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About Talinn

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  • Birthday 08/26/1994

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    Tucson, AZ
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  1. Trump probably has 85-95 iq points, if we're to use that scale. He's not as stupid as some people make him out to be, but he's also hardly of average intelligence.
  2. It's somewhere in between this, and his brain being kind of just mush.
  3. Nah he's frankly too fat and eats too badly to live to 100 I think. I could see him living for another 4+ years though.
  4. Jim Acosta resigned fairly recently because he was standing up too much to Trump on CNN. And there are other instances. So I would not praise legacy media too much. Lots of people there are afraid of getting arrested. You can tell it because every news anchor looks a little more nervous than usual. Or maybe I"m just projecting. I'm joining a protest on Thursday so that should get me off the internet.
  5. I think there is a vanishingly small percentage chance that Congress, even Republicans, will turn on Trump, if he does too much damage. I'm definitely not counting on it though.
  6. The world is bigger than what you read about transgender people on the internet or even what you see of them in real life. It's true of everything.
  7. Yeah you're right. I haven't been to any truly poor countries, but I went to Costa Rica and that was kind of enough for me to deduce that trans rights are just sort of a luxury.
  8. Well the executive order says it takes "a minimum of 12 months" to recover from medical transition surgery and that you need to use heavy narcotics for months to recover. For me I went back to the gym after like 6 or 7 weeks after my SRS, so it's just a blatant lie at least for some people. Yeah some people might take longer to recover physically but I'd say the norm to go back into combat roles would be probably 4-8 months, not 12 months. There are also less physically intensive jobs that you could do in the military that you could probably do sooner than even that. I also stopped taking oxycodone for the pain like two weeks after my procedure so I wasn't really taking heavy-narcotics for 12 months or even one month. So the main part that I don't like is all the blatant lying. Truth doesn't matter at all to them. Also... before they'd mention transgenderism like in one of four statements, but now it feels like it's coming out in every 1 out of 2 statements they make. But I'm working on my mental resilience for this retarded administration.
  9. My property is in Tucson and I don't think this is the best city in which to have property nowadays.
  10. Drinking tea, meditating, and reading is enough for me. I tried to persuade myself that it was safe to take psychedelics, but half of my family has schizophrenia and I'm not taking any risks with that crap. Sometimes I want to meditate for longer and longer stretches of time but sometimes that also feels pointless.
  11. Lavrov is Putin's lapdog, trained to bark where Putin wants him to bark. He is false.
  12. This section of Actualized really needs more mods. So many stupid takes.