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Everything posted by vibv

  1. I don't. But I would also say that it's impossible to be absolutely unfree. From an absolute perspective you're of course always completely free, and the human limitations are merely imagined.
  2. @DefinitelyNotARobot I definitely sense a free will in my direct experience, within certain human limitations of course. I think free and not free is not binary and there is a lot of gray area. I may be not free to teleport to mars as a human, but I'm totally free to go to the other side of my room right now. That's how I feel and see it.
  3. If you got an answer to all of those questions from somebody else it just would become a belief, and probably result in a lot of misunderstandings. Confront infinity, and you will know But hey, despite that preamble, here are some answers anyway: 1. Infinity and Eternity are two slightly different things. Both can be realised seperately 2. There is no beginning and no end. That's not really comprehensible if you look at it from the perspective of all your past human experiences 3. You're always right here and now, nowhere at all and everywhere at the same time, depending on the way you look at it 4. There are infinitely many perspectives onto infinity, which in a way IS what infinity consists of. But that's also just a perspective But please don't get hung up on those answers. When your direct experience tells you otherwise, always trust that instead.
  4. How could you know that he didn't choose all that at some point? If the Will Of God is total and free, why couldn't a slice of that not be free inside some limitation. Because it is a part of the unbound Free Will that can have no limitation because nothing exists outside of it, wouldn't it be logical that it inherited all of its features or qualities in a lesser way?
  5. Well there are different things going on here. One of those is an esoteric belief based on articles and hear-say, believed because it sounds good and seems very comfortable. On the other hand there is the direct experience of things happening, a deepening of spiritual awakenings all around and serious signs, that there really could be a shift underway. We‘ll have to wait. I’d say don’t believe what others tell you, but believe in your first hand experience.
  6. At a certain point there is no simply going back I believe. But I haven't verified that obviously. That ONLY I EXIST was already relatively early the case. There was also love so great that I felt I had to shield my human heart against it, because it wold break it. I don't know how far you can actually go, but I will continue to dive deeper.
  7. True. And it does it in a way that’s absolutely perfect in a way we couldn’t even begin to imagine. It’s the greatest most beautiful adventure crafted how only an infinite intelligence could do it. Knowing how good it is would instantly bring you to tears. But it would also be too good to be held in a human mind, you can’t grasp it because you would simply cease to exist.
  8. Have you considered the possibility that you ARE alien consciousness?
  9. This beyond a shadow of a doubt confirms that Ralston doesn't know what LOVE is.
  10. This planet and humanity is an amazing opportunity beyond any words I could use here. But it could also be possible that we'll not be able to achieve it. It's an open question. I myself am not fully aware of the details, but I became repeatedly aware of the weight of this opportunity. It's greater than anyone can in their wildest dreams imagine. Its importance cannot be overstated. If you would become aware of it, you would every waking minute do nothing else than devote your life's energy completely to working on advancing towards it. What's to do? Mainly raising consciousness, but one of the most crucial points is that we're able to exit the illusion that there wouldn't be much else to gain or do here. It's on a level that is absolutely impossible to imagine if you didn't experience it. So the first step is coming in contact with that possibility, and for that you have to open yourself up to the idea that everything you thought you knew is totally and completely wrong.
  11. Agreed. Either way some people paint it in a way that makes it appear as if there would be this end point after which you just stop advancing, growing and exploring. Or that Love is irrelevant. Or that everything else is "just" a dream. I strongly disagree with those sentiments. (Almost) nobody has realised what it really means to be here and what an unbelievable opportunity we have here - and it is not at all guaranteed that we'll make it. This is not just an irrelevancy. The importance of this is extremely underestimated by (almost) everyone, even (or precisely by) the so-called enlightened ones.
  12. Haha... the good old question of free will. In my direct experience there's CLEARLY a freedom. The totality aka GOD is totally free, that's for sure. And we as humans have got a tiny sliver of that freedom, too. All our freedoms combined are a greater part of the Will of GOD. GOD Wills for us what we choose out of Love. We're god with a lower-case g in the process of Becoming GOD. If we hadn't any freedom that would be boring as hell.
  13. If that would lead to the end of exploration, that would be a very sad state of affairs. We are here on this planet and we're not nearly done yet. Evolution has just reached a point where it starts to get interesting. It's not just another dream after another dream, it's growing and it's certainly not random. It has a direction and twists and turns that are totally unexpected. That's the whole fun. It's about exploration of this unfathomable mystery. That doesn't just end, that's an aspect of TRUTH and LOVE itself. If you think that there's nothing more to attain and see you've completely deluded yourself. It's just not out of desperately seeking for an end of suffering anymore, that will have come to an end. But that's just the beginning of the good part. You can't just stop there. Maybe it's possible for someone to just merge with the totality if that's what one wishes for. But that's by far not the only possibility. We are here to create immeasurable beauty. It's a divine mission.
  14. I am Truth. What else could I be? There's nothing else. Always has been. I'm sure there are awakenings I didn't have yet. But I'm also totally sure that you don't get the whole picture.
  15. There are aspects of truth that no one has realized yet. Besides, there’s only one being here. If I am not enlightened you can’t be completely too.
  16. We‘re extremely far away from that. Unfathomably far. It is much more complex and multidimensional than just another step in one direction.
  17. True, but not the whole truth. It's actually much much much better than that. Truth is better than you could ever begin to imagine. You will see. We will see.
  18. I don't think so. What do you think this is about? Just living an average human life? Or could there be something much greater at play here and we're just starting to realize what it ACTUALLY MEANS to be here. What this EARTH and HUMANITY really is?
  19. We don't just want to BE Love (which is already the case of course), we also want to explore, understand and EXPERIENCE it.
  20. Absolute Truth is Absolute Truth, but you have no idea what that entails. We're not done here, we've barely just begun. Realising Absolute Truth is not the end but only the beginning.
  21. There's only one real reason for not advancing: Thinking you've already arrived.