapeshifter, not the shape it takes on. That's obvious because shapes fade all the time - continually, there's never a moment of complete stagnation - but TRUTH remains always the same. What's that which remains always the same, while EVERYTHING else changes? It's YOU! You would know that if you really looked. But you don't want to do that because you're identified with your current identity, which would die the moment you saw the Truth. But that's fine, that's how this play goes. But in the end it doesn't really matter...
  14. You are God and you know it, but you are playing this game of pretending you didn't. Thus a so called human identity is created, but it's illusionary. The instant you remember you realize that you were God all along - AND knew it!
  15. @Inliytened1 Still the only thing in the universe And that's God. The identity is not lost, it's just temporarily concealed.
  16. You are what you are even when you are what you are not. That's not logical, but reality is translogical.
  17. @Inliytened1 Everything is truth. Even a radical nazi has its worldview and from their point of view it is the truth. It literally is. But there is a natural hierarchy of truth. Everything IS truth, but there are at the same time higher and lower truths.
  18. God is always the same but it temporarily forgets part of itself. That's just like the sun revolving around the earth. You can't see it but its still there. So don't be afraid cause its dark at night See, from your point of view the sun revolves around the earth. But it's really the other way around as we all know.
  19. But that's just your limited human perspective. Sure, right now there's no difference (I get that point of yours), but after waking up it will be totally clear, that it has never been any other way.
  20. God is not God while he dreams. But one thing is ABSOLUTELY certain: He WILL wake up. It's just a matter of time. In this sense he never was not God. Because God is infinite and eternal, while the dream is limited and temporary.
  21. @Schizophonia The same way you trick yourself into believing your dreams are real when they happen.
  22. @Schizophonia how can you know that? What about this: Maybe God tricks itself into believing things like the existence of molecules attaching to serotonine receptors - or serotonine receptors to begin with. That would be ridiculous, wouldn't it?
  23. Whenever you fully awake, alone is going to be all-one. Out of the perspective of your human mind it seems as though you are alone. Which is kind of true, but the emotion you feel in respect to that is due to your human vantage point.
  24. If you're using that as an excuse to hurt people you are no better than a heroin addict - in fact even worse, because a heroin addict hurts only himself. You will never heal by hurting other people, that's your wounded ego speaking. But hurting other people will only worsen your situation. You have to find a way to stop perpetuating that cycle. Otherwise it will only continue to get worse and worse, believe me. You just don't want to feel all that hurt and insecurity, and I really understand that. But leashing out just makes the illusion that the world is bad even more real, because you will suffer the consequences. Stop believing your ego that is trying to take you down with it. If you really want to end your personal experience of hell you have to stop listening to the devil.
  25. This is not really big news. That's a german town that belongs to a huge power company and they have the rights to destroy it to get to the underlying coal supply. A lot of people are demonstrating against it though, Greta being one of them. She will not be under custody for long.