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Everything posted by vibv

  1. Well, are you? The experiental exploration is precisely infinite because that which God is can't ever be exhausted. It is so much NOTHING that it becomes absolutely EVERYTHING. But that doesn't mean that the exploration stops – in the contrary! As soon as you sort of wake up to yourself – that's when it begins to get really interesting. For we are now lucid. And God's creativity is infinite.
  2. @UnbornTao The Absolute is that which you can't be not.
  3. @Hojo Wow thanks for sharing. Beautiful experience, kinda reminds me of a NDE
  4. It's incredibly difficult to talk about stuff like that, because everybody seems to use a term for completely different - sometimes contrary - things. Terms like realize, recognize, enlightenment, awakening, knowing, etc. God can recognize itself for what he is (call it knowing), but experientally grasping itself is an infinite process (call it understanding) For God to recognize itself he has to literally do absolute nothing - not even trying to do nothing - because he already IS itself. Trying to get there is what doesn't let you see it, but even then he IS what he is Experientally understanding God is why we're here
  5. You can recognize that what you are is unknowable and prior to experience. That's it. You can also experience everything you're capable of – which would be using the hand to its full potential. But it has no end.
  6. Yup and as soon as you recognized that you're the hand you can finally start to use it to its full potential and climb some mountains
  7. That's up to you to decide Can't do it for you Well I could, but that wouldn't be helpful
  8. Realizing Love means realizing that only absolute Beauty exists. It's impossible to do anything wrong.
  9. You're already perfect. Ahh.. this is so tricky. I don't mean that you shouldn't aspire to anything. But you're perfect anyway
  10. You're still splitting reality in half: in mind bad, out of mind good. That only leads to suffering long-term
  11. You're just addicted to no-mind. Next step is to realize that even in the mind you are that
  12. Hm I wouldn't say so. First there's non-being, then there's pure impersonal beingness and out of that emanates the personal God that creates the world. Call it non-beingness - holy spirit - father - son But there's definitely something prior to experience, you just can't experience it (duh). But you can become aware of it I'm not trying to sell you another enlightenment as said, it's not an experience, just a recognition. Possibly you even know it and we just talk a little bit past each other
  13. That's what I'm talking about the whole time It is important to recognize that you are prior to experience. But then we can begin to REALLY experience some crazy shit here
  14. Haha that's exactly what I experienced in my last trip. I perceived it like this: Time exists only from our human perspective. In reality your mind can think in much more dimensions at once, not only in 3D. It can even think inside the dimension we call time. What we experience here is a tiny sliver of those mind while ignoring the rest of it. We are like 3D-thoughts of something in a higher dimension. Experience is all we will ever know. If there's something outside of it it still must first enter experience to become aware of it, which begs the question if there is even something outside of it. I said that being is prior to experience. Being is eternal, unchanging and total. Prior to that may still be non-being, etc. But none of those can be directly experienced. But what if pure being can only exist when an experience exists, that is not pure being.
  15. The conceptual mind is a beautiful instrument when used correctly.
  16. Paradigms are more sneaky than that. They literally define how you see and experience the world without being aware of it, without ideas you can identify running through your head. They are deeply ingrained into your psyche.
  17. @Ajax I think we mean something different with the word 'experience' here. I talk about an experience that happens in the moment. You talk about accumulated past experiences, right? That's what makes discussions like this so tricky. Everybody has their own definitions of those terms, especially when we talk about the mind and consciousness.
  18. I'd say it's impossible to abandon all paradigms. It is only possible to become more conscious of them. No way of looking at the world will ever be final. There are always more beautiful, more truthful worldviews.
  19. @Yimpa @Breakingthewall Exactly. For the materialist scientist materialism IS the reality, there's no other possibility. It's like a fish in the water that's unconscious of the fact that there even is a medium in which it's able to swim.